A handbook for steel detailers, keyed to the 3rd Edition LRFD Manual of Steel Construction. Contains instruction, explanations, problem solutions and many typical shop details and drawings. Subjects covered are the detailing process, contract documents, common connection details, basic detailing conventions, project set-up and control, erection drawings, shop drawings and bills of materials, detailing quality control and assurance, engineering fundamentals and electronic data transfer.
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Examining the fundamental differences between design and analysis, the author explores the close relationship between aesthetic and technical reativity and the importance of the intuitive, more imaginative qualities of design that should be employed by every designer when designing a structure.
Aiding designers of concrete bridges in developing an intuitive understanding of structural action, this book thereby encourages innovation and the development of engineering architecture. Simple, relevant calculation techniques that should precede any detailed analysis are summarized. Construction methods used to build concrete bridge decks and substructures are detailed and direct guidance on the choice and the sizing of different types of concrete bridge deck is given. In addition guidance is provided on solving recurring difficult problems of detailed design and realistic examples of the design process are provided. This book enables concrete bridge designers to broaden their scope in design and provides an analysis of the necessary calculations and methods.
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This work illustrates how the Analysis of Controlled Deformation in Rocks and Soils (ADECO-RS) is used in the design and the construction of tunnels.
The ADECO-RS approach makes a clear distinction between the design and the construction stages and allows reliable forecasts of construction times and costs to be made. It uses the advance core (the core of ground ahead of the face) as a structural tool for the long and short term stabilisation of tunnels, after its rigidity has first been regulated using conservation techniques. Tunnels can consequently be driven in difficult stress-strain conditions to predetermined safety standards with operations industrialised and scheduled precisely.
Thanks to this approach design engineers have been able to employ industrial criteria in tunnel excavation, even under extremely difficult stress-strain conditions.
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Complete, practical coverage of the evaluation, analysis, and design and code requirements of seismic isolation systems.
Based on the concept of reducing seismic demand rather than increasing the earthquake resistance capacity of structures, seismic isolation is a surprisingly simple approach to earthquake protection. However, proper application of this technology within complex seismic design code requirements is both complicated and difficult.
Design of Seismic Isolated Structures provides complete, up-to-date coverage of seismic isolation, complete with a systematic development of concepts in theory and practical application supplemented by numerical examples. This book/CD-ROM set helps design professionals navigate and understand the ideas and procedures involved in the analysis, design, and development of specifications for seismic isolated structures. It also provides a framework for satisfying code requirements while retaining the favorable cost-effective and damage control aspects of this new technology. An indispensable resource for practicing and aspiring engineers and architects, Design of Seismic Isolated Structures includes:
* Isolation system components.
* Complete coverage of code provisions for seismic isolation.
* Mechanical characteristics and modeling of isolators.
* Buckling and stability of elastomeric isolators.
* Examples of seismic isolation designs.
* Specifications for the design, manufacture, and testing of isolation devices.
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LRFD for Wood Construction ( Structural Use Panels )
This supplement contains adjustment factors, dimensions, factored resistance, reference strengths and other properties required to design structural-use panels in the LRFD format. In this format, the term “resistance” is used to refer to member capacities (i.e., moment resistance, compression resistance, etc.). This is distinct from the term “strength” which refers to limit state material properties — conceptually a “factored allowable stress.”
The member resistance values tabulated in this supplement are to be used in conjunction with the design methodologies provided in AF&PA/ASCE 16-95, Standard for Load and Resistance Factor Desig(LRFD) for Engineered Wood Construction.
The reference strengths were derived according to the principles of ASTM D5457-93, Standard Specification for Computing the Reference Resistance of Wood-based Materials and Structural Connections for Load and Resistance Factor Design.
The tabulated reference strength values are to be used within the reference end-use conditions defined therein. When the end-use conditions fall outside the range of the reference conditions, the reference values shall be adjusted by the product of applicable adjustment factors as defined in AF&PA/ASCE 16-95 and also provided in this supplement. For unusual end-use conditions, the designer should consult additional literature for possible further adjustments.
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LRFD for Wood Construction ( Structural Glued Laminated Timber )
This supplement contains adjustment factors, dimensions, factored resistance, reference strengths and other properties required to design structural glued laminated timber in the LRFD format. In this format, the term “resistance” is used to refer to member capacities (i.e., moment resistance, compression resistance, etc.). This is distinct from the term “strength” which refers to limit state material properties — conceptually a “factored allowable stress.”
The member resistance values tabulated in this supplement are to be used in conjunction with the design methodologies provided in AF&PA/ASCE 16-95, Standard for Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Engineered Wood Construction.
The reference strengths were derived according to the principles of ASTM D5457-93, Standard Specification for Computing the Reference Resistance of Wood-based Materials and Structural Connections for Load and Resistance Factor Design. The tabulated reference strength values are to be used within the reference end-use conditions defined therein. When the end-use conditions fall outside the range of the reference conditions, the reference values shall be adjusted by the product of applicable adjustment factors as defined in AF&PA ASCE 16-95 and also provided in this supplement. For unusual end-use conditions, the designer should consult additional literature for possible further adjustments.
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FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures
FRP Composites for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Structures: a guide to fundamentals and design for repair and retrofit
Product Description
High strength fibre composites (FRPs) have been used with civil structures since the 1980s, mostly in the repair, strengthening and retrofitting of concrete structures. This has attracted considerable research, and the industry has expanded exponentially in the last decade. Design guidelines have been developed by professional organizations in a number of countries including USA, Japan, Europe and China. Until now designers have had no publication which provides practical guidance or accessible coverage of the fundamentals.
This book fills this void. It deals with the fundamentals of composites, and basic design principles, and provides step-by-step guidelines for design. Its main theme is the repair and retrofit of un-reinforced, reinforced and prestressed concrete structures using carbon, glass and other high strength fibre composites. In the case of beams, the focus is on their strengthening for flexure and shear or their stiffening.The main interest with columns is the improvement of their ductility; and both strengthening and ductility improvement of un-reinforced structures are covered. Methods for evaluating the strengthened structures are presented. Step by step procedures are set out, including flow charts, for the various structural components, and design examples and practice problems are used to illustrate. As infrastructures ages worldwide, and its demolition and replacement becomes less of an option, the need for repair and retrofit of existing facilities will increase. Besides its audience of design professionals, this book will suit graduate and advanced undergraduate students. It will also serve as a basic guide for researchers.
About the Author
National Science Foundation, USA University of Miami, USA
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'A fine text for a wind engineering course and a useful reference for the practising wind engineer… a must have for any wind engineer’s library.'
- The Wind Engineer
Product Description:
Provides a comprehensive, practical examination of the wind loading of structures. Fundamentals of wind loading are described in detail, with the author discussing the nature of wind, prediction of wind speed and force, dynamic response of buildings, and successful design of buildings to counteract wind loading problems. The application of wind loading in a variety of different types of structures, including low-rise and tall buildings, towers and masts, stadiums and bridges is discussed.
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Post-Tensioning Tendon Installation and Grouting Manual
This Manual includes state-of-the-art information relative to materials, post-tensioning systems, construction practices and grouting of post-tensioning tendons for bridges. The Manual is targeted at Federal, State and local transportation department and private company personnel that may be involved in the design, inspection, construction or maintenance of bridges that contain post-tensioning tendons. This Manual will serve as a reference and guide to designers, inspectors and construction personnel for post-tensioning materials, installation and grouting of bridge tendons. The document is part of the Federal Highway Administration’s national technology deployment program and may serve as a training manual.
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By M. Bill Wong
Edition: illustrated
Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, 2008
ISBN 0750682981, 9780750682985
246 pages,pdf,3.5 Mb
The plastic analysis method has been used extensively by engineers for designing steel structures. Simpler structures can be analyzed using the basic virtual work formulation, but more complex frames are evaluated with specialist computer software. This new book sets out a method for carrying out plastic analysis of complex structures without the need for specialist tools.
The book provides an introduction to the use of linear programming techniques for plastic analysis. This powerful and advanced method for plastic analysis is important in an automated computational environment, in particular for non-linear structural analysis.
A detailed comparison between the design codes for the United States and Australia and the emerging European Eurocodes enables practising engineers to understand the issues involved in plastic design procedures and the limitations imposed by this design method.
* Covers latest research in plastic analysis and analytical tools
* Introduces new successive approximation method for calculating collapse loads
* Programming guide for using spreadsheet tools for plastic analysis
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C.N. Mindham
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