This book helps designers and manufacturers to select and develop the most suitable and competitive steel structures, which are safe, fit for production and economic. An optimum design system is used to find the best characteristics of structural models, which guarantee the fulfillment of design and fabrication requirements and minimize the cost function. Realistic numerical models are used as main components of industrial steel structures. Chapter 1 containts some experiences with the optimum design of steel structures Chapter 2 treats some newer mathematical optimization methods. Chapter 3 gives formulae for fabrication times and costs. Chapters 4 deals with beams and columns. Summarizes the Eurocode rules for design. Chapter 5 deals with the design of tubular trusses. Chapter 6 gives the design of frame structures and fire-resistant design rules for a frame. In Chapters 7 some minimum cost design problems of stiffened and cellular plates and shells are worked out for cases of different stiffenings and loads. Chapter 8 gives a cost comparison of cylindrical and conical shells. The book contains a large collection of literatures and a subject list and a name index.
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This book is intended as an introductory text on Solid Mechanics suitable for engineers, scientists and applied mathematicians. Solid mechanics is treated as a subset of mathematical engineering and courses on this topic which include theoretical, numerical and experimental aspects (as this text does) can be amongst the most interesting and accessible that an undergraduate science student can take. I have concentrated entirely on linear elasticity being, to the beginner, the most amenable and accessible aspect of solid mechanics. It is a subject with a long history, though its development in relatively recent times can be traced back to Hooke (circa 1670). Partly because of its long history solid mechanics has an 'old fashioned' feel to it which is reflected in numerous texts written on the subject. This is particularly so in the classic text by Love (A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity 4th ed., Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1927). Although there is a wealth of information in that text it is not in a form which is easily accessible to the average lecturer let alone the average engineering student. This classic style avoiding the use of vectors or tensors has been mirrored in many other more 'modern' texts.
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Hi... I am from Bangladesh and currently working as a Structural Detailer in a steel construction company and I have completed Diploma Engineering. I am just not making enough money to complete Graduation or Bsc in Civil Engineering.
So without a degree what types of skills can I learn to earn a better living for life time... I mean do I need to learn do electrical drawing and other types of drawings??
I am very confuse and frustrated with my career and life now... I am 27 years old and I am just going nowhere with my career...
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Author: Mark Lawson, Ray Ogden, Chris Goodier | Size: 89 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2014 | pages: 280 | ISBN: 9780203870785, 9780415554503
Modular construction can dramatically improve efficiency in construction, through factory production of pre-engineered building units and their delivery to the site either as entire buildings or as substantial elements. The required technology and application are developing rapidly, but design is still in its infancy. Good design requires a knowledge of modular production, installation and interface issues and also an understanding of the economics and client-related benefits which influence design decisions.
Looking at eight recent projects, along with background information, this guide gives you coverage of:
generic types of module and their application
vertical loading, stability and robustness
dimensional and spacial planning
hybrid construction
cladding, services and building physics
fire safety and thermal and acoustic performance
logistical aspects – such as transport, tolerances and safe installation.
A valuable guide for professionals and a thorough introduction for advanced students.
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Soil Liquefaction during Recent Large-Scale Earthquakes contains selected papers presented at the New Zealand – Japan Workshop on Soil Liquefaction during Recent Large-Scale Earthquakes (Auckland, New Zealand, 2-3 December 2013).
The 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes in New Zealand and the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake in Japan have caused significant damage to many residential houses due to varying degrees of soil liquefaction over a very wide extent of urban areas unseen in past destructive earthquakes. While soil liquefaction occurred in naturally-sedimented soil formations in Christchurch, most of the areas which liquefied in Tokyo Bay area were reclaimed soil and artificial fill deposits, thus providing researchers with a wide range of soil deposits to characterize soil and site response to large-scale earthquake shaking.
Although these earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan caused extensive damage to life and property, they also serve as an opportunity to understand better the response of soil and building foundations to such large-scale earthquake shaking. With the wealth of information obtained in the aftermath of both earthquakes, information-sharing and knowledge-exchange are vital in arriving at liquefaction-proof urban areas in both countries. Data regarding the observed damage to residential houses as well as the lessons learnt are essential for the rebuilding efforts in the coming years and in mitigating buildings located in regions with high liquefaction potential.
As part of the MBIE-JSPS collaborative research programme, the Geomechanics Group of the University of Auckland and the Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory of the University of Tokyo co-hosted the workshop to bring together researchers to review the findings and observations from recent large-scale earthquakes related to soil liquefaction and discuss possible measures to mitigate future damage.
Soil Liquefaction during Recent Large-Scale Earthquakes will be of great interest to researchers, academics, industry practitioners and other professionals involved in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.
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May I request anyone with access to the following publication please share?
#Title: Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing
#Publisher: Portland Cement Association (1993-01)
#ISBN 10: 0893121258 / ISBN 13: 9780893121259
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if any of you wants to tell us about the price of engineering in your country ....
for example:
Country : Venezuela
Price Engineering Hours: 5$ (price blackmarket, the dollar is not free for buying)
Hours Drawings: 35-45 H
Calculation: 50-250 H (depend the proyect)