The book offers a careful introduction to modern non-linear mechanics. The used mathematical tools, such as tensor algebra and analysis are given in detail. The general theory of mechanical behaviour is particularized for the broad and important classes of elasticity and plasticity. It is intended to bring the reader close to the fields of today's research activities. A list of notations and an index help the reader to find specific topics. The book is based on three decades of teaching experience in this field.
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Buildings are designed per building code regulations, aptly termed Prescriptive Based Design. It is a methodology based upon meeting all of the specific requirements of the code.
In prescriptive based design, the normal engineering analysis practice is to assume linear-elastic behavior for structural members, which fails to reliably account for redistribution of forces due to member nonlinear behavior and dissipation of energy due to material yielding. Because of this, considerable damage has been observed and life safety goals was not achieved from major earthquakes in recent decades in residential and commercial buildings. Safety is understood as the structures ability to deform in the inelastic range but no collapsed is allowed.
During high seismic excitation, the building generally responds well beyond its elastic and linear capacity. There are two inelastic nonlinear options available for assessing the performance of a structure subjected to earthquake load; namely Pushover Analysis and Inelastic Nonlinear Time History Analysis. These two methods of analyses are used in Performance Based Design. It is a methodology using advanced engineering tools and methods to provide solutions to complex life safety problems in order to achieved life safety goals.
The purpose of this presentation is to explain the procedure in performing Inelastic Nonlinear Analysis using the professional software XTRACT v3.0.8 and PERFORM-3D v4.0.3, to evaluate the performance of multi-storey buildings (designed by traditional linear static and linear dynamic load procedures) when subjected to earthquake ground motion.
1. To run the presentation, double click the filename "Performance.pps".
2. The hyphotetical RC moment resisting frame building investigated in the presentation was also investigated by performing Pushover and Inelastic Nonlinear Time History analysis in MIDAS Gen 7.0.2., and the results of the building performance are the same. The advantage of using MIDAS Gen is that, no need to use XTRACT to calculate inelastic strength and plastic rotation capacity, and to compute manually the center of mass of the floor, translational mass, and rotational mass of moment of inertia.
Finite Element Modelling of Composite Materials and Structures
Finite Element Modelling of Composite Materials and Structures
By F. L. Matthews, G. A. Davies, D. Hitchings, C. Soutis, University of London
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Ltd
Number Of Pages: 214
Publication Date: 2000-12
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1855734222
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781855734227
Performance prediction is an important factor in ensuring the correct design specification of composite materials. This practical reference fills a substantial need for an introduction to a technique that is quickly becoming a requisite tool for composite materials. The book is based on the well-established course run by the Centre for Composite Materials at Imperial College. It covers the essential characteristics of composite materials and in particular, those of fibre-reinforced plastics. KEY FEATURES: Provides background in the fundamentals of composites and the fundamentals of finite element analysis Presents various strategies for applying finite elements to composites Include case studies
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Landslides: Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management
Landslides: Risk Analysis and Sustainable Disaster Management
By Kyoji Sassa
Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 386
Publication Date: 2005-11-28
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3540286640
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783540286646
Based on contributions to the first General Assembly of the International Consortium on Landslides, this reference and status report emphasizes the mechanisms of different types of landslides, landslide risk analysis, and sustainable disaster management. It comprises the achievements of the ICL over the past three years, since the Kyoto assembly. It consists of three parts: research results of the International Programme on Landslides (IPL); contributions on landslide risk analysis; and articles on sustainable disaster management. In addition, the history of the ICL activities (under the support of UNESCO, WMO, FAO, UN/ISDR, and UNU) is recounted to create a comprehensive overview of international activity on landslides. The contributions reflect a wide range of topics and concerns, randing from field studies, identification of objects of cultural heritage at landslide risk, as well as landslide countermeasures.
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Virtual Keyboard is a small but powerful multilingual program for the text input with computer mouse or hardware keyboard.
That is practical if you work e.g. with another character set than that your hardware keyboard offer. Still another area of the program is safe input of the private data (e.g. login data, passwords, bank data, ect.). The program supports 53 languages: Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Azeri, Belorussian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Maori, Marathi, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Tatar, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese. The user can develop the user-defined keyboard layouts for other languages.
Some features:
Correct illustration arbitrary letter on the computer
Supplementing keyboard (with right Alt)
Independence from hardware and attitudes of the operating system
Input with computer mouse or with hardware keyboard
Two input modes - text input in the same window or in the window of another program
Support of different keyboard layouts
And much more...
NOTE: Virtual Keyboard requires a .NET Framework version 2.0 or later. You can download current version of .NET Framework,from Microsoft.
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Boundary Stabilization of Thin Plates (Studies in Applied and Numerical Mathematics)
Author: John E. Lagnese (Author) | Size: 0 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Society for Industrial Mathematics | Year: January 1, 1987 | pages: 184 | ISBN: 0898712378, 9780898712377
Presents one of the main directions of research in the area of design and analysis of feedback stabilizers for distributed parameter systems in structural dynamics. Important progress has been made in this area, driven, to a large extent, by problems in modern structural engineering that require active feedback control mechanisms to stabilize structures which may possess only very weak natural damping. Much of the progress is due to the development of new methods to analyze the stabilizing effects of specific feedback mechanisms.
Boundary Stabilization of Thin Plates provides a comprehensive and unified treatment of asymptotic stability of a thin plate when appropriate stabilizing feedback mechanisms acting through forces and moments are introduced along a part of the edge of the plate. In particular, primary emphasis is placed on the derivation of explicit estimates of the asymptotic decay rate of the energy of the plate that are uniform with respect to the initial energy of the plate, that is, on uniform stabilization results.
The method that is systematically employed throughout this book is the use of multipliers as the basis for the derivation of a priori asymptotic estimates on plate energy. It is only in recent years that the power of the multiplier method in the context of boundary stabilization of hyperbolic partial differential equations came to be realized. One of the more surprising applications of the method appears in Chapter 5, where it is used to derive asymptotic decay rates for the energy of the nonlinear von Karman plate, even though the technique is ostensibly a linear one.
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Author: A. E. Green, W. Zerna | Size: 3006 KB | Format:DjVu | Publisher: Dover Publications | Year: May 1992 | pages: 457 | ISBN: 0486670767, 9780486670768
This highly regarded hardcover engineering manual is mainly concerned with three important aspects of elasticity theory: finite elastic deformations, complex variable methods for two-dimensional problems for both isotropic and aeolotropic bodies, and shell theory. Also discussed are three-dimensional problems for isotropic and transversely isotropic bodies. Chapter 1, devoted to mathematical preliminaries, includes a summary of tensors for workers unfamiliar with those notations. Subsequent chapters deal with the general theory of elasticity for finite deformations, solutions of a number of special problems, mostly for incompressible isotropic bodies, a theory of small deformations superposed on finite deformations, classical infinitesimal theory of elasticity, the theory of plane strain, plate theory, plane problems for isotropic bodies, and for aeolotropic bodies. The last chapters, 10-16, are devoted to the theory of shells. For this second edition, the authors added material on thermodynamics, as well as a new chapter dealing with methods of deriving membrane theory, inextensional theory, and bending theory, by asymptotic expansions of the three-dimensional linear elastic equations.
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Stability of NonLinear Shells is a compilation of the author's work on analyzing the behaviour of spherical caps and related shell structures under various (axisymmetric) load systems. Differing from other texts on shells of revolution, it is one of the first attempts to deal with effects of multi-parameter load systems. This extension leads to the discovery of some new, hitherto unknown phenomena exhibited by these structures. In addition, the book presents a novel way to characterize properties of solutions of the governing equations for spherical caps - a classification anchored in a theory called reciprocal systems. The author has introduced a deformation map, a projection of multi-dimensional solutions to two-dimensional graphs, to enable analysts to gain insight into the physical meaning of the results obtained.
Numerous examples illustrate the concepts introduced. This book also comes to grips with many misconceptions existing in engineering literature about the question of the stability of solutions.
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Geoenvironmental Engineering A M O Mohamed & H E Anatia
The new social and economic era calls for integration of ecology and economy in a system of cause and effect. The central element in this shift is sustainable development. Fundamental to the achievement of sustainable development is the requirement for environmentally responsible waste management and restoration of the environment. Solutions to the complex problems confronted by waste management and environmental restoration industry are currently handled by the geoenvironmental engineering profession that needs a good background in soil biology, chemistry, mechanics, mineralogy, and physics. In recognition of this need, this book summarizes relevant aspects of various soil physics, mineralogy, and chemistry as well as the chemistry of pollutants. This treatment will provide sufficient background to students and practicing engineers to enable them to think about how to approach waste management and environmental restoration.
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