I have tried everything possible, from changing the xs_product_identifier to FALSE in the advanced options, to editing the user.ini file...and still the "Tekla Structures" tag appears on every drawing i create. Anyone have suggestions to fix this problem?
Should I replace tie elements ,I've used in formfinding analysis, with sliding cables , in nonlinear static analysis ?
And is it necessary to delete spacer elements after formfinding , because in the program manual is written that they take part only in formfinding ?
Machining Dynamics: Frequency Response to Improved Productivity
Author(s): Tony L. Schmitz and Kevin S. Smith
Editor: Springer
Publication date: 2008-12-02
ISBN: 0387096442
File data: 330 pages | PDF | 6,2 MB
Personal note: Despite the fact this book focus machine inner dynamics behavior, it's very useful for who needs to study in depth foundations machines.
Through this book we demonstrate the importance of considering the role of process dynamics in machining performance. We based the book on graduate courses in mechanical vibrations and manufacturing that we have previously offered, but also included aspects of our research programs in machining dynamics and precision engineering. We developed the text to be applied in a traditional 15 week course format with an intended audience of upper division and graduate level engineering students, as well as the practicing engineer.
We organized the book into seven chapters. The chapter topics are summarized here. Chapter 1 – We provide a of list potential obstacles to machining productivity and highlight the focus areas for this text. We direct the reader to Fig. 1.1.1 for a graphical identification of these areas. Chapter 2 - We first review the fundamentals of single and two degree of freedom free and forced vibrations. We then continue with a description of the frequency response function, including experimental techniques. Chapter 3 – The purpose of this chapter is to describe regenerative chatter in turning and introduce the stability lobe diagram. We detail both analytical and time-domain simulations to determine stable and unstable cutting conditions. Chapter 4 – In this chapter we focus on milling and describe the corresponding analytical and time-domain simulations for stability prediction. Chapter 5 – Our goal for this chapter is to investigate the influence of forced vibrations during stable milling on part geometric accuracy. Both analytical and time-domain approaches are provided. Chapter 6 - We analyze the frequency content of stable and unstable milling signals; update the time-domain simulations developed in Chapters 4 and 5 to include runout of the cutter teeth and variable teeth spacing; discuss stability of low radial immersion milling; and describe the uncertainty evaluation for stability boundaries. Chapter 7 - In this chapter, we apply receptance coupling to prediction of the tool point frequency response function. We also review Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and provide expressions for beam frequency response functions under various boundary conditions.
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Water Management in 2020 and Beyond (Water Resources Development and Management)
Water Management in 2020 and Beyond (Water Resources Development and Management)
Asit K. Biswas, Cecilia Tortajada, Rafael Izquierdo-Avino,
Publisher: Springer
ISBN 3540893458
270 pages PDF 3.7 MB
Water is intertwined in the daily life of humans in countless ways. The importance of water as a driver for health, food security, and quality of life and as a pillar for economic development is unique. As water affects human lives, the mankind also effects the hydrological cycle, in all dimensions from the local to the global scale. Food production accounts for 90 per cent of water use in developing countries. Hydropower production evokes emotions; yet sustainable energy production is among cornerstones of economic development. The damages caused by floods and droughts are escalating all over the world. The human impacts on ecosystems are increasing as well. Water is largely a political good since a bulk of the mankind lives in river basins shared by two or more nations. These complexities are approached in the book in depth. The analyses include consideration of how developments in seemingly unrelated processes and sectors such as globalisation, free trade, energy, security, information and communication revolutions, health-related issues such as HIV/AIDS, as well as emerging developments in sectors that are linked more conventionally to water, such as population growth, urbanisation, technological development, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, management of water quality and ecosystem health, are likely to affect water management in the future. For the first time, a pragmatic attempt is make to define a realistic framework for water management in 2020 with leading experts from different parts of the world as well as different disciplines.
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One little contribution to this forum. I hope you'll find it usefull.
Central articles from last PCI Journal Magazine.
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Dear Admin
Today when I visit civilea, I found that there other member add me +3 reputation to me.
But now I did not find it again, why ?
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WIN32: 6.84 GB | WIN64: 7.40 GB
Create Compelling 3D Visual Layouts. Autodesk® Factory Design Suite Premium 2011 software is designed for the layout user who needs to create compelling 3D visual layouts of machine lines and entire manufacturing facilities. * Create or import 2D layouts, * Drop intelligent 3D factory content on top of the 2D floor plan, * Easily try different “what-if” scenarios, * Communicate ideas and build layout proposals in 3D.
Downloaded from the hotfile link and installed 64bit version. A lot of time for downloading, a lot of time for burning and the same for installation. Need a double layer DVD, when installing build a temporary folder of 13.7 GB and the installation folder is 7.44GB. Not checked other folders Autodesk install more. The screenshots are from the installation process, see the dots in the lower side of first one (continue to the second) and other dots in the lower side of the second, continue (enough screenshots). A real dinosaur.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
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By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
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