Schaum's Outline of Strength of Materials
William Nash, William Nash,
ISBN: 0070466173
432 pages
PDF 28,2 MB
If you want top grades and thorough understanding of strength of materials, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through the subject and gives you accompanying related problems with fully worked solutions. You also get hundreds of additional problems to solve on your own, working at your own speed. (Answers at the back show you how youOre doing.) This superb study guide features clear explanations of the strengths of systems subject to static as well as dynamic loadings. And it's the only guide to this subject with complete programs in FORTRAN for difficult geometries of structural members, including numerical examples. It also offers simpler computer programs for less complex problems.
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Fracture Processes of Concrete: Assessment of Material Parameters for Fracture Models
Fracture Processes of Concrete: Assessment of Material Parameters for Fracture Models
Jan G.M. van Mier,
ISBN: 0849391237
464 pages
Djvu 10,1 MB
Despite tremendous advances made in fracture mechanics of concrete in recent years, very little information has been available on the nature of fracture processes and on reliable test methods for determining parameters for the different models. Moreover, most texts on this topic discuss numerical modeling but fail to consider experimentation. This book fills these gaps and synthesizes progress in the field in a simple, straightforward manner geared to practical applications.
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Chaos in Structural Mechanics (Understanding Complex Systems)
Chaos in Structural Mechanics (Understanding Complex Systems)
J. Awrejcewicz, V. A. Krysko,
ISBN: 3540776753
424 pages
PDF 6,6 MB
This volume introduces and reviews novel theoretical approaches to modeling strongly nonlinear behaviour of either individual or interacting structural mechanical units such as beams, plates and shells or composite systems thereof.
The approach draws upon the well-established fields of bifurcation theory and chaos and emphasizes the notion of control and stability of objects and systems the evolution of which is governed by nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. Computational methods, in particular the Bubnov-Galerkin method, are thus described in detail.
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Corrosion Science and Technology
Pages: 432
ISBN 0849382246
Although they often appear to be permanent, metals are unstable in their service environments and are susceptible to degradation by corrosion. Corrosion occurs when protective mechanisms have been overlooked, break down, or have been exhausted, leaving the metal vulnerable to attack by hostile environments. Control of corrosion is essential in a wide variety of industries. It is of concern to materials scientists and engineers, yet both students and professionals often cannot assimilate the info
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Structural Toolkit™ is software developed specifically to meet the demanding requirements of a professional structural design office. It provides features to fast-track everyday design tasks, delivering fast and accurate design assistance. Designed and developed in Melbourne over the past decade, it is designed for Australian codes and practices.
Design tools are provided for a range of materials including steel, concrete, timber and masonry and contains common section libraries. References and relevant code clauses are shown and results may be fine tuned with many additional options available. Printed outputs are typically formatted for a single A4 page and can include project details and a customised company logo.
With over 6 years assisting designers in design practices throughout Australia including some of our national consultanting groups, Structural Toolkit offers a reliable tool for the Professional Design Engineer.
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Posted by: gabriel - 11-15-2009, 09:57 PM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Hi gents.
Does anybody have the following books:
"Foundation Design Codes and Soil Investigation in View of International harmonization and performance based design"
Here are few drawings that could be used as an reference for fresh comers from college to understand the concept and method of detailing after the analysis and design of an respective structure.
These are structural drawings for a 5 storied commercial building. I have uploaded all the drawings starting from the center line dwg to final stair case details. These are as enlisted below.
Additional Information:
- The design is based on IS 456 and SP 16.
- For Grade Of Concrete, refer the notes of each Drawing.
- Steel Grade - Fe 415.
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Materials science (and engineering), MSE, is arguably the most important engineering discipline.
Materials have always been important to the advance of civilization: entire eras are named after them.
After evolving from the Stone Age through the Bronze and Iron Ages, now in the modern era we have
vast numbers of tailored materials to make use of. We are really living in the Materials Age.
The field of Materials Science deals with all classes of materials from a unified viewpoint and with an
emphasis on the connections between the underlying structure and the processing, properties, and
performance of the material. A materials scientist studies how materials react/behave when subjected
to different conditions (such as mechanical loads, temperature and pressure) and understands that all
materials can be approached from a common set of principles. Most fields in science and engineering
are concerned in some way or other with materials, but only the field of materials science and
engineering focuses directly on them.
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Design Of Steel Structures I - By Prof. S.R.Satish Kumar & Prof.A.R.Santha Kumar
Steel is by far the most useful material for building structures with strength of approximately ten times that of concrete, steel is the ideal material for modern construction. Due to its large strength to weight ratio, steel structures tend to be more economical than concrete structures for tall buildings and large span buildings and bridges. Steel structures can be constructed very fast and this enables the structure to be used early thereby leading to overall economy. Steel structures are ductile and robust and can withstand severe loadings such as earthquakes. Steel structures can be easily repaired and retrofitted to carry higher loads. Steel is also a very eco-friendly material and steel structures can be easily dismantled and sold as scrap. Thus the lifecycle cost of steel structures, which includes the cost of construction, maintenance, repair and dismantling, can be less than that for concrete structures. Since steel is produced in the factory under better quality control, steel structures have higher reliability and safety.
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