Steel Plate Shear Walls are an effective and economical method of resisting lateral forces on structures due to wind and earthquakes.
This project use Steel Plate Shear Wall in a ten story building. This project use Strip model to analysis steel plate shear wall.
This file has a Excel program to calculate parameter in strip model. Also, the screen shot of chapter 20 of CSA-S16-09, is added in the second sheet for more details.
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Some site steal this material from other site and sell them.
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But the attached spreadsheet in our forum is translated to English and also the chapter 20 of CSA-S16-09, is added in the second sheet for more details.
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Table of contents :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Pergamon Unified Engineering Series, Page v
Preface, Pages xi-xii
ONE - Graphs, Networks, and Structures, Pages 1-17
TWO - The Node Method for Trusses, Pages 19-28
THREE - A General Statement of the Node Method, Pages 29-33
FOUR - The Node Method for Plane Frames, Pages 35-44
FIVE - The Node Method for Space Frames, Pages 45-49
SIX - Some Generalizations, Pages 51-56
SEVEN - The Primitive Stiffness Matrix, Pages 57-65
EIGHT - The Mesh Method, Pages 67-73
NINE - Miscellaneous Theorems, Pages 75-77
TEN - Kron's Methods, Pages 79-84
References, Page 85
APPENDIX A.1 - Matrices and Vectors, Pages 87-90
APPENDIX A.2 - The Classical Methods of Structural Analysis, Pages 91-94
APPENDIX A.3 - Beams and Rods, Pages 95-98
APPENDIX A.4 - Gaussian Elimination, Pages 99-100
APPENDIX A.5 - The Solution of Large Systems, Pages 101-104
Computer Programs, Pages 105-168
Index, Page 169
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Article/eBook Full Name: Dynamic Analysis of Skeletal Structures: Force and Displacement Methods and Iterative Techniques
Author(s): Seetharamulu Kaveti (Author)
Edition: 1 edition
Publish Date: 2014
ISBN: 0071835857 - 978-0071835855
Published By: McGraw-Hill Professional;
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This innovative volume provides a systematic treatment of the basic concepts and computational procedures for structural motion design and engineering for civil installations. The authors illustrate the application of motion control to a wide spectrum of buildings through many examples. Topics covered include optimal stiffness distributions for building-type structures, the role of damping in controlling motion, tuned mass dampers, base isolation systems, linear control, and nonlinear control. The book's primary objective the satisfaction of motion-related design requirements such as restrictions on displacement and acceleration and seeks the optimal deployment of material stiffness and motion control devices to achieve these design targets as well as satisfy constraints on strength. The book is ideal for practicing engineers and graduate students.
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Terrorist actions of the last decade obviously determine a reconsideration of the buildings safety, especially for those with special destinations (embassies, military facilities, nuclear plants etc.). Thus, the conception phase should include nowadays scenarios with exceptional actions, other than seismic loads:
impact, explosion, failure of supports. It is well-known that, after earthquakes, the most situations of structural collapse are determined by the terrorist attack using explosive. Even
more, it has been assessed that the main reason of loss of life is not the explosion itself, but the partial or total collapse of the exposed building. In order to secure the structural integrity,
collapse analysis should be taken into account as a complex phenomenon, composed of many processes that could be studied separately or as an ensemble. These processes are: the extreme action causes, design requirements, vulnerability
of the structure, starting and development of the collapse, its final effects. Study of these processes leads to additional special measures for design stage and, on the other hand, to valuable knowledge for controlled demolition of tall buildings, as part of bold urbanism projects in densely populated zones. Considering the above mentioned facts, this paper presents the results of a thorough analysis of a frame structure under explosive loads. The first part of the paper refers to the analysis of a phenomena assembly related to explosion and to the effects resulting from a terrorist attack using explosives (structural elements deterioration and failure, collapse initiation and eventual total failure). The second part of the paper presents an original approach to analyze a building structure
under extreme loads, using both classical (pushover) and modern (applied element method).
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Author: Dott. Ing. Pelà Luca | Size: 5.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Year: 2008 | pages: 299
The present work focuses on the formulation of a Continuum Damage Mechanics model for nonlinear analysis of masonry structural elements. The material is studied at the macro-level, i.e. it is modelled as a homogeneous orthotropic continuum. The orthotropic behaviour is simulated by means of an original methodology, which is based on nonlinear damage constitutive laws and on the concept of mapped tensors from the anisotropic real space to the isotropic fictitious one. It is based on establishing a one-to-one mapping relationship between the behaviour of an anisotropic real material and that of an isotropic fictitious one. Therefore, the problem is solved in the isotropic fictitious space and the results are transported to the real field. The application of this idea to strain-based Continuum Damage
Models is rather innovative.
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