Performance Of Concrete Segmental And Cable-Stayed Bridges
In Europe
The main objective of the scanning activity was to evaluate the European inventory of prestressed concrete segmental and cable-stayed bridges. On average, European structures are a decade or two older than similar ones in the United States. Members of the scan team examined durability; identified possible future needs for maintenance, repair and retrofit, and replacement; and compared trends and current practice. The team visited four countries: Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, and France. Representatives from Norway and the United Kingdom also met with the team. In general, segmental and cable-stay technology and developments in Europe and the United States are moving in parallel directions. Early performance problems from the 1960s and 1970s have been eliminated through new codes and practices on both sides of the Atlantic. Technical advances continue to be made with respect to corrosion, external and internal prestressing tendons, inspection methods, use of new composite materials, and construction techniques.
Office of International Programs
FHWA-HPIP, Room 3325
US Dept. of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 [email protected]
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Final Report : Modulus of elasticity, creep and shrinkage of concrete
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is gratefully acknowledged for
providing the financial support for this study. The FDOT Materials Office provided the
additional testing equipment, materials and personnel needed for this investigation.
Sincere thanks go to the project manager, Mr. Michael Bergin for providing the technical
coordination and advices throughout the project. Sincere gratitudes are extended to the
FDOT Materials Office personnel, particularly to Mr. Charles Ishee for his valuable
technical advices and to Mr. Richard DeLorenzo for his long hours of supervision and
conductance of the laboratory tests in this study. Sincere thanks to Ms. Irene Scarso and
Ms. Candace Leggett for their editing and printing of this report.
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida
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Open-Channel Hydraulics, originally published in 1959, has been described as one of the best textbooks ever written. It's clear descriptions of timeless fundamental principles make Chow a classic. Anyone wanting to learn, to teach, and to work with water and fluids must own a copy. Open-Channel Hydraulics deals with the design for flow in open channels and their related structures. Covering both theory and practice, it attempts to bridge the gap that generally exists between the two. Theory is introduced first and is then applied to design problems. In many cases the application of theory is illustrated with practical examples. Theory is frequently simplified by adopting theoretically less rigorous treatments with sound concepts, by avoiding use of advanced mathematical manipulations, or by replacing such manipulations with practical numerical procedures. To facilitate understanding of the subject matter, the treatment is mostly based on the condition of one- or two-dimensional flow. The book deals mainly with American practice but also includes related information from many countries throughout the world. Material is divided into five main sections for an orderly and logical treatment of the subject: Basic Principles. Uniform Flow, Varied Flow, Rapidly Varied Flow, and Unsteady Flow. There are 67 illustrative examples, 282 illustrations, 319 problems, and 810 references. This classic textbook was the first English-language book on the subject in two decades. Open-Channel Hydraulics is a valuable text for students of engineering mechanics. hydraulics. civil. agricultural. sanitary. and mechanical engineering, and a helpful compendium for practicing engineers.
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Fatigue in Composite
By Bryan Harris
Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 742
Publication Date: 2003-11-03
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0849317673
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780849317675
Binding: Hardcover
Fibre composites, like metals, exhibit a form of degradation in service described as fatigue. Engineers must understand composite fatigue because it is a causative agent of design and structural failures. Engineers need to increase their knowledge of the mechanisms that result in degradation in order to predict the life of a composite under specified conditions and produce composites with greater durability. Fatigue in Composites provides an extensive account of contemporary research on fatigue from a selection of internationally recognized researchers. Part I introduces the concept, delivering a historical review of the fatigue behavior of fibre-reinforced plastics and illustrating fatigue test methods and fatigue under multiaxial stress systems. Part II reviews current research on micromechanical aspects, emphasizing long-term behavior, interface performance, delamination, and damage accumulation. Part III covers the analysis and testing of fatigue behavior. Part IV details physical, micromechanical, computational, statistical, and life-prediction models for constant and variable stress. The final sections offer an overview of the wide range of composite fatigue-related problems experienced by engineers in aerospace, marine, and structural engineering. About the Author Bryan Harris is Professor Emeritus at Bath University, where he served as Professor of Materials Science. Dr. Harris worked for ICI Metals Division and Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, and was Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Composites Science and Technology. He also serves as Materials Consultant for Buro Happold Civil Engineers Ltd.
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Posted by: tynhanh - 06-07-2010, 03:44 AM - Forum: Archive
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I need this documents:
New Design Procedure for Stability of Soft Clays
Authors: Charles C. Ladd, Roger Foott
Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division
Vol. 100, No. 7
July 1974
Pages: 763-786