Building or architectural acoustics is taken in this book to cover all aspects of sound and vibration in buildings. The book covers room acoustics but the main emphasis is on sound insulation and sound absorption and the basic aspects of noise and vibration problems connected to service equipment and external sources. Measuring techniques connected to these fields are also brought in. It is designed for advanced level engineering studies and is also valuable as a guide for practitioners and acoustic consultants who need to fulfil the demands of building regulations.
It gives emphasis to the acoustical performance of buildings as derived from the performance of the elements comprising various structures. Consequently, the physical aspects of sound transmission and absorption need to be understood, and the main focus is on the design of elements and structures to provide high sound insulation and high absorbing power. Examples are taken from all types of buildings. The book aims at giving an understanding of the physical principles involved and three chapters are therefore devoted to vibration phenomena and sound waves in fluids and solid media.
Subjective aspects connected to sound and sound perception is sufficiently covered by other books; however, the chapter on room acoustics includes descriptions of measures that quantify the “acoustic quality” of rooms for speech and music.
Tor Erik Vigran is professor emeritus at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Head of the Acoustic Committee of Standards Norway, the Norwegian standardization organization, and member of several working groups within ISO/TC 43 and CEN/TC 126.
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Consistent inelastic design spectra: Hysteretic and input energy
1994, vol 23, issue 5, pages 523–537
Peter Fajfar and Tomaž Vidic
Article first published online: 2 JAN 2007 | DOI: 10.1002/eqe.4290230505
Consistent inelastic design spectra: Strength and displacement
1994, vol 23, issue 5, pages 507–521
Tomaž Vidic, Peter Fajfar and Matej Fischinger
Article first published online: 2 JAN 2007 | DOI: 10.1002/eqe.4290230504
This report presents general guidance for the various design criteria, methods, and procedures of analysis, design, and construction applied to dynamic equipment foundations. As an engineering aid to those persons engaged in the design of foundations for machinery, this document presents many current practices in the engineering, construction, repair, and upgrade of dynamic equipment foundations.
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BS 1881-131:1998
Testing concrete. Methods for testing cement in a reference concrete
BS 1881-128:1997
Testing concrete. Methods for analysis of fresh concrete
BS 1881-130:1996
Testing concrete. Method for temperature-matched curing of concrete specimens
BS 1881-208:1996
Testing concrete. Recommendations for the determination of the initial surface absorption of concrete
BS 1881-103:1993
Testing concrete. Method for determination of compacting factor
BS 1881-129:1992
Testing concrete. Method for determination of density of partially compacted semi-dry fresh concrete
BS 1881-207:1992
Testing concrete. Recommendations for the assessment of concrete strength by near-to-surface tests
BS 1881-127:1990
Testing concrete. Method of verifying the performance of a concrete cube compression machine using the comparative cube test
BS 1881-209:1990
Testing concrete. Recommendations for the measurement of dynamic modulus of elasticity
BS 1881-124:1988
Testing concrete. Methods for analysis of hardened concrete
BS 1881-204:1988
Testing concrete. Recommendations on the use of electromagnetic covermeters
BS 1881-205:1986
Testing concrete. Recommendations for radiography of concrete
BS 1881-206:1986
Testing concrete. Recommendations for determination of strain in concrete
BS 1881-125:1986
Testing concrete. Methods for mixing and sampling fresh concrete in the laboratory
BS 1881-203:1986
Testing concrete. Recommendations for measurement of velocity of ultrasonic pulses in concrete
BS 1881-201:1986
Testing concrete. Guide to the use of non-destructive methods of test for hardened concrete
BS 1881-202:1986
Testing concrete. Recommendations for surface hardness testing by rebound hammer
BS 1881-115:1986
Testing concrete. Specification for compression testing machines for concrete
BS 1881-105:1984
Testing concrete. Method for determination of flow
BS 1881-113:1983
Testing concrete. Method for making and curing no-fines test cubes
BS 1881-109:1983
Testing concrete. Method for making test beams from fresh concrete
BS 1881-111:1983
Testing concrete. Method of normal curing of test specimens (20°C method)
BS 1881-112:1983
Testing concrete. Methods of accelerated curing of test cubes
BS 1881-108:1983
Testing concrete. Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete
BS 1881-110:1983
Testing concrete. Method for making test cylinders from fresh concrete
BS 1881-101:1983
Testing concrete. Method of sampling fresh concrete on site
BS 1881-106:1983
Testing concrete. Methods for determination of air content of fresh concrete
BS 1881-107:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of density of compacted fresh concrete
BS 1881-102:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of slump
BS 1881-104:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of Vebe time
BS 1881-119:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of compressive strength using portions of beams broken in flexure (equivalent cube method)
BS 1881-118:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of flexural strength
BS 1881-117:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of tensile splitting strength
BS 1881-114:1983
Testing concrete. Methods for determination of density of hardened concrete
BS 1881-116:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes
BS 1881-122:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of water absorption
BS 1881-120:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of the compressive strength of concrete cores
BS 1881-121:1983
Testing concrete. Method for determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression
BS 1881-5:1970
Testing concrete. Methods of testing hardened concrete for other than strength
Total 40 standards.
I apologize to all in advance if I missed a document.
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A comprehensive tool for preventing and solving a variety of moisture problems in residential and commercial basements. Detailed instructions and illustrations on topics including French drains, leaking basement windows, stone foundations, downgrade slopes, downspout water, radon, water seepage and more.
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Tiebacks in Foundation Engineering and Construction
by Harry Schnabel Jr.
Product Description:
The use of tiebacks has evolved from simple lateral support during construction or excavation, to an increased number of permanent installations. This book examines the process of choosing the right tie-back or anchor for the job and the varying factors that influence those decisions from concept to construction, including corrosion, long-term capacity and soil conditions.
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Author: Tim Davis | Size: 9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: ASCE Press | Year: 2008 | ISBN: 0784409498
Geotechnical Testing, Observation, and Documentation is an in-depth field manual for soil technicians and geotechnical engineers. This indispensable reference guide designed for use during the investigation, grading, and construction phases of geotechnical projects has helped thousands of readers understand common laboratory and field tests, classify soil accurately, interpret project recommendations, and document the entire construction monitoring process.
This updated and expanded edition offers new material on topics such as deep foundations, shallow foundations, retaining walls, and loss prevention. Sample test questions appear at the end of every chapter, and a comprehensive case study presents each step of a sample project, from site investigation and lab work through construction and documentation. A quick reference chapter summarizes current tools and references, evaluates compaction equipment, and presents frequently used formulas and equations. The appendixes offer a glossary with more than 500 geotechnical terms, an answer key to chapter questions, and a collection of blank ready-to-use forms.
Geotechnical Testing, Observation, and Documentation, Second Edition, is valuable for training new technicians and provides a refresher course for veterans. Soil technicians contemplating the NICET or ICC certification exams will find Tim Davis' book an essential test preparation aid.
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"The best feature of this textbook is its focus on construction applications. This textbook does a good job of balancing the engineering principles with the construction processes in the study of soils." — Greg Ohrn, Northern Arizona University
"The strength of the text is that it presents technical material in a very understandable way to students who are more oriented towards non-technical, more managerial subjects." — Constantine A. Ciesieiski, East Carolina University
Product Description
This book uses only simple mathematics and emphasizes applications to explore the nature of soils and how they can influence certain construction operations. An introduction to soil materials is followed by a discussion of soils in the construction contract. Specifications from example contracts influenced by soil materials are discussed, as are the applications of soil behavior principles. For contractors, owners, technicians, lawyers, and engineers in the construction field.
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MS-4: The Asphalt Handbook is the Asphalt Institute's comprehensive manual on the use of asphalt. For 70 years, it has served the asphalt industry as the primary reference manual for contractors, engineers, consultants, specifiers and user agencies. This edition of MS-4 showcases the latest asphalt technologies. Tpics covered include: Superpave asphalt binder, Superpave mix design, stone matrix asphalt, open graded friction courses, quality control & acceptance, pavement management, and rehabilitation of concrete pavements with HMA
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Non-linear computer analysis methods have seen remarkable advancement in the last half-century. The state-of-the-art in non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete has progressed to the point where such procedures are close to being practical, every-day tools for design office engineers. Non-linear computer analysis procedures can be used to provide reliable assessments of the strength and integrity of damaged or deteriorated structures, or of structures built to previous codes, standards or practices deemed to be deficient today. They can serve as valuable tools in assessing the expected behaviour from retrofitted structures, or in investigating and rationally selecting amongst various repair alternatives.
fib Bulletin 45 provides an overview of current concepts and techniques relating to computer-based finite element modelling of structural concrete. It summarises the basic knowledge required for use of nonlinear analysis methods as applied to practical design, construction and maintenance of concrete structures, and attempts to provide a diverse and balanced portrayal of the current technical knowledge, recognizing that there are often competing and conflicting viewpoints.
This report does not give advice on picking one model over another but, rather, provides guidance to designers on how to use existing and future models as tools in design practice, in benchmarking of their models against established and reliable test data and in selecting an appropriate safety factor as well as recognising various pitfalls.
fib Bulletin 45 is intended for practicing engineers, and therefore focuses more on practical application and less on the subtleties of constitutive modelling.
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