PDF Format. - 338 pages
author: Tim J. Hogan and I. R. Thomas
This manual detail methods of design for a range of connections commonly used for structural steelwork in Australia. The design models presented were originally developed as a necessary component of the AISC Standardized Connections and first published in 1978.
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Cong N. Duong, Chun Hui Wang, "Composite Repair: Theory and Design"
Elsevier Science | 2007-07-06 | ISBN: 0080451462 | 480 pages | PDF | 3,8 MB
Bonded composite repairs are efficient and cost effective means of repairing cracks and corrosion grind-out cavity in metallic structures, and composite structures sustained impact and ballistic damages, especially in aircraft structures. This book grew out of the recent research conducted at the Boeing Company and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO, Australia) over the past ten years. Consequently it is predominately a compilation of the work by the authors and their colleagues at these two organizations on the design and analysis of composite repairs. Composite Repair is entirely devoted to the design and analysis of bonded repairs, focusing on the mathematical techniques and analysis approaches that are critical to the successful implementation of bonded repairs. The topics addressed are presentated in a sufficiently self-explanatory manner, and serve as a state-of-the-art reference guide to engineers, scientists, researchers and practitioners interested in the underpinning design methodology and the modelling of composite repairs.
* The only book devoted entirely to the design and analysis of bonded repairs
* Focusing on mathematical techniques and analytical methodologies that are critical to the successful implementation of bonded repair
* A companion reference book to the United Stated Air Force (USAF) bonded repair guidelines (Guidelines for Composite Repair of Metallic Structures-CRMS, AFRL-WP-TR-1998-4113) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Design Standard DEF(AUST)995
* Covering a variety of topics and effects: repairs of fatigue and sonic fatigue cracks, and corrosion grind-out cavity, and effects of secondary bending, octagon-shaped patches, thermal residual stresses, patches in proximity, patch tapering edge, etc.
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The terrorist attacks of 2001 riveted our attention on supposed deficiencies in our structural designs,
regardless of the fact that those structures, and the structures surrounding them, actually performed
well given the extreme loads to which they were subjected. While these attacks served as a call to
action to reevaluate our designs for these severe loads, the fact is that practitioners in the fields of
blast loads prediction and dynamic inelastic structural response prediction have been moving
steadily forward on research, guideline development and design practices for extraordinary loads such as blast and impact for the past four decades. Granted, these loads and the requisite analysis and designs to resist these loads have not been “textbook” practices in the past. The complexity of the loads and response mechanisms of individual components and assemblages of components has required that the development of the design practice in this field has been one involving a mix of empirical, analytical and, recently, sophisticated numerical methods.
This “Facts for Steel Buildings: Blast and Progressive Collapse” document serves to provide the latest information and guidance available for commercial and industrial buildings subjected to these extraordinary loads and responses. It is not intended to supplant existing guidance for hardened military construction for warfighters. The document presents background and definitions for explosive loads and progressive collapse, general principles of blast loads and response prediction, recommendations for structures designed to resist blast and mitigate progressive collapse, recent guidelines and Federal and DoD requirements, some observations from historical events, and some information on ongoing research.
This document is intended to be a “primer” for engineers, architects, developers and owners. A
follow-on and companion “Design Guide for Blast and Progressive Collapse”, to be published by
AISC, will provide detailed analysis and design recommendations.
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* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
* Number Of Pages: 800
* Publication Date: 2002-04-08
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071375082
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071375085
Product Description:
The most comprehensive resource on slurries and slurry systems, covering everything from fluid mechanics to soil classification, pump design to selection criteria.
Slurries are mixtures of liquids and solid particles of all types. For instance, liquid is used as a way of transporting what you get out of the mine, which might be better than shoveling it into freight cars and carrying it out by train.
Slurry systems are fundamental to dredging, many mineral processes, bridge and tunnel construction, and to the manufacturer of synthetic petroleum products from oil sands.
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Innovative Solutions In Steel: Open-Deck Parking structures
“Steel Parking Structures Making a Comeback!” reads the headline in a recent issue of Parking Today, the leading independent trade publication of the U.S. parking industry. Steel-framed parking structures today are radically different than their predecessors. New high-performance paint systems and modern galvanizing techniques have satisfied corrosion concerns and provide a protective, attractive finish that lasts for decades. Choosing a steel framing system will improve the return on your investment through benefits that concrete cannot provide including:
! lower construction costs
! greater parking density providing more parking spaces
! bright, open interiors enhancing patron security and comfort
! earlier occupancy from reduced construction time and simplified construction
! reduced maintenance costs as opposed to escalating restoration costs
! superior long-term durability
! unlimited opportunity for aesthetic expression
! greater design flexibility
! simplified maintenance procedures
! adaptability to irregular sites
! reduced foundation requirements resulting from a lighter structure
! convenience and ease of future vertical expansion
In every way, steel is the logical choice for your next parking project. This Design Aid provides you with the information you need to make that choice. It won’t turn you into a parking designer. It will help you work with your design professional to select the ideal framing system—steel. Don’t get caught in the trap of tradition—break away from that same old, tired concrete parking garage! Read
on and discover why the “we’ve always done it that way” myths of parking just don’t apply in the 21st Century. Discover how to build tomorrow’s parking structure today, with STEEL!
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Title Precast concrete bridges: state-of-art report
Volume 29 of Bulletin (Fédération internationale du béton)
Volume 29 of Bulletin // International Federation for Structural Concrete
Volume 29 of State-of-art report
Volume 29 of FIB Bulletin
Volume 29 of Bulletin - FIB
Authors Fédération internationale du béton, Fédération internationale du béton. Task Group 6.4
Publisher FIB - Féd. Int. du Béton, 2004
ISBN 288394069X, 9782883940697
Length 81 pages
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Author: Ing J. Verschoof (Author) | Size: 10.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley; 2 edition | Year: November 15, 2002 | pages: 328 | ISBN: 1860583733, 9781860583735
This second edition of Cranes – Design, Practice, and Maintenance has been thoroughly updated. Many new photographs are included and the latest information on developments in equipment and crane technology has been added. The chapter on standards has also been revised to include a comprehensive guide to current legislation.
This unique book discusses and explains the technical issues and considerations in a practical way, offering a comprehensive review of the different types of cranes and their uses. Heavily illustrated with photographs and line drawings, this title continues to be of considerable interest to crane designers, crane manufacturers and
suppliers, crane users, project managers, health and safety specialists, and consultants involved in a wide range of industries.
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* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
* Number Of Pages: 560
* Publication Date: 2002-06-27
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071377840
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071377843
* Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
* Includes Federal and other regulations and ADA site requirements
* Covers sustainable practices such as storm water rehabilitation and quality assurance
* Includes guidance on project management issues including permitting and quality assurance
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This book deals with recent advances relating to design, assessment and repair of structures subjected to repeated loading. Written by researchers from around the world this book will be of interest to those concerned with structural engineering.
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Anton Puskar, "Internal Friction of Materials "
Publisher: Cambridge International Science Publishing | 2001-05 | ISBN 1898326509 | PDF | 326 pages | 1.8 MB
Without understanding the nature and mechanisms of an elasticity and the effect of various factors on internal friction, it is difficult to solve the problems of using internal friction measurement for evaluating the structural stability of alloys, cyclic microplasticity and for better understanding the processes associated with the response of materials to single or repeated loading. The author presents important new results for the relationship between internal friction and the defect of the elasticity modulus with many principal processes such as plastic deformation, effect of temperature of plastic deformation, effects on the structural stability of alloys and composites up to cyclic microplasticity. The existence of critical strain amplitudes is discussed and supported by experiments, and attention is given to the link of cyclic microplasticity with dislocation density and activation volume of plastic deformation up to the effect of individual factors on the cyclic plastic response of the material. The relationship of the process of mechanical fatigue of the material with internal friction and the defect of the elasticity modulus is discussed. The author proposes a new fatigue life equation which has been verified by a large number of experiments.
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