Structural Performance of Masonry Elements: Mortar Coating Layers Influence
Author(s)/Editor(s): J. M. P. Q. Delgado, Ana Sofia Guimarães, António C. Azevedo, Romilde A. Oliveira, Fernando A.N. Silva, Carlos W.A.P. Sobrinho | Size: 5.47 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2019 | pages: 70 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 3030032698 ISBN-13: 978-3030032692
This book discusses the main mechanical features of masonry buildings and the peculiarities that affect their structural behaviour. It also examines technical information regarding accidents that have occurred in recent years in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, along with the historical records of these events, followed by indications of the causes for the collapse.
The book offers extensive experimental results that make it possible to identify the contribution of several mortar rendering layers to the load capacity of the tested specimens. Lastly, it explores the factors that influenced the load capacity of the tested specimens.
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This book features chapters based on selected presentations from the International Congress on Advanced Earthquake Resistance of Structures, AERS2016, held in Samsun, Turkey, from 24 to 28 October 2016.
It covers the latest advances in three widely popular research areas in Earthquake Engineering: Performance-Based Seismic Design, Seismic Isolation Systems, and Structural Health Monitoring.
The book shows the vulnerability of high-rise and seismically isolated buildings to long periods of strong ground motions, and proposes new passive and semi-active structural seismic isolation systems to protect against such effects. These systems are validated through real-time hybrid tests on shaking tables.
Structural health monitoring systems provide rapid assessment of structural safety after an earthquake and allow preventive measures to be taken, such as shutting down the elevators and gas lines, before damage occurs. Using the vibration data from instrumented tall buildings, the book demonstrates that large, distant earthquakes and surface waves, which are not accounted for in most attenuation equations, can cause long-duration shaking and damage in tall buildings.
The overview of the current performance-based design methodologies includes discussions on the design of tall buildings and the reasons common prescriptive code provisions are not sufficient to address the requirements of tall-building design. In addition, the book explains the modelling and acceptance criteria associated with various performance-based design guidelines, and discusses issues such as selection and scaling of ground motion records, soil-foundation-structure interaction, and seismic instrumentation and peer review needs.
The book is of interest to a wide range of professionals in earthquake engineering, including designers, researchers, and graduate students.
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Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Author(s)/Editor(s): Rafael Aguilar, Daniel Torrealva, Susana Moreira, Miguel A. Pando, Luis F. Ramos | Size: 674 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2019 | pages: 2536 | ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-3319994406 ISBN-10: 3319994409
This volume contains the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) that was held in Cusco, Peru in 2018. It disseminates recent advances in the areas related to the structural analysis of historical and archaeological constructions. The challenges faced in this field show that accuracy and robustness of results rely heavily on an interdisciplinary approach, where different areas of expertise from managers, practitioners, and scientists work together.
Bearing this in mind, SAHC 2018 stimulated discussion on the new knowledge developed in the different disciplines involved in analysis, conservation, retrofit, and management of existing constructions. This book is organized according to the following topics: assessment and intervention of archaeological heritage, history of construction and building technology, advances in inspection and NDT, innovations in field and laboratory testing applied to historical construction and heritage, new technologies and techniques, risk and vulnerability assessments of heritage for multiple types of hazards, repair, strengthening, and retrofit of historical structures, numerical modeling and structural analysis, structural health monitoring, durability and sustainability, management and conservation strategies for heritage structures, and interdisciplinary projects and case studies.
This volume holds particular interest for all the community interested in the challenging task of preserving existing constructions, enable great opportunities, and also uncover new challenges in the field of structural analysis of historical and archeological constructions.
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This textbook describes the rules for the design of steel and composite building structures according to Eurocodes, covering the structure as a whole, as well as the design of individual structural components and connections. It addresses the following topics: the basis of design in the Eurocodes framework; the loads applied to building structures; the load combinations for the various limit states of design and the main steel properties and steel fabrication methods; the models and methods of structural analysis in combination with the structural imperfections and the cross-section classification according to compactness; the cross-section resistances when subjected to axial and shear forces, bending or torsional moments and to combinations of the above; component design and more specifically the design of components sensitive to instability phenomena, such as flexural, torsional and lateral-torsional buckling (a section is devoted to composite beams); the design of connections and joints executed by bolting or welding, including beam to column connections in frame structures; and alternative configurations to be considered during the conceptual design phase for various types of single or multi-storey buildings, and the design of crane supporting beams. In addition, the fabrication and erection procedures, as well as the related quality requirements and the quality control methods are extensively discussed (including the procedures for bolting, welding and surface protection). The book is supplemented by more than fifty numerical examples that explain in detail the appropriate procedures to deal with each particular problem in the design of steel structures in accordance with Eurocodes. The book is an ideal learning resource for students of structural engineering, as well as a valuable reference for practicing engineers who perform designs on basis of Eurocodes.
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Anyone knows, or have any idea, how much they are selling ProtaStructure products ?
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This technical area provides method and procedural guidance concerning the selection, design, performance, specification, installation, quality assurance/quality control, construction monitoring, and construction inspection associated with ground improvement techniques for transportation applications. Covered topics on ground improvement techniques include: grouting, vertical drains, stone columns, lightweight fills, vibro compaction, dynamic compaction, deep soil mixing, column supported embankments, soil nailing, MSE walls, and reinforced soil slopes.
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This book talks about methods of soil improvement for engineering purposes and geotechnical construction processes. In addition to introductory knowledge on soil mechanics/soil engineering or geotechnical engineering, the book also helps the reader to work on mathematical skills (e.g. numerical methods in geomechanics). More practical subjects, such as the in-depth treatment of experimental methods in the laboratory or the field are also included in the book for a more holistic approach to the learning of soil mechanics/soil engineering or geotechnical engineering.
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I am wondering if any of you would know how much does a license for ANSYS Workbench Mechanical actually cost?
This information is extremely elusive. I can't find it anywhere on the internet. I really hate that these companies simply don't publish how much their software cost!