Toward Earthquake-Resistant Design of Concentrically Braced Steel-Frame Structures
In recent years, typical steel construction in regions of high seismic risk has shifted from
moment-resisting frames to concentrically braced frames. As a result of the increased popularity
of braced frames, the poor performance of some conventionally braced frames in past
earthquakes, and the limited experimental data available on the inelastic response and the failure
characteristics of braced-frame systems, a series of experimental and analytical investigations
were initiated. The tests reported on herein contain some of the first data available on braced
frames constructed in accordance with modern construction practices in the western U.S.
Extensive analytical studies were undertaken to assess the analysis methods used for the
research, and improved models were developed to better understand the complete range of
behavior, including yielding, lateral buckling, and rupture due to low-cycle fatigue.
The primary objectives of this research are to (1) improve understanding of the behavior
of this common type of structural system under cyclic inelastic deformations, (2) permit
validation and improvement of computer models for predicting global and local response, and (3)
improve understanding of the relation between system, member, and connection behavior.
As such, a series of investigations have been conducted, aimed at understanding and
improving the seismic performance of concentrically braced steel-frame structures. Extensive
analytical studies have been carried out on systems with conventional and buckling-restrained
bracing. Tests on a limited number of full-scale pipe and square, hollow structural section (HSS)
braces were carried out. These tests were supplemented with large-scale tests of three bucklingrestrained
braced-frame (BRBF) specimens and a single two-story special concentrically braced
frame (SCBF). In the latter case, specimens incorporated traditional bracing elements susceptible
to lateral and local buckling. These component and system test results, along with existing data,
were used to develop, calibrate, and validate improved numerical models capable of realistically
simulating the behavior of braced frames, including possible failure due to buckling and lowcycle
fatigue. An array of numerical simulations assessed the likely performance of braced-frame
structures subjected to severe earthquakes of the type expected in California. The applicability of
performance-based earthquake engineering evaluation methodologies to concentrically braced
frames is assessed using these results. Based on this research, recommendations are offered
regarding the design, analysis, modeling, and detailing of concentrically braced frame structures.
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Hello everyone on the forum. I wanted staad file of industrial steel structure, truss or anything related to steel structures. I am in search of a staad file. I appreciate any member would upload a file for reference.
Does anyone have "Behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas, STESSA 2003 by Federico M. Mazzolani" ebook? I need the paper "Experimental and analytical evaluation of chevron braces with slotted brace-to-beam connections" from this book. Thanks to the uploader by now.
The use of passive energy dissipating devices to protect structures from seismic damage is starting to receive more attention. This paper explores the use of such a device, the slotted bolted joint, as a means of providing concentrically braced frames (CBFs) with similar levels of ductility to moment-resisting frames whilst avoiding the associated plastic hinge damage. The benefits of this approach include the ability to consider CBFs as potential candidates for stiff, lightweight seismic-resisting systems, with the promise of lower repair costs after a damaging seismic event. In this preliminary study, sample joints are described and some results based on time-history analyses of a trial 6 storey structure subjected to a range of ‘inelastic demandlevel’ earthquake records presented. Structure ductility factors ranging from 6.7 to 18.6 were observed with maximum drift levels well within code limits.
Does anyone have "Behaviour of steel structures in seismic areas, STESSA 2003 by Federico M. Mazzolani" ebook? I need the paper "Experimental and analytical evaluation of chevron braces with slotted brace-to-beam connections" from this book. Thanks to the uploader by now.
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This new book on the fracture mechanics of concrete focuses on the latest developments in computational theories, and how to apply those theories to solve real engineering problems. Zihai Shi uses his extensive research experience to present detailed examination of multiple-crack analysis and mixed-mode fracture.
Compared with other mature engineering disciplines, fracture mechanics of concrete is still a developing field with extensive new research and development. In recent years many different models and applications have been proposed for crack analysis; the author assesses these in turn, identifying their limitations and offering a detailed treatment of those which have been proved to be robust by comprehensive use.
After introducing stress singularity in numerical modelling and some basic modelling techniques, the Extended Fictitious Crack Model (EFCM) for multiple-crack analysis is explained with numerical application examples. This theoretical model is then applied to study two important issues in fracture mechanics - crack interaction and localization, and fracture modes and maximum loads. The EFCM is then reformulated to include the shear transfer mechanism on crack surfaces and the method is used to study experimental problems.
With a carefully balanced mixture of theory, experiment and application, Crack Analysis in Structural Concrete is an important contribution to this fast-developing field of structural analysis in concrete.
* Latest theoretical models analysed and tested
* Detailed assessment of multiple crack analysis and multi-mode fractures
* Applications designed for solving real-life engineering problems
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The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction
Author: Len F. Webster
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience, 1997
ISBN: 0471181153, 9780471181156
Length: 666 pages
Pdf: 54.8 Mb
The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction provides comprehensive coverage of a broad range of technical disciplines. The definitions are designed to be of use to professionals in architecture, engineering, surveying, building, construction, forestry, mining, and public works. Entries include terms, concepts, names, abbreviations, tools, and techniques common to these disciplines, and virtually all terms and their functions were supplied by working professionals and experts in each field.
More than 30,000 definitions and descriptions, including many that are not covered in other dictionaries
* Written with the support and assistance of nearly 100 manufacturers, trade associations, government agencies, and specialists
* All terms arranged alphabetically; many grouped according to logical common topics; thoroughly cross-referenced
* All weights, volumes, and spatial dimensions presented in both metric and nonmetric values (conversion factors included).
The Wiley Dictionary of Civil Engineering and Construction is an indispensable resource for civil engineers, contractors and subcontractors, architects, construction administrators, consultants, and students. It also offers assistance to professionals without technical training who need to become familiar with this terminology, including bankers, attorneys, insurers, regulators, and inspectors.
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Publisher: Thomas Telford
Number Of Pages: 112
Publication Date: 1992-08
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0727716204 0727735497
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780727716200 9780727735492
This practical design guide allies basic technical knowledge with current engineering experience of the durability of concrete and concrete structures, presenting appropriate solutions for different environmental conditions. It is intended for practising design and construction engineers who need to understand the most important deterioration processes and their governing parameters. The book presents simplified models of degradation mechanism, influencing factors and practical solutions.
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