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Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall
M.Sc Thesis Björk Hauksdóttir, 2007
In June 2000 two major earthquakes with moment magnitude 6.6 occurred, after 88 years of rest, in the central part of the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SIZS). Earthquakes in this region have several times since the settlement of Iceland caused collapse of the majority of houses and number of casualties. It has been estimated that no more than one fourth of the strain energy in the SIZS was released in the two June 2000 earthquakes resulting in that large earthquakes may occur in the zone during the next few decades.
The main objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study the nonlinear behavior of a reinforced concrete shear wall with different reinforcement arrangements in an idealized three story building located in the SISZ subjected to a step-wise increasing lateral earthquake load.
Four different reinforcement arrangements of the shear wall are considered. Firstly, a reinforcement in which the design is based on the Stringer method. Secondly, a reinforcement in which the design is based on linear elastic finite element method analysis using general purpose FE-program (SAP2000). Thirdly, a reinforcement again based on linear elastic FEM but here using a building specialized FE-program (ETABS), which has a special post-processor to present section forces. Fourthly, a reinforcement based on minimum reinforcement requirements from Eurocode 2.
The nonlinear behavior of the four different reinforced shear walls is then tested by non-linear pushover analysis using the general purpose FE-program ANSYS. An attempt is made to evaluate crack width calculations as a function of load to reflect the damage. The study show that different reinforcement layouts affect the response of the wall and the difference in crack width is mainly due to the boundary reinforcement. The crack widths calculated by using the information from ANSYS seem to be promising and useful when designing and analysing structures in seismic zones.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 11-12-2010, 05:39 AM - Forum: EN
- Replies (2)
EN 13501 Fire classification of construction products and building elements.
BS EN 13501-4:2007 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from fire resistance tests on components of smoke control systems
This European Standard provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for all construction products,
including products incorporated within building elements.
Products are considered in relation to their end use application.
This document applies to three categories, which are treated separately in this European Standard:
construction products, excluding floorings and linear pipe thermal insulation products;
linear pipe thermal insulation products.
NOTE The treatment of some families of products is still under review and can necessitate amendments to
this European Standard (see European Commission Decision 2000/147/EC).
BS EN 13501-2:2003 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services
This Part of this European Standard specifies the procedure for classification of construction products and building
elements using data from fire resistance and smoke leakage tests which are within the direct field of application of
the relevant test method. This part of this European Standard currently cannot be applied to classify curtain walling
for resistance to fire. Classification on the basis of extended application is outside the scope of this standard. For
extended application, however, the same classes are used as specified in this standard.
This standard deals with:
a) Loadbearing elements without a fire separating function
b) Loadbearing elements with a fire separating function, with or without glazing, services and fixtures
raised floors
c) Products and systems for protecting elements or parts of the works
ceilings with no independent fire resistance
fire protective coatings, claddings and screens
d) Non-loadbearing elements or parts of works, with or without glazing, services and fixtures
facades (curtain walls) and external walls
ceilings with independent fire resistance
fire doors and shutters and their closing devices
smoke control doors
conveyor systems and their closures
penetration seals
linear joint seals
service ducts and shafts
e) Wall and ceiling coverings with fire protection ability
f) Lift landing doors which are tested to prEN 81-8 are excluded from this standard. Lift landing doors which are
tested to EN 1634-1 are classified in accordance with 7.5.5.
Relevant test methods which have been prepared for these elements are listed in clause 2.
BS EN 13501-3:2005 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from fire resistance tests on products and elements used in building service installations: fire resisting ducts and fire dampers
This European Standard specifies the procedure for classification of the resistance to fire performance of
construction products and building elements used as components of building service installations, using data
from fire resistance tests which are within the direct field of application of the relevant test method.
Classification on the basis of extended application is outside the scope of this European Standard. For
extended applications, however, the same classes need to be used as specified in this European Standard.
Products/elements for use in ventilation systems include (excluding smoke and heat exhaust ventilation):
⎯ fire resisting ducts;
⎯ fire dampers.
Relevant test methods which have been prepared for these products/elements are listed in Clause 2.
BS EN 13501-4:2007 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from fire resistance tests on components of smoke control systems
This European Standard specifies the procedure for classification of components of smoke control
systems, using data from fire resistance tests which are within the field of application of the relevant
test methods. Classification on the basis of extended application is not within the scope of this
European Standard, however for extended application the same classes are used as specified in this
European Standard.
Products covered by this European Standard are:
smoke control ducts;
smoke control dampers;
smoke barriers;
powered smoke and heat exhaust ventilators (fans), including connectors;
natural smoke and heat exhaust ventilators.
Relevant documents which include the relevant test methods which have been prepared for these
products are listed in Clause 2.
BS EN 13501-5:2005 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from external fire exposure to roofs tests
This European Standard provides the fire performance classification procedures for roofs/roof coverings exposed to external fire based on the four test methods given in ENV 1187:2002 and the relevant extended application rules.
For the classification of a roof/roof covering, only those test methods and those application rules need to be applied for which the corresponding classification is envisaged.
Products are considered in relation to their end use application.
NOTE The distinction between roofs with a steep slope and facades, in terms of the test and classification standard to be applied, may be subject to national regulations.
General information on the four test methods in ENV 1187:2002 is given in Annex A.
Dear friends, some of these standards have new annexes, if anybody has it - please, share them.
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This publication refers about low cost housing using masonry.
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Dr. Carlos Estuardo Ventura, P.Eng.
Professor of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of British Columbia
Paper from "Seminario Internacional Construcción Sismorresistente" September, Guatemala 2010.
Topics; Tools for Seismic Structural Analysis, Basic Modelling Concepts, Performance-based Design, Dynamic Time History Analysis, Base Isolation, etc.
Base Isolation in Buildings,
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Spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of determining the allowable beam end reaction and the allowable end moment for the purpose of end connection design.
It uses the database of member dimensions and section properties from the "AISC Shapes Database", Version 3.0 (2001) as well as the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989).
W, S, M, C, and MC shapes may be selected.
It utilizes the procedure which a steel fabricator would typically use to determine end connection design loads when end reaction values are not specified on the design and construction drawings by the engineer. This procedure is based on the AISC 9th Edition (ASD) Manual (1989) Allowable Uniform Load Tables on pages 2-36 to 2-140 and AISC Specification Chapter K, pages 5-80 and 5-81.
Contains “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc.
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Spread Footing Analysis and Concrete Pedestal Design
Spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of rigid rectangular spread footings with up to 8 total piers, and for either uniaxial or biaxial resultant eccentricities. Overturning sliding, and uplift stability checks are made when applicable, and resulting gross soil bearing pressures at the four (4) corners of the footing are calculated. The maximum net soil bearing pressure is also determined.
This spreadsheet assumes that the spread footing is in fact "rigid", so that the bearing pressure is distributed linearly on a homogeneous soil. (Note: the actual footing is generally not "rigid", nor is the pressure beneath it distributed linearly. However, it has been found that solutions using the assumed "rigid" concept are adequate and generally result in a conservative design.)
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Solution of System of Simultaneous Linear Equations
- Solution of 2 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 2 Unknowns
- Solution of 3 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 3 Unknowns
- Solution of 4 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 4 Unknowns
- Solution of 5 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 5 Unknowns
- Solution of 6 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 6 Unknowns
- Solution of 7 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 7 Unknowns
- Solution of 8 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 8 Unknowns
- Solution of 9 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 9 Unknowns
- Solution of 10 Simultaneous Linear Equations with 10 Unknowns
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Spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of flat roof snow loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-02 Code. Specifically, coefficients and related and required parameters are selected or calculated in order to compute the net design snow loads, including snow drift due on lower roofs and rain-on-snow surcharge.
- Snow loading analysis for buildings with flat or low slope roofs
- Ground snow loads map (Figure 7-1 of ASCE 7-02 Code)
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Spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of concrete slabs on grade. Specifically, a concrete slab on grade may be subjected to concentrated post or wheel loading. Then for the given parameters, the slab flexural, bearing, and shear stresses are checked, the estimated crack width is determined, the minimum required distribution reinforcing is determined, and the bearing stress on the dowels at construction joints is checked. Also, design charts from the Portland Cement Association (PCA) are included to provide an additional method for determining/checking required slab thickness for flexure. The ability to analyze the capacity of a slab on grade subjected to continuous wall (line-type) load as well as stationary, uniformly distributed live loads is also provided.
- Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Concentrated Post or Wheel Loading
- PCA Figure 3 - Design Chart for Single Wheel Loads
- PCA Figure 7a - Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 50 pci)
- PCA Figure 7b - Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 100 pci)
- PCA Figure 7c - Design Chart for Post Loads (k = 200 pci)
- Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Wall Load
- Concrete Slab on Grade Analysis for Stationary Uniform Live Loads
This program is based on the following references:
a. "Load Testing of Instumented Pavement Sections - Improved Techniques for Appling the Finite Element Method to Strain Predition in PCC Pavement Structures" - by University of Minnesota, Department of Civil Engineering (submitted to MN/DOT, March 24, 2002)
b. "Principles of Pavement Design" - by E.J. Yoder and M.W. Witczak (John Wiley & Sons, 1975)
c. "Design of Concrete Structures" - by Winter, Urquhart, O'Rourke, and Nilson" - (McGraw-Hill, 1962)
d. "Dowel Bar Opimization: Phases I and II - Final Report" - by Max L. Porter (Iowa State University, 2001)
e. "Design of Slabs on Grade" - ACI 360R-92 - by American Concrete Institute (from ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, 1999)
f. "Slab Thickness Design for Industrial Concrete Floors on Grade" (IS195.01D) - by Robert G. Packard (Portland Cement Association, 1976)
g. "Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads" Army Technical Manual TM 5-809-12, Air Force Manual AFM 88-3, Chapter 15 (1987)
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