Braja M. Das' PRINCIPLES OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING provides civil engineering students and professionals with an overview of soil properties and mechanics, combined with a study of field practices and basic soil engineering procedures. Through four editions, this book has distinguished itself by its exceptionally clear theoretical explanations, realistic worked examples, thorough discussions of field testing methods, and extensive problem sets, making this book a leader in its field. Das's goal in revising this best-seller has been to reorganize and revise existing chapters while incorporating the most up-to-date information found in the current literature. Additionally, Das has added numerous case studies as well as new introductory material on the geological side of geotechnical engineering, including coverage of soil formation.
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In Situ Testing in Geotechnics: The Main Tests by Fernand Schnaid
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Cone Penetration Testing in Geotechnical Practice by T.Lunne, P.K. Robertson and J.J.M. Powell
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Repair, Protection and Waterproofing of Concrete Structures
Author Philip Harold Perkins
Edition: 3, illustrated
Publisher: Taylor & Francis, 1997
ISBN: 0419202803, 9780419202806
Length: 233 pages
Pdf: 13.7 Mb
A wealth of recent research into the continued deterioration of reinforced concrete structures has led to a review of methods of investigation and repair techniques. This thoroughly revised and updated edition brings together the fundamental aspects of this world wide problem and offers advice on how investigations, diagnosis and consequent remedial work should be carried out.
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AutoCAD Structure Detailing 2010 Multilingual SP2 Full
Don't support for windows7
AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software, built on the familiar AutoCAD® platform, enhances productivity with precise detailing and creation of fabrication shop drawings for steel and concrete structures. AutoCAD Structural Detailing includes two powerful toolsets for structural steel and concrete reinforcement detailing projects. AutoCAD Structural Detailing is part of AutoCAD® Revit® Structure Suite.
AutoCAD® Structural Detailing software enables you to quickly and efficiently generate detailing and creation of fabrication shop drawings for reinforced concrete and steel structures. AutoCAD® Structural Detailing: Intelligent Structural Objects
Intelligent Structural Objects
In AutoCAD Structural Detailing, engineers and drafters can create structural steel models or rebar drawings using intelligent objects such as beams, plates, columns, walls, and reinforcement bars, rather than lines and curves. You can virtually cut, lengthen, bend, split, and merge objects. They dynamically react to changes and automatically update material takeoffs.
AutoCAD® Structural Detailing: Powerful Macros
Powerful Macros
AutoCAD Structural Detailing provides special tools and smart macros that enable fast automation of time-consuming structural tasks. Use macros to generate typical parts of steel structures (including connections, roof trusses, stairs, railings, and ladders), automatically place elements (such as grates or purlins), or generate complete concrete reinforcement drawings of typical parts of structures, together with rebar descriptions and material takeoffs.
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Due to strong potential applications and more demanding requirements imposed upon long and thick cylindrical structures, there has been increasing research and development activities during recent years in the field of vibration and passive vibration control of these types of structures. An important step in the study of cylindrical structures is the determination of their vibration modal characteristics. This modal information plays a key role in the design and vibration suppression of these structures when subjected to dynamic excitations. Most reported studies on the dynamic response of cylindrical structures have been restricted to the application of the shell theories. These theories are based on a number of simplifying assumptions. The most important of which is, the considered shell must be relatively thin to assume constant stresses within the cylinder. Therefore, due to this limitation, shell theories are inadequate to accurately describe all possible vibration modes in thick cylindrical structures. The primary scope of this book is to address these problems by applying the theory of elasto-dynamics.
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Authors: M. A. Mansur, Kiang-Hwee Tan
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: CRC Press, 1999
ISBN: 0849374359, 9780849374357
Length: 220 pages
Pdf: 3.95 Mb
This book compiles state-of-the-art information on the behavior, analysis, and design of concrete beams containing transverse openings.Discussions includeo the need, effects, and classification of openings as well as the general requirements for fulfilling designo pure bending, combined bending, and shear - illustrated with numerical exampleso torsion alone or in combination with bending and shearo large rectangular openings as well as opening size and location on beam behavioro methods for analyzing ultimate strength and serviceability requirementso effects of torsion in beamso large openings in continuous beams and their effects on possible redistribution of internal forces as well as guidelines and procedures for the design of such beamso effect of prestressing on the serviceability and strength of beams with web openingso design against cracking at openings and ultimate loadsConcrete Beams with Openings serves as an invaluable source of information for designers and practicing engineers, especially useful since little or no provision or guidelines are currently available in most building codes.
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Imagine a world where war is outdated, there is no shortage of resources, and every human being enjoys a high standard of living.
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Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers: Art, Architecture and Worship
Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers: Art, Architecture and Worship
Akel Kahera, Latif Abdulmalik, Craig Anz,
Architectural Press
ISBN: 0750667966
112 pages
PDF 7,8 MB
The design principles necessary to create functional and dynamic contemporary mosques can be hard to grasp for those unfamiliar with the Islamic faith. 'Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers' provides an easy-to-use and practical set of guidelines for mosque design, illustrated with 300 line drawings.
Case studies of urban mosques in New York, Washington, Boston, and London and Birmingham amongst others, demonstrate how mosques and Islamic centers have evolved to integrate into the urban scenario. The book also compares tenets from Western and Eastern religious and secular philosophies and discusses their relation to architectural creation, place-making, meaning, and identity. The book shows how mosques fulfill multiple faith-based and social roles through their design; it provides a wide-ranging, basic understanding of Islamic liturgical conventions and secular functions to enable architects, designers, and community advocates to work with confidence.
'Design Criteria for Mosques and Islamic Centers' is the first dedicated design guide for mosques and Islamic centers available.
. Features case studies from the USA, UK, and Europe
. Explains fundamental principles to make it easy to create viable design solutions for these exacting buildings that fulfi ll a range of social and religious roles.
* First dedicated design guide for Mosques and Islamic centres available
* Features case studies from the USA, UK and Europe
* Explains fundamental principles to make it easy to create viable design solutions for these exacting buildings that fulfil a range of social and religious roles.
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Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Satish Chandra & Leif Berntsson
Published by Noyes Publications
Publication date : June 2002
ISBN : 8125908404
PDF 6.3 MB
407 pages
Written to give an overall picture of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete, from the historical background of aggregate production, proportioning and production of concrete, to applications in structural and physical properties. Discusses the historical background of lightweight aggregate concrete.
This is a comprehensive book that considers all aspects of lightweight aggregates and lightweight aggregate concrete. The authors begin with a brief overview of the historical use of lightweight aggregate concrete, both naturally occurring and artificial, from ancient times to the present. This is followed by a summary of production facilities around the world, giving an indication of the amount of material produced per annum (although some of the figures are out of date). The various methods of manufacturing lightweight aggregates are covered in great detail; some processes are described in general terms while others are specifically related to particular products. The procedure for designing lightweight aggregate concrete mixes (both light-weight fines and with natural fines) is out-lined, although the actual proportions will obviously be a function of the specific materials used. Two chapters deal with the microstructure of lightweight aggregate concrete and the significant physical characteristics, such as shrinkage and creep. Subsequent chapters cover the important topics related to in-service behaviour of light-weight aggregate concrete. The first covers key areas of durability, such as alkali-aggregate reaction, carbonation, corrosion and chloride penetration. The authors deal extensively with these topics, giving data from both laboratory testing and field surveys. The information should help to dispel the common misconception that lightweight aggregate concrete is not as durable as `normal' concrete. A chapter is devoted to the important aspect of fire resistance, both of standard grades of concretes and high-strength/high-performance concretes. The final in-service behaviour topic considered is freeze-thaw resistance. The book concludes with a brief overview of applications of lightweight aggregate concrete in New Zealand, Scandinavia and the UK.
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