Mechanics of Materials
Publisher: Oxford University Press Inc, USA | ISBN: 0195133374 | edition 2002 | PDF | 774 pages | 35,7 mb
Applications of the principles of mechanics of materials have increased considerably over the last 25 years. Today's routine industrial practices and techniques were only esoteric research topics just a few years ago. That research is now relevant to such diverse but commonplace applications as electronic packaging, medical implantation, geology (seismic prediction), and engineered wood products. It is in this rapidly changing world that Madhukar Vable's Mechanics of Materials takes its place as a standard text for civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering majors, as well as for any other engineering discipline that includes mechanics of materials as a basic course. Vable's distinct pedagogical approach translates into exceptional features that enhance student participation in learning. It assumes a complementary connection between intuition, experimental observation, and mathematical generalization, suggesting that intuitive development and understanding need not be at odds with mathematical logic, rigor, and generalization. This approach also emphasizes engineering practice without distracting from the main point of the text. With strong practical examples and real-life engineering problems praised by reviewers, Mechanics of Materials promises to provide the skills and principles that students need to organize, integrate, and make sense of the flood of information emerging in the world of modern engineering. Pedagogical Features BL Overview: Each chapter begins with a concise Overview that describes the motivation and major learning objective behind the chapter. BL Points and Formulas to Remember: Each chapter ends with a convenient one-page synopsis of essential topics. BL Plans and Comments: Every example starts with a Plan for solving the problem and ends with Comments that connect the example with previous and future concepts in the text, putting examples firmly into context within the field of mechanics. BL Quick Tests: Quick Tests help students effectively diagnose their own understanding of text material. BL Consolidate Your Knowledge: These boxes follow major topics and prompt students to write a synopsis of or derive a formula for material just covered, encouraging development of personal reasoning skills. BL General Information: These intriguing sections connect historical development and advanced topics to material in each chapter. BL "Stretch Yourself": Problems labeled "Stretch Yourself" contain important reference material that will be useful to students as future engineers. BL Closure: Every chapter closes with helpful links to topics in subsequent chapters. BL Formula Sheet: These useful sheets are found inside the back cover of the book for easy reference. They list equations of essential topics but include no explanations of variables and equations, making them perfect for use during exams.
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Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary (ACI 350.3-06)
Date: 2006
Description: This standard is a guide to the requirement of ACI-350. It prescribes procedures for the seismic analysis of liquid-containing concrete structures. These procedures address the "loading side" of seismic design and shall be used in accordance with ACI-350, Section 1.1.8 and Chapter 21. This standard works hand in hand with other standards provided by ACI such as the ACI-350 code and ACI-350.1 standard for tightness testing. It is also a perfect companion to PCA’s The Design of Circular Tanks (IS072), Design of Rectangular Tanks (IS003), and Design of Tanks for Earthquake Forces (EB219). Published by ACI.
Chapter 1 - General Requirements
Chapter 2 - Types of Liquid-Containing Structures
Chapter 3 - General Criteria for Analysis and Design
Chapter 4 - Earthquake Design Loads
Chapter 5 - Earthquake Load Distribution
Chapter 6 - Stresses
Chapter 7 - Freeboard
Chapter 8 - Earthquake-Induced Earth Pressures
Chapter 9 - Dynamic Model
Chapter 10 - Commentary References
Appendix A - Design Method
Appendix B - Alternative Method of Analysis Based on 1997 Uniform Building Code
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Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security)
This volume covers papers presented at NATO ARW 983188 “Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation”, held in Borovets, Bulgaria, from 30th of August to 3rd of September 2008. The main objective of the workshop was to present a state of the art on site-soil-structure-interaction effects, as manifested in the broader area of South and South-Eastern Europe, which is unquestionably the most seismically-prone region of the European continent. A second objective was to attempt a definition of the seismic risk posed to the built environment in this area and to present modern methods for seismic risk mitigation.
Papers included in this volume are grouped into four chapters: (1) Site conditions and their role in seismic hazard analyses; (2) Soil-structure-interaction; (3) The role of site effects and of soil-structure-interaction in design of structures; and (4) General and related subjects. The following subject fields are addressed: seismological aspects (near-field effects, seismic wave propagation, free-field motions); geotechnical engineering (slopes, foundations, lifelines, dams, retaining walls); structural engineering (buildings, bridges, field measurements, protective systems).
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Connection design in an introductory steel course is often difficult to effectively communicate. Time constraints and priority of certain other topics over connection design also tend to inhibit sufficient treatment of connection design.
The Steel Connections Teaching toolkit is an attempt to effectively incorporate the fundamentals of steel connection design into a first course in steel design. The toolkit addresses three broad issues that arise when teaching students steel connection design: visualization, load paths, and limit states.
In structural analysis classes, students are shown idealized structures. Simple lines represent beams and columns, while pins, hinges and fixed supports characterize connections. However, real structures are composed of beams, girders and columns, all joined together through bolting or welding of plates and angles. It is no wonder that student shave trouble visualizing and understanding the true three-dimensional nature of connections!
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The scientific disciplines of hydrology and hydrogeology are expanding as the Earth's water is being recognized by governments and individuals as a shrinking resource-no entity can afford to take water for granted. At the present time, there is no single reference source for definitions. The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Hydrogeology is a practical, comprehensive reference guide with complete definitions of terms in hydrogeology and other fields closely related to water practices. This concise reference not only defines terms and concepts, but also provides a clear explanation of key elements so that an in-depth understanding of processes may be obtained.
* With more than 2,000 entries, from "absolute permeability" to the "Z-R relationship", this dictionary features the most up-to-date vocabulary in hydrology and hydrogeology. This dictionary would be of use to practicing scientists and professionals in all the fields of water science.
* More than 340 graphs, tables and diagrams complement the entries in order to clarify terms, methods, or processes
* Essential reference for students, academics, consultants, and practitioners in hydrology, hydrogeology, environmental engineering, environmental law, and the government
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This semester I am taking My MSc thesis topic but I don't know what to do.
Can any one please help me, I am very confused. The subject I am interested in, is HYDRAULIC STRUCTURES. But I will appreciate any topic as long as it is related to Structural engineering and wont require a lot of money to get it done.
Collection of 90 papers on latest developments in tubular steel structures; for architects, civil and mechanical engineers, designers and manufacturers of hollow sections.
Presentation of the latest scientific and engineering developments in the field of tubular steel structures. Covers key and emerging subjects of hollow structural sections, such as: static and fatigue behaviour of connections/joints, concrete filled hollow sections and composite tubular members, offshore structures, earthquake resistance, specification and standard developments, manufacture and construction of tubular structures, material properties and structural reliability, sustainability of tubular structures, fire resistance, casting, novel applications and case studies. A pertinent reference of over 90 contributions by international experts, intended for architects, civil and mechanical engineers, steel fabricators, contractors and manufacturers.
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Materials: Degradation and Its Control by Surface Engineering
Materials: Degradation and Its Control by Surface Engineering
Publisher: World Scientific
Pages: 428
ISBN 1860943349
PDF| 22 MB
The second edition of Materials Degradation and Its Control by Surface Engineering continues the theme of the first edition, where discussions on corrosion, wear, fatigue and thermal damage are balanced by similarly detailed discussions on their control methods, e.g. painting and metallic coatings. The book is written for the non-specialist, with an emphasis on introducing technical concepts graphically rather than through algebraic equations. In the second edition, the graphic content is enhanced by an additional series of colour and monochrome photographs that illustrate key aspects of the controlling physical phenomena. Existing topics such as liquid metal corrosion have been extended and new topics such as corrosion inhibitors added.
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