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Design and Construction in Romanesque Architecture
Design and Construction in Romanesque Architecture.
First Romanesque architecture
and the pointed arch in Burgundy and northern Italy
by C. Edson Armi
Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0511166303
235 pages
PDF 8 Mb
This book reveals the significance and depth of the First Romanesque period in a comprehensive physical, religious, and cultural context.
An original interpretation of Romanesque architecture by focusing on buildings in northern Italy, Switzerland, southern France, and Catalonia, the regions where Romanesque architecture first appeared around 1000 AD. He integrates the study of medieval structure with a knowledge of construction, decoration and articulation to determine the origins of medieval architecture and the High Romanesque style. Armi's in depth study reveals new knowledge about design decisions in the early Middle Ages.
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Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design (ASTM STP1372)
Fatigue Crack Growth Thresholds, Endurance Limits, and Design
(Astm Special Technical Publication, 1372)
By et al Astm Committee E-8 on Fatigue and Fracture (Corporate Author)
Publisher: ASTM International
452 pages
ISBN: 0803126247
PDF 7.35 MB
Product Description:
Leading experts provide 24 papers addressing four areas pertinent to fatigue crack growth thresholds: mechanisms, test procedures, analysis, and applications. Mechanisms: Three mechanisms that influence thresholds are discussed including: crack-tip closure, environment, and Kmax effects. A simplistic four-parameter model that describes FCG threshold behavior of elastic-plastic materials is also presented. Test Procedures: Eight papers focus on loading and specimen-type effects with research showing that the resistance-curve (R-curve) method to determine the threshold for fatigue-crack growth should allow more reliable application of ?Kth values to engineering problems. Analysis: Three papers analyze the behavior of fatigue cracks in the threshold regime using several different analysis methods. These methods were the elastic-plastic finite-element method (FEM), the Dugdale-type mode, the BCS (Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden) model, and a discrete-dislocation model. Applications: Nine papers address applications of threshold concepts and endurance limits to aerospace and structural materials. The impact of a number of testing variables on the measurement of fatigue-crack-growth thresholds, in particular ASTM E 647, Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates is also discussed.
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Nonlinear Systems
Hassan K. Khalil
Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0130673897
750 pages
PDF 51,9 MB
This book is written is such a way that the level of mathematical sophistication builds up from chapter to chapter. It has been reorganized into four parts: basic analysis, analysis of feedback systems, advanced analysis, and nonlinear feedback control. Updated content includes subjects which have proven useful in nonlinear control design in recent years—new in the 3rd edition are: expanded treatment of passivity and passivity-based control; integral control, high-gain feedback, recursive methods, optimal stabilizing control, control Lyapunov functions, and observers. For use as a self-study or reference guide by engineers and applied mathematicians.
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Geological Storage of Highly Radioactive Waste: Current Concepts and Plans for Radioactive Waste Disposal
Springer; 1 edition (November 17, 2008) | English | 3540773320 | 379 pages | PDF | 11.46 MB
The book describes and assesses current concepts for long-term disposal of highly radioactive waste. Different types of rock are discussed and assessed with respect to practical difficulties in construction of a repository, and the efficiency in isolating radioactive waste. Safety matters are most important and are treated in the respective chapters and in a final, conclusive chapter. Cost issues and related quality matters are discussed for the case of constructing a virgin repository and repositories in the form of converted abandoned mines.
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Autodesk today announced that it has reached a key milestone in its integration of recently acquired Algor software with the release of the Autodesk Algor Simulation 2010 products. A key component of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, Autodesk Algor Simulation software provides a broad range of mechanical simulation tools to help designers and engineers make critical decisions earlier in the design process.
Extensive finite element modeling tools and built-in material libraries within Autodesk Algor Simulation software allow users to study initial design intent and accurately simulate the behavior of a digital prototype. Additionally, Autodesk Algor Simulation software supports direct, associative data exchange with most CAD software tools, so users can easily collaborate and make iterative design changes without having to redefine simulation data. By helping engineers predict product performance, including situations in which multiple physical factors interact simultaneously, Autodesk Algor Simulation software helps engineers validate and optimize designs before manufacturing occurs.
There are four Autodesk Algor Simulation software offerings:
· Autodesk Algor Simulation 2010 - Design validation and optimization with a broad range of mainstream engineering simulation tools in a multi-CAD environment.
· Autodesk Algor Simulation CFD 2010 - All the functionality of Autodesk Algor Simulation along with fluid flow analysis, computational fluid dynamics and mass transfer analysis.
· Autodesk Algor Simulation MES 2010 - All the functionality of Autodesk Algor Simulation along with nonlinear static and dynamic analysis, rigid-body motion analysis, and combined stress and flexible-body motion analysis.
· Autodesk Algor Simulation Professional 2010 - All the functionality of Autodesk Algor Simulation, Autodesk Algor Simulation CFD, and Autodesk Algor Simulation MES along with electrostatic analysis and the ability to combine analysis types for full multiphysics simulations.
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Hesitated to post before i'm sure is working but maybe someone can continue to check. I'm not at home and only with my notebook.
Downloaded first the links from filefactory and hotfile and fight with for a while. They look corrupted by i found the advice of someone how to correct the problem. Later founded the link to rapidshare (recommended) and it is OK.
The downloded file is about 180 MB but is compressed by nanozip, then by rar in 31 files, compressed by winzip and one more time by winrar. Sounds crazy ? Expanded is about 1.6 GB and is for x32 and x64.
I didn't succedd to install in XP (in my notebook) but installed in Windows 7 in the same notebook. The protection is Flextools (license for 5 net users) but even if the service is working and the server and license look OK stiil the soft ask for activation. When i come back home i will continue to check. Meanwhile you can try the 30 days Autodesk give from every one. The trial versions from Autodesk (downloaded too) look different and ask for registration (possible to bypass).
Fatigue Testing and Analysis Under Variable Amplitude Loading Conditions By ASTM International
* Publisher: ASTM International
* Number Of Pages: 588
* Publication Date: 2005-05-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0803134797
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780803134799
Product Description:
Thirty-eight peer-review papers provide the latest information on fatigue testing and analysis under variable amplitude spectrum loading conditions focus purely on fatigue testing, fatigue design techniques, or a combination of both. This new ASTM publication serves as an important reference for engineers and scientists involved in structural integrity and component lifetime management. Six sections cover: • Fatigue Testing and Laboratory • Aerospace Applications, including full-scale aircraft testing • Design Approaches and Modelling • Other Applications • Load Interaction • Probabilistic and Multiaxial Effects
Table of Contents
Principles of Variable Amplitude Fatigue Design and Testing
Sonsino C.
Role of Variable Amplitude Fatigue Standards in Improving Structural Integrity
Hopkins S., Mitchell M., Ménigault J.
A Framework for a Standardization Effort for Fatigue Crack Growth Testing Under Variable Amplitude Spectrum Loading
McKeighan P., McMaster F.
Variable Amplitude Fatigue Crack Growth Using Digital Signal Processing Technology
Donald J., George K.
..............more and more
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A textbook and reference using Kane’s equations and associated methods to study large and complex multibody systems. Some of the topics reviewed are particle kinematics, kinetics, and dynamics, as well as inertia dyadics, products, moments, and principle moments of inertia.
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