Nonlinear Mechanics of Shells and Plates in Composite, Soft and Biological Materials
Marco Amabili
1st Edition
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Cambridge University Press
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Author(s)/Editor(s): merican Welding Society (AWS) B1 Committee on Methods of Inspection | Size: 3.87 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: AWS | Year: 2009 | pages: 61
The Guide for the Nondestructive Inspection of Welds was first prepared by the AWS B1 Committee on Methods of Inspection in 1977. The next edition was published in 1986, with updates to current industry practices. The 1999 and this current edition incorporate an overall edit and improvements to the figures.
The purpose of this guide is to give the reader an overview of the more common examination methods available without unnecessary detail and to provide an aid in deciding which method is generally best suited for the examination of a given weld.
The words examination, evaluation, inspection, and testing are considered synonymous when describing various non-destructive examination methods.
This guide has been prepared by the AWS B1 Committee on Methods of Inspection to serve as a simple but reliable source of general information. It is not intended that this document provide complete and comprehensive coverage of the subject. There are many reference manuals available. For more comprehensive coverage of the activities of the welding inspector, this guide should be used in conjunction with the AWS Welding Inspection Handbook, which provides a more thorough description of the duties and responsibilities of welding inspectors, the techniques and characteristics of the usual nondestructive examination methods, and the major aspects of sampling and documentation required for an adequate quality control system. For other references on the subject of inspection, refer also to the technical documents suggested in Clause 2, Normative References, and Annex E, Informative References. Annex A summarizes the required equipment, applications, advantages, and limitations of each of the seven examination methods covered in the document. Annex B is adapted from Part C—Nondestructive Examination Symbols of AWS A2.4:2007, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination. Annex C provides a list of typical application standards and the addresses of the standards developers. Annex D provides guidelines for making inquires to AWS committees. Comments and suggestions for the improvement of this standard are welcome. They should be sent to the Secretary,AWS B1 Committee on Methods of Inspection, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126.
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New technologies play an increasingly important role in the analysis, monitoring, restoration, and preservation of historic structures. These technological systems continue to get more advanced and complex, for example: 3D digital construction and documentation programming, 3D imaging data (including laser scanning and photogrammetry), multispectral and thermographic imaging, geophysical data, etc. This book will present the latest nondestructive technologies used in the characterization, preservation, and structural health monitoring of historic buildings. It will include numerous case studies, as well as theoretical explanations about each of the methods and technologies used in each.
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AASHTO MBEI-1-I1 2015 Interim Revisions, AASHTO Manual for Bridge Element Inspection
Author(s)/Editor(s): AASHTO | Size: 14.9 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | Year: 2014 | pages: 252
Designed for use by state departments of transportation and other agencies that perform element-level bridge inspections, this manual is a reference for standardized element definitions, element quantity calculations, condition state definitions, element feasible actions, and inspection conventions. Its goal is to capture the condition of bridges in a simple, effective way that can be standardized nationwide, while providing enough flexibility to be adapted to both large- and small-agency settings.
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Providing many lessons learned from past silo fires coupled with in-depth knowledge from experts, this book explains current prevention measures in detail -- helping to prevent future damage.
It covers numerous types of fire detection devices and fire fighting equipment, backed by extensive data tables listing fire and explosion characteristics of bulk materials, color photographs of silos on fire and documentation of firefighters' actions. In addition, diagrams and formulas as well as pre-prepared check lists are included for risk assessment and fire fighting actions.
Possibly lifesaving reading for chemists in industry, engineers, chemical engineers, health officers, environmental consultants, instructors in the chemical industry, as well as chemicals suppliers and safety officers.
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Cable-supported bridges are known for their visual elegance, aesthetic appeal and ability to link long spans. The extent of issues of concern associated with these structures is commensurate with their size and vast scale. Significant advances in the technology of assessment, design, construction and maintenance of cable-supported bridges have been achieved in the past few years, due to increasing awareness, collaboration and information exchange.This book contains selected papers on cable-supported bridges as presented at the 5th International Cable-Supported Bridge Operators' Conference, held in New York City on August 28-29, 2006. It includes papers by leading international bridge engineers. Presenting state-of-the-art material, the book is an authoritative account on the developments in the field, this volume forms essential reading to anyone working on cable-supported bridges. Advances in Cable-Supported Bridges
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Guide to the Advanced Fire Safety Engineering of Structures
Author(s)/Editor(s): The Institution of Structural Engineers | Size: 4.36 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: The Institution of Structural Engineers | Year: 2007 | pages: 56 | ISBN: 0901297461, 9780901297464
This Guide provides an overview of the available advanced methods for designing structures for fire resistance and should be read in conjunction with the previous publication Introduction to the fire safety engineering of structures, which presented a range of simple design approaches and useful background information. Structural fire design brings together the disciplines of structural engineering and fire engineering, to allow a performance-based design approach to be carried out which can allow more economic, robust, innovative and complex buildings to be constructed. In Guide to the advanced fire safety engineering of structures each stage of the advanced design process (modelling the fire, determining the heat transfer to the structure and high temperature structural analysis) is discussed, with guidance on the various approaches which can be adopted. Case studies are included to show how the methods presented within the Guide can be applied to obtain a better understanding of the structural behaviour during a fire. The advantages of adopting advanced design approaches are:
· Generally more economical designs, compared to the simple prescriptive approaches, whilst still maintaining acceptable levels of life safety.
· The construction of more innovative and complex buildings which were not possible due to the restrictive nature of the simple prescriptive rules.
· A better understanding of the actual structural behaviour of the building during a possible fire.
· The construction of more robust buildings due to the advanced design approach allowing identification, and strengthening, of any 'weak' links within the structure.
· An increase in the levels of safety offered by the simple prescriptive design approaches, by incorporating advanced structural fire design within a global fire strategy.
This Guide is aimed at the structural engineer and approving bodies. For the structural engineer, guidance is presented enabling the selection of a suitable advanced design approach, together with identifying the detailed procedures and corresponding tools, which can be used at each stage of the design. An understanding of the important characteristics and parameters, which need to be included within the chosen design approach, is also discussed. By providing guidance on a suitable framework for the design process, together with a simple design checklist, the Guide is also of benefit to approving bodies enabling the right questions to be asked, and informed decisions to be made
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Article/eBook Full Name: Wind Effects on Structures: Modern Structural Design for Wind 4th Edition
Author(s): by Emil Simiu (Author), DongHun Yeo (Author)
Edition: 4th edition
Publish Date: 2019
ISBN: ISBN-10: 1119375886 ISBN-13: 978-1119375883
Published By: wiley
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