Posted by: salman22 - 10-09-2010, 09:05 AM - Forum: Archive
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Can anyone of you upload the link of following book:
Title: Techniques for Construction Network Scheduling
Author: James D. Steven
Publisher: McGraw Hill Book Co.
Language: English
ISBN 10: 0070612927 / 0-07-061292-7
ISBN 13: 9780070612921
This thread I dedicated for sharing the materials from my mini-lib regarding the selection of ground motion acceleration for input motion of dynamic analysis in earthquake engineering field. It composes of technical reports, articles of journal, and conference proceedings, which is authored by well-known scientist and engineer in earthquake engineering and engineering seismology field from Stanford Univ., UC Berkeley, Imperial College, UCLA, etc. namely Professors Alin Cornell, J.W. Baker, Norm Abrahamson, J.J. Bommer, J.P. Stewart, J.D. Bray, etc.. It includes the selection method inside the coridor of GMSM (new USA style) as well as the method adopted in EC8. Due to my technical limitations, I will send the link in several times.
1) PEER 2009/01 - Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Modification Methods: Predicting Median Interstory Drift Response of Buildings, Editor: Haselton, C.B.
-- Nonlinear structural response is often highly sensitive to the selection and modification of input ground motions, and many ground motion selection and modification (GMSM) methods have been proposed. No systematic studies exist that provide impartial guidance to engineers regarding appropriate methods for use in a specific analysis applicatio. The purpose of this report is to provide the engineering community with a foundation, backed by comprehensive research, for choosing appropriate ground motion selection and modification methods for predicting the median drift response of buildings. To this end, the approach taken in this report is [a] to select and scale ground motions using a wide variety of proposed methods, [b] to use these ground motions as inputs to nonlinear dynamic structural analyses, and then [c] to study differences in the resulting structural response predictions in order to identify what GMSM decisions are most crucial. By studying a large number of GMSM methods and analyzing a variety of structures, this report quantitatively compares many of the GMSM methods available to the engineering community. I believed the GMSM method will be a new norm in many seismic codes in the world soon.
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2) PEER 2001/09 - Ground Motion Evaluation Procedures for Performance-Based Design, Editor: J.P. Stewart
-- This report was prepared to synthesize contemporary procedures for ground motion analysis within a performance-based design framework, and to document the past and future role of PEER research in developing these procedures. Each component of ground motion analysis is described. The subjects of source, path, and site effects are discussed in six chapters organized according to a traditional breakdown of topics.
This report may be superceeded by the PEER 2009/01.
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3) Evaluation of Ground Motion Selection and Scaling Techniques for Long-Period Structures, Final Report to USGS by J.W. Baker.
-- the method inside the report suggest that records selected based on the ground motion parameter ε (or that otherwise account for the spectral shape implied by ε) can be safely scaled without introducing any bias, whereas the records selected using other methods have biased structural responses when scaled. Detailed methods presented herein also can be found in jounals of Earthquake Spectra and Earthq.Engrg. Struct.Dyn.
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.. to be continued
4) -- Shome N, Cornell CA, Bazzurro P, Carballo JE (1998). Earthquakes, Records, and Nonlinear Responses, Earthquake Spectra; 14(3):469-500.
The article explains how to obtain a set of ground-motion records for nonlinear structural dynamic analysis that will result in an accurate estimate of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the median of the engineering demand parameter (EDP) of interest for a given structure, earthquake magnitude (M), source-to-site distance [R], site classification (S) and style of faulting (F), or a given M, R, S, F and first-mode spectral acceleration (Sa(T1) ).
This is a famous paper that proposed the scalling method based on spectrum acceleration at structure's fundamental period or RSA(T1) and has been selected in GMSM method in the aforementioned PEER 2009/01.
5) -- Baker JW, Cornell CA (2006a). Spectral shape, epsilon and record selection. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics; 35(9):1077–95.
6) -- Baker JW, Cornell CA (2006b). Correlation of response spectral values for multi-component ground motions. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America; 96(1):215-27.
7) -- Baker JW, Cornell CA (2005). A vector-valued ground motion intensity measure consisting of spectral acceleration and epsilon. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics; 34(10):1193-217.
These three articles explains about how to obtain the conditional mean values of spectral acceleration at all periods of interest, given the target spectral acceleration value at the first-mode period of the structure, Sa(T1), as well as causal magnitude and distance
values. This “conditional mean spectrum” is then used as a target for record selection and scaling. Records selected and scaled to match this spectrum provide median responses equal to the median responses of ground motions naturally at the target Sa(T1) level of interest. The conditional standard deviation of the spectrum given Sa(T1) can also be calculated and presumably ensembles of records selected to match this standard deviation would provide an accurate representation of the complete distribution of response given Sa(T1), but this has not been tested in practice.
The article has introduced the parameter epsilon in the selection of ground motion and has been selected in GMSM method as explained in the aforementioned PEER 2009/01.
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* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
* Number Of Pages: 950
* Publication Date: 2002-06-22
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071356231
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071356237
Product Description:
This practical handbook offers engineers and public officials the only integrated approach to the planning, design, and management of efficient, economical and environmentally responsible solid waste disposal systems. The second edition will update chapter 3, Solid Waste Characteristics, chapter 4, chapter 5. These chapters deal with federal and state regulations. Chapter 9, Recycling, Chapter 12, Landfilling will be updated. New materials on optical separation techniques, weight based collection systems, yard waste management, economics, collection cost and technologies, safety and risk assessment were added.
From the Back Cover
In a world where incinerators are no longer an option and landfills are filled to capacity, cities are hard pressed to find a solution to the problem of what do with their solid waste. In this practical resource more than 20 top industry and government experts provide all the tools needed to successfully plan, design, implement, and manage a cost-efficient, environmentally sound municipal waste management system.
Focusing on the six primary functions of an integrated system: source reduction, toxicity reduction, recycling and reuse, composting, waste-to-energy combustion, and landfilling – the Handbook fully explores each technology and examines its problems, costs, and legal and social ramifications.
Addressing both the technical and regulatory aspects of municipal waste disposal, the authors cover such wide-ranging topics as facility siting, financing a sold waste management program, environmental risk assessment and considerations, oil and battery recycling, tire disposal, ash disposal, emission monitoring and control, and much more.
This new Second Edition has been revised to include: updated chapters on solid waste characteristics, recycling, landfilling, and federal and state regulations. There is also new material on optical separation techniques, weight-based collection systems, yard waste management, economies, collection cost and technologies, and safety and risk assessment.
Supplemented by revealing case studies and hundreds of how-to illustrations, this is an indispensable working tool for engineers and public officials interested in planning, designing, constructing, or managing the most effective waste management facility possible.
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Date : OCT 1992
Abstract : Masonry structures shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this manual. Applicable building codes and exceptions thereto are noted in the manual. The structural design information is based upon the engineered design concept in which walls and columns are analyzed on a stress basis which is considered a refinement of commonly used empirical methods. The design curves and sample calculations will materially contribute to the speed and accuracy of the design of brick and concrete masonry buildings. Since some of the referenced Army publications may be in conflict with Navy criteria, engineers using this manual for Navy projects should use applicable Navy criteria. (Author)
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