Applied Structural Mechanics: Fundamentals of Elasticity, Load-Bearing Structures, Structural Optimization
Hans Eschenauer (Author), Niels Olhoff (Author), Walter Schnell (Author)
# Paperback: 389 pages
# Publisher: Springer (16 Aug 1996)
# Language English
# ISBN-10: 3540612327
# ISBN-13: 978-3540612322
In view of the growing importance of product liability and the demand for fulfillment of extreme specifications for new products, this book provides the basic tools for establishing model equations in structural mechanics. Additionally, it illustrates the transition and interrelation between structural mechanics and structural optimization. Nowadays, this new direction is extremely important for more efficiency in the design process. The book is divided into four parts covering the fundamentals of elasticity, plane and curved load-bearing structures and structural optimization. Each part contains numerous problems and solutions, which will provide the student with the basic tools from the field of elasticity theory and assist the professional engineer in solving problems.
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This new revised Third Edition of Airport Engineering, the basic classroom text for airport planning and design, shows professionals and students such key essentials as:
* The structure and organization of air transport
* Forecasting of air transport demand, using both traditional and new methods
* Airport systems planning
* Airport master planning
* Air traffic control, lighting, and signing
* Airport capacity and configuration
* Passenger terminal
* Air cargo facilities
* Airport access
* Designing for safety
* Environmental impact of airports
Reflecting the latest FAA, ICAO, and IATA recommendations and guidelines, and mirroring the changing climate of air travel in the 1990s, Airport Engineering, Third Edition is the single most informative guide to mastering the state of the art in airport engineering and design. And also by the same authors. Transportation Engineering Planning and Design Third Edition Paul H. Wright and Norman Ashford This book gives a balanced treatment of all modes of transportation—highways, railways and guideways, pipelines, airports, and ports and harbors. Transportation Engineering, Third Edition is divided into six parts:
* Part 1—Introduces the transportation system of the United States
* Part 2—Deals with the operation and control of the vehicles that use the physical transport systems
* Part 3—Examines transportation planning
* Part 4—Explains the design of land transportation facilities
* Part 5—Describes the planning procedures and design criteria for air transportation facilities
* Part 6—Covers water transportation facilities
Complete with an excellent list of references at the end of each chapter for readers who waist to study a transportation problem in greater detail, Transportation Engineering, Third Edition is the definitive textbook for students taking undergraduate transportation courses in civil engineering and city planning. 1989 (0 471-83874-8) 784 pp.
Table of Contents
The Structure and Organization of Air Transport.
Forecasting Air Transport Demand.
Characteristics of Aircraft as They Affect Airports.
Airport Systems Planning.
Airport Master Planning.
Air Traffic Control, Lighting, and Signing.
Airport Capacity and Configuration.
Geometric Design of the Air Side.
Airport Safety.
Passenger Terminal.
Air Cargo Facilities.
Airport Drainage and Pavement Design.
Airport Access.
Requirements of V/STOL Systems.
Environmental Impact of Airports.
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Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance
By Norbert Delatte
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 372
* Publication Date: 2007-10-30
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415409705
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415409704
* Binding: Hardcover
From the Publisher:
A pavement project may be envisioned as a three-link chain, consisting of materials, design, and construction. The weakest link governs the performance of the system - therefore engineers must be knowledgeable about all three aspects as well as their interactions. Concrete Pavement Design, Construction, and Performance is organized in much the same way as a pavement construction project. First, different alternatives for concrete pavement solutions are outlined and the desired performance and behavior parameters are identified. Next, appropriate materials are selected and the desired concrete proportions determined. Once the materials are known the design can be completed. Finally, the necessary construction steps for translating the design into a durable facility are provided. Pavement management, maintenance, rehabilitation, and overlays are also addressed.
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Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering (17.41 MB)
This new book, a worthy successor to the widely acclaimed first volume of O'Flaherty's Highway has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the many changes that have taken place in this topical area. Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering is a comprehensive textbook on the relevant principles and practice. It includes sections on transport policy and planning, traffic surveys and accident investigation, road design for capacity and safety, and traffic management.
From the Publisher
This new book, a worthy successor to the widely acclaimed first volume of O'Flaherty's Highway has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the many changes that have taken place in this topical area. Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering is a comprehensive textbook on the relevant principles and practice. It includes sections on transport policy and planning, traffic surveys and accident investigation, road design for capacity and safety, and traffic management.
Table of Contents
About the contributors
Ch. 1 Evolution of the transport task 2
Ch. 2 Transport administration and planning 21
Ch. 3 Transport policy 42
Ch. 4 Economic and environmental appraisal of trasnport improvement projects 80
Ch. 5 Principles of transport analysis and forecasting 103
Ch. 6 Transport planning strategies 132
Ch. 7 Developing the parking plan 154
Ch. 8 Planning for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled people 170
Ch. 9 Technologies for urban, inter-urban and rural passenger transport systems 181
Ch. 10 Planning for public transport 201
Ch. 11 Freight transport planning - an introduction 214
Ch. 12 Issues in survey planning and design 222
Ch. 13 Observational traffic surveys 232
Ch. 14 Participatory transport surveys 252
Ch. 15 Accident prevention, investigation and reduction 261
Ch. 16 Introduction to traffic flow theory 272
Ch. 17 Road capacity and design-standard approaches to road design 281
Ch. 18 Road accidents 299
Ch. 19 Geometric design of streets and highways 320
Ch. 20 Intersection design and capacity 356
Ch. 21 Introduction to computer-aided design of junctions and highways 400
Ch. 22 Design of off-street parking facilities 409
Ch. 23 Road lighting 435
Ch. 24 Regulatory measures for traffic management 450
Ch. 25 Physical methods of traffic control 465
Ch. 26 Signal control at intersections 484
Ch. 27 Signal control in networks 506
Ch. 28 Driver Information systems 517
Index 532
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I did not know where to put them so I put them here.
Two Etabs model:
1- Jinan Stadium
2- Honey Comb
One SAP2000 Model:
1- Water Cube -Swimming pool constructed for the Olympics in China
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Enclosure Masonry Wall Systems Worldwide: Typical Masonry Wall Enclosures in Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Nordic Countries, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands and USA
Author: S. Pompeu Santos (Editor) | Size: 6.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis; 1 edition | Year: December 11, 2006 | pages: 214 | ISBN: 0415425778, 9780415425773
Enclosure walls have a key role in building construction, providing structural safety and protecting interiors from intrusion. The concept of an enclosure wall is a traditional one, common to the building history of many countries. There is a tremendous variety in types of enclosure walls, depending on such variables as climate and local technologies. Progress in these traditional practices has been stimulated by new national and international standards in the construction industry. These standards have contributed to improvements in areas such as thermal insulation and earthquake resistance and have promoted the development of new materials and methods in enclosure wall construction. The aim of this book, by the Commission on Wall Structures of the International Council for Building (CIB), is to select certain countries or regions, and examine enclosure masonry walls which are perceived as being typical. For each example, the following are considered: characterization of the building sector; the customary materials used in masonry; typical problems and solutions for enclosure walls; and evolutionary trends.
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Architectural Engineering Design: Mechanical Systems
Architectural Engineering Design: Mechanical Systems
Robert Brown Butler,
McGraw-Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071385460
810 pages
PDF 15,2 MB
* Each title provides the architectural and design professional with a comprehensive reference of more than 1100 equations illustrated with both a large and small building example.
* Trademarked "no math menus" and shortcut "recipes" allow any building element to be sized quickly and efficiently
* Provide guidance on structural systems, materials, plumbing, electricity, illumination, and acoustics
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Design and Construction building in value
Rick Best, Gerard de Valence -
ISBN: 0750651490
Pages: 504
PDF 6.54 MB
The design and construction of buildings is a lengthy and expensive process, and those who commission buildings are continually looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the process. In this book, the second in the Building in Value series, a broad range of topics related to the processes of design and construction are explored by an international group of experts. The overall aim of the book is to look at ways that clients can improve the value for money outcomes of their decisions to construct buildings.
The book is aimed at students studying in many areas related to the construction industry including architecture, construction management, civil engineering and quantity surveying, and should also be of interest to many in the industry including project managers, property developers, building contractors and cost engineers.
*How to improve your value for money when commissioning buildings.
*Written by international experts.
*The second book in the Building in Value Series.
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This is the first authoritative reference on rock mass classification, consolidating into one handy source information once widely scattered throughout the literature. It includes new, previously unpublished material and case histories, presents the fundamental concepts of classification schemes, and critically appraises their practical application in industrial projects such as tunneling and mining.
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Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method
A systematic introduction to partial differential
equations and modern finite element methods for their efficient numerical solution
Partial Differential Equations and the Finite Element Method provides a much-needed, clear, and systematic introduction to modern theory of partial differential equations (PDEs) and finite element methods (FEM). Both nodal and hierachic concepts of the FEM are examined. Reflecting the growing complexity and multiscale nature of current engineering and scientific problems, the author emphasizes higher-order finite element methods such as the spectral or hp-FEM.
A solid introduction to the theory of PDEs and FEM contained in Chapters 1-4 serves as the core and foundation of the publication. Chapter 5 is devoted to modern higher-order methods for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that arise in the semidiscretization of time-dependent PDEs by the Method of Lines (MOL). Chapter 6 discusses fourth-order PDEs rooted in the bending of elastic beams and plates and approximates their solution by means of higher-order Hermite and Argyris elements. Finally, Chapter 7 introduces the reader to various PDEs governing computational electromagnetics and describes their finite element approximation, including modern higher-order edge elements for Maxwell's equations.
The understanding of many theoretical and practical aspects of both PDEs and FEM requires a solid knowledge of linear algebra and elementary functional analysis, such as functions and linear operators in the Lebesgue, Hilbert, and Sobolev spaces. These topics are discussed with the help of many illustrative examples in Appendix A, which is provided as a service for those readers who need to gain the necessary background or require a refresher tutorial. Appendix B presents several finite element computations rooted in practical engineering problems and demonstrates the benefits of using higher-order FEM.
Numerous finite element algorithms are written out in detail alongside implementation discussions. Exercises, including many that involve programming the FEM, are designed to assist the reader in solving typical problems in engineering and science.
Specifically designed as a coursebook, this student-tested publication is geared to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students in all disciplines of computational engineeringand science. It is also a practical problem-solving reference for researchers, engineers, and physicists.
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