FEMA 451B Topic 04 - Structural Dynamics of Linear Elastic MDOF Systems
This topic covers the analysis of multiple-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF) elastic systems. The basic purpose of this series of slides is to provide background on the development of the code-based equivalent lateral force (ELF) procedure and modal superposition analysis. The topic is limited to two-dimensional systems.
125 Slides - PDF format
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BridgeModeler is the common thread of the BridgeKey suite of programs for bridge engineering. BridgeModeler is a series of programs with a standard Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI), which can read, display, edit and write data files for all programs that operate under the BridgeKey program group. It provides the user with the ability to interactively create, view and modify three-dimensional numerical models of bridge members for the construction of a complete three-dimensional bridge model. BridgeModeler can also interactively define, view and modify bridge-loading conditions that may be applied to bridge structures. BridgeModeler performs the following functions:
Create new bridge models
Modify and update existing bridge models
Visually display and verify a bridge model
Visually display and verify applied loads
Generate input for various analysis programs
Analyze models using the LARS load rating engine.
Display graphically and textually analysis program results
BridgeModeler also provides an interface to all BridgeKey applications by use of its Import/Export functions.
BridgeAnalysis is part of the BridgeKey suite of programs for bridge engineering. At the current time, it allows for the standalone analysis of bridge data stored in AASHTOWare BARS or C.W. Beilfuss and Associates LARS formats. Lateral Load Analysis data can also be processed. Future analysis engines may be incorporated in the future so that more types of data will be able to be analyzed through this one standard GUI. The BridgeAnalysis application gives the ability to create and modify data, run analysis on the data, and then view, save, and print the output.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
if some body have the access to "nisee.berkeley.edu", it will be very helpful for me to get the report and full-size photos about El-Asnam Earthquake, Algeria, 10 october 1980.
The link to that report is:
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Anybody can explain about what is the unit table output "center mass rigidity" at column " Mass X or Mass Y"on ETABs?
I was thinking why when I change the global unit kN-m to kN-mm it just different about 1000x, has it actually to be same or else?
And if we need the mass in unit tons, how to obtain from ETABs?
Structural steel detailing - Training Manual By Quest
Published by Quest.
PDF size : 3.44 Mb
Pages : 99
Structural Steel Detailing is the process of converting design drawings (engineering drawings / contract drawings) to shop drawings (fabrication drawings) to facilitate easy and speedy fabrication of structural members in shop.This manual is presented with numerous illustrations on structural steel detailing. Explanations are given in a lucid way.
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hi friends i hv solved one RCC building by dynamic analysis using etabs but i m unable to read the output results of story shear can any body explain....... i hv solved same problem manually i got base shear 1320KN.........i hv attached file also plz help me.....
etabs file
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can any on please upload this paper if you have"O’Rourke, M. J., and X. Liu (editors) MCEER (1999), Response of Buried Pipelines Subject to
Earthquake Effects, Multidisciplinary center for Earthquake Engineering and Research (MCEER), MCEER Monograph No-3, US."
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone help me about modeling of elastomeric bearing below bridge girder using sap 2000? How can it can be modeled, what type of link support type to be used for it, what will be its mass, weight, effective stiffness, what will be the six degrees of freedom? Thanks in advance...