I feel we should have one more button "I agree" similar to "thanks" button so that for any thread if some wants to support OR if he agrees the thread then he can simply press the "I agree" button instead of writing one more thread.
Surface and Ground Water, Weathering, and Soils,
Volume 5: Treatise on Geochemistry,
By J.I. Drever
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 644
Publication Date: 2005-12-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0080447198
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780080447193
Volume 5 has several objectives. The first is to present an overview of the composition of surface and ground waters on the continents and the mechanisms that control the compositions. The second is to present summaries of the tools and methodologies used in modern studies of the geochemistry of surface and ground waters. The third is to present information on the role of weathering and soil formation in geochemical cycles: weathering affects the chemistry of the atmosphere through uptake of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and paleosols (preserved soils in the rock record) provide information on the composition of the atmosphere in the geological past.
Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry (10 Volume Set, ISBN 0-08-043751-6, published in 2003)
* Present an overview of the composition of surface and ground waters on the continents and the mechanisms that control the compositions
* Provides summaries of the tools and methodologies used in modern studies of the geochemistry of surface and ground waters
* Features information on the role of weathering and soil formation in geochemical cycles
* Contains information on the composition of the atmosphere in the geological past.
* Reprinted individual volume from the acclaimed Treatise on Geochemistry, 10 volume ser
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Petroleum Engineering Handbook Vol. 1
General Engineering
Society of Petroleum Engineers
ISBN: 1555631130
871 pages
PDF 22 Mb
Volume I, General Engineering, includes chapters on mathematics, fluid properties (fluid sampling techniques; properties and correlations of oil, gas, condensate, and water; hydrocarbon phase behavior and phase diagrams for hydrocarbon systems; the phase behavior of water/hydrocarbon systems; and the properties of waxes, asphaltenes, and crude oil emulsions), rock properties (bulk rock properties, permeability, relative permeability, and capillary pressure), the economic and regulatory environment, and the role of fossil energy in the 21st century energy mix.
General Engineering, Volume I of the new Petroleum Engineering Handbook, has been designed to present material that is needed by all practicing petroleum engineers. It includes chapters on mathematics, properties fl uids, rock properties, rock/fluid interactions, economics, the law, and the social context of fossil energy.
The mathematics chapters of this volume are a major departure from previous editions. The mathematical tables presented in previous editions are now readily available using hand-held calculators or software on desktop computers.
The mathematics chapters present mathematical topics that petroleum engineers need to better understand literature and the software they use on a day-to-day basis. Topics such as vibrating systems, ordinary and partial differential equations, linear algebra and matrices, and Green’s functions are introduced and references are provided for readers who would like to pursue the topics in more detail.
The discussion of fluid properties covers fluid sampling techniques; properties and correlations of oil, condensate, and water; hydrocarbon phase behavior and phase diagrams for hydrocarbon systems; and the phase behavior of water/hydrocarbon systems. Two chapters consider the properties of waxes, asphaltenes, and crude emulsions.
Rock properties and rock/fluid interactions are discussed. The rock properties include bulk rock properties, such as porosity, elastic rock properties, and rock failure relationships. Measurement techniques and models of singlephase permeability are then presented, followed by a review of the properties that describe the interaction between rocks and fluids, notably relative permeability and capillary pressure.
In addition to mathematics, fluid properties, and rock properties, petroleum engineers need to understand economic and legal issues. Essential aspects of the economic and regulatory environment are addressed in the section. A brief review of the role of fossil energy in the 21st century energy mix ends the volume.
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Recently I saw the Benny's presentation "Seismic Performance Assessment of RC Moment Resisting Frame Building". I appreciate the effort from Benny for our forum, specially because is a difficult issue to develop.
However, today I saw the Benny's presentation in a file sharing website, uploaded yesterday. This website is not even close a civil engineering site. I'm not going to put the link yet, if you desire I will put it.
I think if a member make a good effort for a post, he or she will be recognized and not copied. I think that post developed specially for the forum should to be in the VIP Section.
Calculates structural properties of general cross-section. Also calculates torsional properties of thin-walled section including shear center and warping moment of inertia.
SectProp - cross-sectional properties of structural members
SectProp computes cross-sectional properties of structural members. The section geometry can be described by the nodes' coordinates or by the layers (uniaxial properties). Recently we added properties of thin-walled open section including shear center location and warping moment of inertia.
The file includes the original (shareware) version and a little bit changed version.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Can we change the minimum length for search word to 3. PCA, CSI, CSC, .... are all very popular software packages but it is hard to search for them. A recent post asked for PCA software and we have a thread for that, but if you used search, PCA it will not work and if you use PCA + any other thing, it will skip PCA and search only for words 4 letters and up.
Unless I am doing something wrong or there are better ways to search for 3 letter software, I think it will be helpful if we can have minimum number of letters in word set to 3
Anyone over there who can give us hints about the difference between those three and if there are any other FE software out there that is better or similar
Examples of reinforcement used for various heights of retaining walls (with counterfort and without).
These drawing are widely used in Greece for the construction of walls. Although there are in Greek the use of reinforcement can be clearly seen.
I think there will be very useful for structure engineers of this forum.:cool:
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This is just for discussion, as we in India are facing a lots of problem because of recession, many people lost their jobs, including high profiled engineering firms like WS atkins shutdown their operation. There is no indication of recovery near future. How is rest of the world as for as building sector is concerened ? ARe you guys doing OK ?