Advances in Construction Materials 2007 by: Christian U. Grosse
Springer | 2007-09-14
Publisher: Springer Number Of Pages: 784
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* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 384
* Publication Date: 2004-08-24
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415346223
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415346221
* Binding: Paperback
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Inc.
* Publication Date: 2004-07-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0203596862
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780203596869
Product Description:
In this second edition, which is the result of numerous revisions, updates and additions, the authors cover the basic concepts of fracture mechanics for both the linear elastic and elastic-plastic regimes. The fracture mechanics parameters K, G, J and CTOD are treated in a basic manner along with the text methods to determine critical values. The development of failure assessment based on elastic-plastic fracture mechanics is reflected in a comprehensive treatment.
Three chapters are devoted to the fracture mechanics characterisation of crack growth. Fatigue crack growth is extensively treated and attention is paid to the important topic of the initiation and growth of short fatigue cracks. Furthermore, sustained load fracture and dynamic crack growth are discussed, including various test techniques, e.g. the determination of the crack arrest toughness.
Finally, there are two chapters dealing with mechanisms of fracture and the ways in which actual material behaviour influences the fracture mechanics characterisation of crack growth.
This textbook is intended primarily for engineering students. It will be useful to practising engineers as well, since it provides the background to several test and design methods and to criteria for material selection.
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"The book contains 18 invited contributions written by distinguished authors who participated in the International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures held in Barcelona from June 30th to July 2nd, 2003. The meeting was one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS)"--P. [4] of cover.
Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures
Escrito por E. Oñate, Bern Kröplin
Edition: illustrated
Publicated por Springer, 2005
ISBN 1402033168, 9781402033162
322 pages
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Free-standing Tension Structures: From Tensegrity Systems to Cable-strut Systems
Author Bing, Wang Bin
Publisher Taylor & Francis Group
Year 2004
Language en
Description Architects are constantly looking for new methods to create large indoor spaces unhindered by columns and other supports. Tensile and cable-strut structures are one method of producing such spaces. They also enable the creation of different shaped spaces allowing architects more scope for innovation. Free-standing Tension Structures: From Tensegrity Systems to Cable-strut Systems provides the background engineering needed to produce these wonderful structures. Providing a complete background to the underlying structural engineering theories of tensegrity, this book will prove invaluable for all architects and engineers working on tensile structures.
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Bridges are great symbols of mankind’s conquest of space. They are a monument to his vision and determination, but these alone are not enough. An appreciation of the mathematical theories underlying bridge design is essential to resist the physical forces of nature and gravity.
The object of this book is to explain firstly the nature of the problems associated with the building of bridges with steel as the basic material, and then the theories that are available to tackle them.
a technological history of the different types of iron and steel bridges
the basic properties of steel
loads on bridges from either natural or traffic-induced forces
the process and aims of design based on limit state and statistical probability concepts
buckling behaviour of various components and large-deflection behaviour of components with initial imperfections
detailed guidance on the design of plate and box girder bridges together with some design examples
The Second Edition includes a completely new chapter on the history and design of cable-stayed bridges, the various types of cable used for them and their method of construction, and it addresses many of the changes introduced in the latest version of the British Standard Design Code for steel bridges, BS 5400: Part 3:2000.
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Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
by Ray Clough and Joseph Penzien
Berkeley, CA, February 26, 2004 – Computers and Structures, Inc., is pleased to release the latest revision to Dynamics of Structures, 2nd Edition by Professors Clough and Penzien. A classic, this definitive textbook has been popular with educators worldwide for nearly 30 years. This release has been updated by the original authors to reflect the latest approaches and techniques in the field of structural dynamics for civil engineers.
During the past 50 years, Drs. Ray Clough and Joseph Penzien have earned pre-eminence in the engineering community, dedicating their academic lives to improving the understanding of how structures behave when subjected to nature's forces. This 700-page book represents the culmination of that work. It introduces topics suitable for advanced undergraduate students and progresses through more advanced topics, such as non-deterministic analysis of earthquake response, appropriate for the graduate student and practicing engineer.
This book belongs on every engineer’s shelf. Historically, few books in structural engineering have had as much influence on expanding the knowledge base in structural engineering. With this revision, the book remains an extraordinary tool for those teaching structural dynamics and a timely reference for those in professional practice.
Volume and educational pricing are available through Computers and Structures, Inc.
Founded in 1975, CSI is recognized worldwide as an innovative leader in the development of software tools for the analysis and design of civil structures. The products of CSI, including SAP2000, ETABS, SAFE, CSiCOL and CSIDetailer, are licensed to thousands of engineering firms in more than 150 countries
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