This is the famous Text by R.hillbert on plasticity .Published in 1950 it presents the original work by R. Hillbert for Mohr-coulomb and von-meiss stress and many otherplastic models.
the work in this text paved the way for "NONLINEAR ANALYSIS".
Excrept from first chapter:
"'Theory of plasticity' is the name given to the mathematical study of stress and strain in plastically deformed solids, especially metals. This follows the well-established precedent set by the 'theory of elasticity', which deals with methods of calculating stress and strain in elastically deformed solids, and not, as a literal interpretation suggests, with the physical explanation of elasticity. The relation of plastic and elastic properties of metals to crystal structure and cohesive forces belongs to the subject now known as 'metal physics'."
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(Classical Text) Structural Stability of Columns and Plates By N. G. R. Iyenger
This is a 1988 text by an IIT Kanpur professor . This text solves governing differential equations using analytical methods and also by finite difference methods and finite element method. Graduate student will be able to find numerous examples , derivation on columns and plates. Stability problems are covered.
Excerpt from foreword :
"Today, the numerical techniques, for example, the finite element and finite difference techniques, are extensively applied for the solution of real-life problems. Accordingly, a large number of good books covering such techniques is available. However, each presents the applicability of only one or the other technique to structural stability problems. This text, on the other hand, lucidly discusses the structural applications of both the categories of techni-techniques, i.e., numerical and classical, and, in the process, also compares their performance. It essentially consists of two 'sections'. In one, mainly the one-dimensional structures, viz., columns, beams, and frames, are studied and, in the other, the two-dimensional structures, namely, plates, are dealt with. In both the sections, the elastic and inelastic behaviour of the structures is analyzed. The emphasis throughout is on the illustration of the techniques through numerous worked-out numerical examples. There is a conscious effort to present the results in a non-dimensional form so that these results are applicable for different materials, including composite materials."
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This two-volume, comprehensive design manual includes both preliminary and final design information for standard girders and most precast and precast, prestressed concrete products and systems used for transportation structures. It contains background, strategies for economy, fabrication techniques, evaluation of loads, load tables, design theory and numerous complete design examples. It is designed to explain and amplify the application of both the AASHTO Standard and LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
This manual is also called by "MNL-133-97"
chapter 5 ,10,13,14,18 and appendix c are under development hence not included here
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aluMATTER : Examples for Aluminium Design using mathcad
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Over the years I’ve been i very interested in applying computers to structural engineering. The commercial programs in this area are very advanced and an individual programmer can hardly hope to match their completeness. In spite of that, I do think there is still a place for structural engineers to develop their own programs to suit specific needs, or even just to further their knowledge in the area. Without doing this users of commercial programs run the risk of not fully understanding the calculations performed in the ‘black box’ in front of them. It is only by trying your own hand at it that a fuller understanding of the bugs and quirks that are possible in even a very simple algorithm can be realized.
Anyway, philosophizing aside, below is a collection of the programs (and spreadsheets to follow) I’ve developed. I’d appreciate any feedback and let me know if you find them of any use or if there are obvious improvements to be made – though my time is extremely limited.
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Posted by: Albert - 04-11-2010, 11:37 AM - Forum: General Books
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Calfem matlab by Lund University
C A L F E M A finite element toolbox to MATLAB
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Dear Dell Brett
I want to upload some material about programming, how can I make the screenshoot ? because after I browse and upload it can't display on my thread.
The Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings is a compiled source of technical information for engineers and professionals in the buildings industry, decision making officials and students. The handbook is compiled after a research of 4 years of Gujarat earthquake of 2001. IIT Madras, Indian roads congress (IRA), CPWD are primarily involved in preparing chapters for the book.
The book is a must have for any structural engineer . It shows seismic retrofitting of many structural elements in color.
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Handbook on Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC Buildings
The Handbook on Seismic Retrofit of Buildings is a compiled source of technical information for engineers and professionals in the buildings industry, decision making officials and students. The Handbook is divided into 17 chapters, covering basic concepts of earthquakes, seismic design and retrofit of buildings, seismic vulnerability assessment, retrofit strategies for different types of buildings, geotechnical and foundation aspects, advanced applications, quality assurance and case studies.
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Product Description:
This book presents an introduction to the mathematical basis of finite element analysis as applied to vibrating systems. Finite element analysis is a technique that is very important in modeling the response of structures to dynamic loads and is widely used in aeronautical, civil and mechanical engineering as well as naval architecture. Commercial computer programs based on this technique already exist. Nevertheless, a knowledge of the mathematical principles involved is necessary before they can be successfully used. Therefore, this book assumes no previous knowledge of finite element techniques by the reader. The author has taught courses on the subject at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The book has been written in a modular style to make it suitable for use in courses of varying length and level.
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