Advanced Fluid Mechanics
William Graebel
Academic Press
ISBN: 0123708850
Pages: 368
PDF 5.26 MB
Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids behave and interact under various forces and in various applied situations, whether in liquid or gas state or both. The author compiles pertinent information that are introduced in the more advanced classes at the senior level and at the graduate level. Advanced Fluid Mechanics courses typically cover a variety of topics involving fluids in various multiple states (phases), with both elastic and non-elastic qualities, and flowing in complex ways. This new text will integrate both the simple stages of fluid mechanics (Fundamentals) with those involving more complex parameters, including Inviscid Flow in multi-dimensions, Viscous Flow and Turbulence, and a succinct introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. It will offer exceptional pedagogy, for both classroom use and self-instruction, including many worked-out examples, end-of-chapter problems, and actual computer programs that can be used to reinforce theory with real-world applications.
Professional engineers as well as Physicists and Chemists working in the analysis of fluid behavior in complex systems will find the contents of this book useful.All manufacturing companies involved in any sort of systems that encompass fluids and fluid flow analysis (e.g., heat exchangers, air conditioning and refrigeration, chemical processes, etc.) or energy generation (steam boilers, turbines and internal combustion engines, jet propulsion systems, etc.), or fluid systems and fluid power (e.g., hydraulics, piping systems, and so on)will reap the benefits of this text.
Offers detailed derivation of fundamental equations for better comprehension of more advanced mathematical analysis
Provides groundwork for more advanced topics on boundary layer analysis, unsteady flow, turbulent modeling, and computational fluid dynamics
Includes worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems as well as a companion web site with sample computational programs and Solutions Manual
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Tall Buildings: From Engineering to Sustainability
A collection of papers presented at the Sixth International Conference on Tall Buildings (ICTB), this volume clearly explains the engineering and socio-economic aspects of tall buildings in specific areas of sustainability. The papers focus on Asian cities, where tall buildings have become a major feature of the built environment. A multi-disciplinary book, it also deals with the increasing complexity of inter-related problems that require knowledge integration from different disciplines. With interesting contributions from distinguished practitioners, academics and policy makers, the book addresses the development and application of knowledge in solving problems related to tall buildings.
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This is a well written book on engineering optimization in general and on structural optimization particularly. Although the book requires basic structures' analysis background (e.g., FEA and strength of materials) the optimization concepts are written in a clear and concise manner. Plenty of practical examples are given in each chapter to present the "application" of various optimization methods. Optimization of both constrained and unconstrained problems are shown with emphasis on the variable types involved (i.e. continous, discreet) A good book for someone getting started on structural optimization and a good quick reference book afterwards.
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Hydrology Principles Analysis and Design - H.M. Raghunath
Hydrology Principles Analysis Design About the Book:
An attempt is made to place before students (degree and post-degree) and professionals in the fields of Civil and Agricultural Engineering, Geology and Earth Sciences, this important branch of Hydro science, i.e. Hydrology. It deals with all phases of the Hydrologic cycle and related topics in a lucid style and in metric system.
There is a departure from empiricism, with emphasis on collection of hydrological data, processing and analysis of data, and hydrological design on sound principles and matured judgment.
Large number of hydrological design problems are worked out at the end of each article, to illustrate the principles involved and the design procedure. Problems for assignment are given at the end of each chapter, along with objective type and intelligence questions.
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Durability Design of Concrete Structures in the Severe Environments
Durability Design of Concrete Structures in the Severe Environments
Odd E. Gjørv
Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 0415414083
222 pages
PDF 5,6 MB
This internationally relevant book takes an engineering design approach to tackle the perennial problem of chloride-induced corrosion and deterioration. Beginning with a historical review, this is the essential, up-to-date guide for engineers in the marine construction field, providing essential knowledge in an applied manner.
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Ground Control and Improvement
Petros P. Xanthakos, Lee W. Abramson, Donald A. Bruce
ISBN: 0471552313
936 pages
A comprehensive compilation concerned with a variety of modern methods being used worldwide to improve soil and rock conditions supporting new and remedial construction. Ground water lowering and drainage techniques, soil compaction, excavation support methods, permeation and jet grouting are among the many topics discussed. More than 100 tables and 650 figures illustrate the text.
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Taking a fresh, holistic approach to the topic of architectural technology, this indispensable book looks at the 'why' as well as the 'how' of building science, providing a comprehensive, clear and concise introduction to the subject.
The demands faced by architects in their training and education are constantly changing. Written by two practicing architects who teach building technology and design, this text ensures that the reader is given the full picture of the discipline, as it integrates technical material with design sensibilities.
Incorporating structural design, environmental principles, material science and human factors, this book shows how these topics rely upon and influence one another in architectural design. It also relates the technical with the theoretical, illustrating how technology and design have influenced one another historically.
Offering highly practical guidance to the essentials of building design, this book is the first to provide the full spectrum of building science for architects in one volume.
Design-Tech includes hundreds of illustrations and numerous case studies that show how these theories work in practice.
* A single volume integrating structual, environmental and construction engineering basics for architects
* A holistic approach to technology, illustrating how it relates to the history and theory of architecture
* Presents sustainable design as a given, with environmental design principles included throughout the text
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Stop searching through the endless amount of literature to find the most recent information on plate buckling. The authors of Handbook of Thin Plate Buckling and Post Buckling have already done the work for you. Detailed and clearly written, the book contains a comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of the buckling and postbuckling behavior of perfect and imperfect thin plates.The authors study, in detail and with specific solved examples, the essential factors that influence critical buckling loads, initial mode shapes, and postbuckling behavior for thin plates. Through their analysis of rectangular, circular, and annular plates, they present valuable information, some of which has never before been published in book form. Such topics include hygrothermal buckling, viscoelastic and plastic buckling, and buckling of various thickness plates. With this important collection, the Handbook of Thin Plate Buckling and Post Buckling provides you with a one-stop source of current research findings.
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