Modelling Methods for Energy in Buildings
C.P. Underwood
Reader, School of the Built Environment
University of Northumbria at Newcastle
F.W.H. Yik
Professor, Department of Building Services Engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Product Description:
The first textbook on the design of FRP for structural engineering applications
Composites for Construction is a one-of-a-kind guide to understanding fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) and designing and retrofitting structures with FRP. Written and organized like traditional textbooks on steel, concrete, and wood design, it demystifies FRP composites and demonstrates how both new and retrofit construction projects can especially benefit from these materials, such as offshore and waterfront structures, bridges, parking garages, cooling towers, and industrial buildings.
The code-based design guidelines featured in this book allow for demonstrated applications to immediately be implemented in the real world. Covered codes and design guidelines include ACI 440, ASCE Structural Plastics Design Manual, EUROCOMP Design Code, AASHTO Specifications, and manufacturer-published design guides. Procedures are provided to the structural designer on how to use this combination of code-like documents to design with FRP profiles.
In four convenient sections, Composites for Construction covers:
* An introduction to FRP applications, products and properties, and to the methods of obtaining the characteristic properties of FRP materials for use in structural design
* The design of concrete structural members reinforced with FRP reinforcing bars
* Design of FRP strengthening systems such as strips, sheets, and fabrics for upgrading the strength and ductility of reinforced concrete structural members
* The design of trusses and frames made entirely of FRP structural profiles produced by the pultrusion process
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Theme 1: Concrete durability aspects
Causes and mechanisms of deterioration
Innovative materials and influences of material composition
Service life modelling and prediction of durability
Theme 2: Condition assessment of concrete structures
Corrosion assessment and service life aspects
NDE/NDT and measurement techniques
Materials and structural assessments
Case studies and surveys
Theme 3: Concrete repair, rehabilitation and retrofitting
Design procedures and specifications
Repair methods and techniques
Repair materials and systems
Bonded concrete overlays
Structural repairs and strengthening
Seismic retrofit and rehabilitation
Retrofitting techniques and FRP systems
Theme 4: Performance monitoring and health assessment
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# Hardcover: 464 pages
# Publisher: Taylor & Francis; Har/Com edition (August 1, 2001)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0419225501
# ISBN-13: 978-0419225508
# Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.4 x 1.8 inches
A short Comment (from
This publication provides a critical review of advanced issues in the analysis of seismic-resistant steel structures. It also presents the most recent research results of the authors, with emphasis on the assessment of structure ductility as the most efficient method of preparing the structure to resist unexpected strong seismic-events. (MCEER Information Service News, Sept 2001).
Product Description
Here is a state-of-the-art report on the ductility of steel structures, containing a comprehensive review of the technical literature available, and presenting the results of the authors' extensive research activities in this area. Analytical and numerical methods are described and a wealth of practical information is provided. The book will be of great interest to researchers, designers, professionals and advanced students in the fields of civil and structural engineering.
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Seismic Design for Architects
Size: 7 MB , First Edition 2008
The approach and content of the book is based upon that view of an architect’s role in seismic design. If structure is to play architectural roles other than load-bearing, its design cannot be left to someone else. An architect should have the skills to conceive the structural configuration at the preliminary design stage that not only satisfies programmatic requirements and his or her design ideas, but is structurally sound especially with respect to seismic forces
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Originally posted by niki102
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* Year of publication : 1986
* Author : Allan hodgkinson
* Publisher : The architectural press, London
* ISBN-10: 0851398375
* ISBN-13: 978-0851398372
A short description of this book:
Using a design-oriented approach that addresses geotechnical, structural, and construction aspects of foundation engineering, this book explores practical methods of designing structural foundations, while emphasizing and explaining how and why foundations behave the way they do. It explains the theories and experimental data behind the design procedures, and how to apply this information to real-world problems. Covers general principles (performance requirements, soil mechanics, site exploration and characterization); shallow foundations (bearing capacity, settlement, spread footings -- geotechnical design, spread footings -- structural design, mats); deep foundations (axial load capacity -- full-scale load tests, static methods, dynamic methods; lateral load capacity; structural design); special topics (foundations on weak and compressible soils, foundation on expansive soils, foundations on collapsible soils); and earth retaining structures (lateral earth pressures, cantilever retaining walls, sheet pile walls, soldier pile walls, internally stabilized earth retaining structures). For geotechnical engineers, soils engineers, structural engineers, and foundation engineers.
Features include consideration of geotechnical, structural, and construction engineering aspects of the design process. Discusses the sources and approximate magnitudes of uncertainties, use of both English and SI units, and integration of Excel spreadsheets. Contains example problems, references and more.
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Book Description:
An international team of experts has joined forces to produce the Bridge Engineering Handbook. They address all facets-the planning, design, inspection, construction, and maintenance of a variety of bridge structures-creating a must-have resource for every bridge engineer. This unique, comprehensive reference provides the means to review standard practices and keep abreast of new developments and state-of-the-art practices. Comprising 67 chapters in seven sections, the authors present:Fundamentals: Provides the basic concepts and theory of bridge engineeringSuperstructure Design: Discusses all types of bridgesSubstructure Design: Addresses columns, piers, abutments, and foundationsSeismic Design: Presents the latest in seismic bridge designConstruction and Maintenance: Focuses on the practical issues of bridge structuresSpecial Topics: Offers new and important information and unique solutionsWorldwide Practice: Summarizes bridge engineering practices around the world.Discover virtually all you need to know about any type of bridge:Reinforced, Segmental, and Prestressed ConcreteSteel beam and plate girderSteel box girderOrthotropic deckHorizontally curvedTrussArchSuspensionCable-stayedTimberMovableFloatingRailroadSpecial attention is given to rehabilitation, retrofit, and maintenance, and the Bridge Engineering Handbook offers over 1,600 tables, charts, and illustrations in ready-to-use format. An abundance of worked-out examples give readers step-by-step design procedures and the section on Worldwide Practice provides a broad and valuable perspective on the "big picture" of bridge engineering.
Open fm.pdf and begin browsing from there. Fully linkeable.
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Product Description:
Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering combines aspects of engineering seismology, structural and geotechnical earthquake engineering to assemble the vital components required for a deep understanding of response of structures to earthquake ground motion, from the seismic source to the evaluation of actions and deformation required for design.
The nature of earthquake risk assessment is inherently multi-disciplinary. Whereas Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering addresses only structural safety assessment and design, the problem is cast in its appropriate context by relating structural damage states to societal consequences and expectations, through the fundamental response quantities of stiffness, strength and ductility. The book is designed to support graduate teaching and learning, introduce practicing structural and geotechnical engineers to earthquake analysis and design problems, as well as being a reference book for further studies.
Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering includes material on the nature of earthquake sources and mechanisms, various methods for the characterization of earthquake input motion, damage observed in reconnaissance missions, modeling of structures for the purposes of response simulation, definition of performance limit states, structural and architectural systems for optimal seismic response, and action and deformation quantities suitable for design. The accompanying website at
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contains a comprehensive set of slides illustrating the chapters and appendices, as well as a set of problems with solutions and worked-through examples. The book, slides and problem set constitute a tried and tested system for a single-semester graduate course. The approach taken avoids tying the book to a specific regional seismic design code of practice and ensures its global appeal to graduate students and practicing engineers.
This book is an ideal textbook for earthquake and structural engineering students, readers will find that it is generic , focusing on fundamental problems rather than regional coverage. The book includes problems to be used as homework assignment together with some solved examples. The accompanying CD/website (TBC) will contain some simple programs for strong-motion and spectra as well as structural response analysis. The features are: presents new and advanced concepts in a simple and modern fashion; provides a consistent approach to the subject matter across chapters; focuses on underlying principles and concepts essential to earthquake engineering methodologies under development today; and discussions include characterization of seismic input, evaluation of response, assessment of performance, and retrofit and rehabilitation.
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