Hi guys, I've been looking badly for the 3 books below:
Full title: Structural Steel Design, Asd
Author: Alan Williams
Publisher: International Code; 2nd edition (January 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580015212
ISBN-13: 978-1580015219
Full title: Structural Steel Design, LRFD
Author: Alan Williams
Publisher: International Code; 3rd edition (January 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580015034
ISBN-13: 978-1580015035
Full title: Seismic and Wind Forces: Structural Design Examples
Author: Alan Williams
Publisher: International Code; 3rd edition (January 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580015085
ISBN-13: 978-1580015080
From the author ’ s point of view, there are few things more satisfying than solving a problem. The failure analysis of paints and coatings is all about problem solving, and is both a fascinating and a challenging endeavour. It requires the blending of polymer chemistry, analytical chemistry, coatings science and microscopy with the curiosity of a detective. All of these skills, with the possible exception of the last, can be studied in school or learned from books. It is putting them all together that is the trick, and which was the impetus for writing this present book.
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Matlab Civil Engineering library by PTC
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Nonlinear TH Analysis with the aid of SAP2000 V14.1 (Trial)
probably it\'s very strong frame,
i can\'t push it, please let me know that how can i push it?
please inform me , if anything wrong,
best regards
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Composite Materials: Science and Applications, 2nd Edition
Composite Materials: Science and Applications, 2nd Edition
Deborah D. L. Chung,
Springer | 2010 | ISBN: 1848828306 | 371 pages | PDF | 5,4 MB
The applications of composite materials continue to be of increasing importance due to the industry’s need for modern analysis and improved performance. The first edition of Composite Materials introduced a new way of looking at composite materials: covering composites in accordance with their functions. This second edition expands the book’s scope to emphasize application-driven and process-oriented materials development. Although applications are the economical and technological driving force of materials development, processes often determine the feasibility and practicality.
This tutorial-style reference book examines both structural composite materials (including their mechanical properties, durability, and degradation) and functional composite materials (including their electrical, piezoresistive, and thermal properties), as needed for a substantial range of applications. The emphasis on application-driven and process-oriented materials development is enhanced by a large amount of experimental results that provide real illustrations of composite materials development.
Composite Materials is an essential book for researchers and engineers who are interested in materials development for industrial applications. It has a vibrant yet functional approach, making it suitable for both students and practitioners, and provides a full explanation of all of the fundamental concepts related to the structural and functional properties covered.
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Total Quality in the Construction Supply Chain
By John S Oakland, Marton Marosszeky
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann 2005 | 544 Pages | ISBN: 0750661852 | PDF | 10 MB
Organizations in the construction industry struggle with three key issues: quality management or better meeting customer expectations, supply chain management or more effectively working with suppliers to provide a seamless service to customers, and knowledge management, the challenge of learning between collaborating organisations and between people working on similar projects around the world. Excellence in these key aspects of business is the hallmark of great companies.
This book tackles each of these themes, demonstrating their significance as strategic concepts for the construction sector and illustrating how development goals in each of the areas can be met. To be successful Total Quality has to impact on the organisation's Performance, which should be measured on a "balanced scorecard", including the results from the customer. This can be achieved through good Planning and improvements in Processes through involvement of the People. These 4Ps combine with the 4Cs - Customer, Culture, Communication and Commitment to provide a model for implementing total quality into construction.
The book brings together, within this consistent theoretical framework, international case studies from all areas of the construction industry. These include examples as diverse as quarrying, construction, design, real estate, land development and regulatory agencies, drawn from the UK, USA, Hong Kong, Singapore Australia and Japan. Through these the authors demonstrate how a total quality or business excellence strategy can be applied in all activities in the construction supply chain to achieve world-class performance.
Written by two of the world's leading experts, in a logical and very practical style, Total Quality in the Construction Supply Chain offers students and others new to the subject a clearly structured introduction to the concept of quality in the industry, while offering help and guidance to the most experienced professionals. The book should also appeal to people from all areas of the building and construction sector in any country.
* Key management techniques applied specifically to the needs of the construction industry
* International case studies demonstrate how to achieve real and lasting improvements in quality across the industry
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The publication of this Volume marks the first time that the ASM Handbook series has dealt with fatigue and fracture as a distinct topic. Society members and engineers involved in the research, development, application, and analysis of engineering materials have had a long-standing interest and involvement with fatigue and fracture problems, and this reference book is intended to provide practical and comprehensive coverage of all aspects of these subjects. Publication of Fatigue and Fracture also marks over 50 years of continuing progress in the development and application of modern fracture mechanics. Numerous Society members have been actively involved in this progress, which is typified by the seminal work of George Irwin ("Fracture Dynamics," Fracturing of Metals, ASM, 1948). Since that time period, fracture mechanics has become a vital engineering discipline that has been integrally involved in helping to prevent the failure of essentially all types of engineered structures. Likewise, fatigue and crack growth have also become of primary importance to the development and use of advanced structural materials, and this Volume addresses the wide range of fundamental, as well as practical, issues involved with these disciplines.
We believe that our readers will find this Handbook useful, instructive, and informative at all levels. We also are especially grateful to the authors and reviewers who have made this work possible through their generous commitments of time and technical expertise. To these contributors we offer our special thanks.
William E. Quist
President, ASM International
Michael J. DeHaemer
Managing Director, ASM International
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