Product Description:
Emphasizes actual structural design, not analysis, of multistory buildings for seismic resistance. Strong emphasis is placed on specific detailing requirements for construction. Fundamental design principles are presented to create buildings that respond to a wide range of potential seismic forces, which are illustrated by numerous detailed examples. The discussion includes the design of reinforced concrete ductile frames, structural walls, dual systems, reinforced masonry structures, buildings with restricted ductility and foundation walls. In addition to the examples, full design calculations are given for three prototype structures.
From the Publisher:
Emphasizes actual structural design, not analysis, of multistory buildings for seismic resistance. Strong emphasis is placed on specific detailing requirements for construction. Fundamental design principles are presented to create buildings that respond to a wide range of potential seismic forces, which are illustrated by numerous detailed examples. The discussion includes the design of reinforced concrete ductile frames, structural walls, dual systems, reinforced masonry structures, buildings with restricted ductility and foundation walls. In addition to the examples, full design calculations are given for three prototype structures.
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PEER 2008/103 - Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Current and Innovative In-Span Hinge Details in Reinforced Concrete Box-Girder Bridges
Matias A. Hube, Khalid M. Mosalam - Report (6.5 MB)
PEER 2008/102 - Modeling of Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls Considering In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Interaction
Stephen Kadysiewski, Khalid M. Mosalam - Report (2.6 MB)
PEER 2008/101 - Seismic Performance Objectives for Tall Buildings
William T. Holmes, Charles Kircher, William Petak, Nabih Youssef - Report (5.3 MB)
PEER 2008/08 - Toward Earthquake-Resistant Design of Concentrically Braced Steel-Frame Structures
Patxi Uriz, Stephen A. Mahin - Report (17.36 MB)
PEER 2008/07 - Using OpenSees for Performance-Based Evaluation of Bridges on Liquefiable Soils
Steven L. Kramer, Pedro Arduino, HyungSuk Shin - Report (22.7 MB)
and more (1998-2008)...
The Earthquake Engineering - Strong Motion Group is a research group of the University of Southern California, Civil Engineering Department. Its research focuses on: (i) earthquake strong ground motion for engineering applications, and (ii) earthquake response of man made structures, aiming to improvement of the seismic design procedures and earthquake risks reduction. Its research is interdisciplinary, and covers a wide range of topics, such as: earthquake source mechanism, seismic wave propagation, site and propagation path effects on strong ground motion, prediction of strong ground motion for design (peak amplitudes, duration, and spectral characteristics…), probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, strong motion recording and data processing, soil-structure interaction, structural identification and health monitoring using ambient noise and forced vibrations, effects of various realistic representations of strong ground motion on structures. The group operates the Los Angeles and Vicinity Strong Motion Network, installed in 1979/80, which has contributed valuable data for numerous engineering and seismological studies The group also maintains and develops equipment and processing methods for ambient vibration testing of full-scale structures. The group was formed in 1976 when Prof. M.D. Trifunac joined the Civil Engineering faculty.
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Uniform Building Code 1997, Volume 1: Administrative, Fire- and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provision
By International Code Council
* Publisher: International Conference of Building Official
* Number Of Pages: 442
* Publication Date: 1997-04
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 188459087X
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781884590870
* Binding: Paperback
Book Description:
This popular code, still in use in many stores, is now available from Delmar Learning! A proven document meeting the needs of government untis charged with enforcement of building regulation. Provides complete regulations covering all major aspects of building design and construction relating to fire and life safety and structural safety. The requirements reflect the latest technological advances available in the building and fire-and-life-safety industry.
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AASHTO - A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001
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Theme 1: Concrete durability aspects
Causes and mechanisms of deterioration
Innovative materials and influences of material composition
Service life modelling and prediction of durability
Theme 2: Condition assessment of concrete structures
Corrosion assessment and service life aspects
NDE/NDT and measurement techniques
Materials and structural assessments
Case studies and surveys
Theme 3: Concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting
Design procedures and specifications
Repair methods and techniques
Repair materials and systems
Bonded concrete overlays
Structural repairs and strengthening
Seismic retrofit and rehabilitation
Retrofitting techniques and FRP systems
Theme 4: Performance monitoring and health assessment
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Any one has pdf versions of any Canadian design guides or codes?
ie. Steel - CAN/CSA-S16S1-05
CSA Standard A23.3-04—Design of Concrete Structures
Ontario Building Code
Structural Analysis with Finite Elements develops the foundations and applications of the finite element method in structural analysis in a language which is familiar to structural engineers. At the same time, it uncovers the structural mechanics behind the finite element method. This innovative text explores and explains issues such as: why finite element results are "wrong", why support reactions are relatively accurate, why stresses at midpoints are more reliable, why averaging the stresses sometimes may not help or why the equilibrium conditions are violated. An additional chapter treats the boundary element method and related software is available at .Structural Analysis with Finite Elements provides a new foundation for the finite element method that enables structural engineers to address key questions that arise in computer modelling of structures with finite elements
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