Prefabricated Vertical Drains: Design and Performance
Authors: Robert D. Holtz, M. B. Jamiolkowski, R. Lancellotta, R. Pedroni
Hardcover: 128 pages
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (November 1991)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0750610166
ISBN-13: 978-0750610162
Paving slabs, Kerbs, Roads, Edge, Precast concrete, Concretes, Prefabricated parts, Construction systems parts, Binding agents, Aggregates, Air, Dimensions, Thickness, Shape, Form tolerances, Strength of materials, Water absorption, Water-absorption tests, Sampling methods, Marking, Dimensional measurement, Mechanical testing, Testing conditions, Pedestrian roads, Footpaths
ISBN: 0580179710
Format: A4
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May I suggest that for any download without password in any post we shall not include: "Password: No". This shall save our time to include them as well as saving the space/memory in forum. Meaning that by omitting any download without mention of password, it is understood that there is no password. Thank you
Many Civil Structural Calculation Spreadsheets-very, very interesting:
-Structural Design Excel Sheets - over 200 Mb
Thanks to mahfuzbangla-active on civilea
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Final Report on the Collapse of the Dallas Cowboys Indoor Practice Facility, May 2, 2009
Title: Final Report on the Collapse of the Dallas Cowboys Indoor Practice Facility, May 2, 2009
Author(s): Gross, J. L.; Main, J.; Phan, L. T.; Sadek, F. H.; Cauffman, S. A.; Jorgensen, D. P.;
Published: January 26, 2010
Abstract: This report summarizes the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) study of the collapse of the Dallas Cowboys indoor practice facility that occurred on the afternoon of May 2, 2009, during a severe thunderstorm. The indoor practice facility was a fabric-covered tubular steel frame structure, designed and constructed in 2003. The structure was upgraded in 2008 with additional purlins, reinforcements for some members, and a new fabric roof covering. The report reviews the wind environment during the storm and outlines the wind conditions, including wind speed and direction at the time and location of collapse. The report also details the NIST field reconnaissance, including the survey of the collapsed structure and of wind damage to the surrounding areas, eyewitness interviews, and information collected from the Dallas Cowboys organization and from the City of Irving, Texas. The survey identified collapse patterns and structural failure modes. The report summarizes the analyses conducted to review the structural design of the practice facility under dead and wind loads, and to identify factors that might have contributed to the collapse. A two-dimensional structural model of a typical frame of the practice facility was developed and analyzed under various loading conditions. Specifically, the analyses included: (1) a Baseline Case that calculated the design demand-capacity ratios using wind loads specified in the ASCE 7-05 Standard and member capacities based on the AISC specifications to assess the ability of the structure to support design wind loads, (2) evaluation of the assumptions and calculations in the 2003 original design and 2008 upgrade to ascertain how those two designs differed from the Baseline Case, and (3) response of the structure to the wind conditions observed during the wind storm of May 2, 2009, to identify frame members that were overstressed and explain the observed failure modes.
Research Areas: Building and Fire Safety Investigations
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Anybody has the Design Manual and PDF format and can share?
Manual for the design of building structures to Eurocode 1 and Basis of Structural Design (2010)
Thanks in advance.