Seismic Design, Response Modification and Retrofit of Bridges
Author: Kazuhiko Kawashima | Size: 13 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Tokyo Institute of Technology | Year: 2010 | pages: 332
Seismic Design, Response Modification and Retrofit of Bridges
This is a lecture note for “Seismic Design, Response Modification and Retrofit of Bridges” at the Graduate Course of the Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. The scientific and engineering knowledge on the earthquake engineering is described in this note with an emphasis on the application to bridges. Since the contents includes a broad senses on the structural engineering, the structural dynamics, the concrete engineering, the soil mechanics, foundation engineering, the engineering seismology, and the construction engineering, students are required to take those courses before studying this class.
Bridges are unique structures in their structural responses compared to other structures. They are longitudinally lengthy. There are various types of superstructures, substructures, and foundations as shown in Figs. P-1, P-2, P-3, and P-4 (Road Maintenance Technology Center 1996), with complex geometries and dynamic response characteristics. However, bridges have a lower degree of static indeterminacy than buildings. Hence failure of a part of structural element such as columns or foundations likely results in a collapse of the entire bridge system. Effect of the soil-structure interaction and the spatial variation of ground motions are significant in bridges than buildings. Since bridges are a vital component of transportation system, bridges should have sufficient seismic safety in an earthquake.
The 1989 Loma Prieta, the 1994 Northridge, the 1995 Kobe, the 1999 Taiwan and the Turkey earthquakes caused significant damage to bridges and these events together with the research triggered as a consequence of past earthquakes has led to significant advances in seismic engineering of bridges.
This lecture note shows the recent technologies for seismic design, seismic response modification, and seismic retrofit of bridges. Past seismic damage of bridges, characterizations of ground motion, dynamic response analysis methods, seismic response characteristics of bridges, and strength and ductility of reinforced concrete columns are also described.
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Author: ISE | Size: 31 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Institution of Structural Engineers | Year: 1999 | pages: 168 | ISBN: 1874266514
Glass remains an elusive material for engineers, feared because it is brittle, under-used because design data is so hard to find.
This is especially vexatious because it is a material much sought after by architects. It is hard to think of any modern building in which glass does not play an important part.
Transparency and translucency are essential features of modern architecture.
There are many books and many precedents that inspire designers to use glass but the data designers need is not easy to find. It exists but it is not available from a single source.
This guide attempts to assemble the information that structural engineers will need.
In doing so it touches on many issues that influence design but which are not necessarily themselves structural, for example condensation, colour and acoustical behaviour.
The guide is aimed at two distinct groups of users.
- Those who want straightforward advice on how to do something in glass with guidance on the applicability of the designs or details that are offered.
- Those who want to design in glass from first principles.
As far as possible the guide compares and contrasts the structural behaviour of glass with that of other, better-known, structural materials.
Whilst primarily aimed at structural engineers the guide will be of interest to a wide variety of professionals within the construction industry.
The report was part-funded by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions under the Partners in Technology programme.
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Author: E. N. BERNARD | Size: 3.55 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2005 | pages: 186 | ISBN: 1402033532
This issue is organized into four sections: (1) a summary paper that gives an overview of the NTHMP with reference to papers in the issue for further discussions, (2) four papers on warning guidance that detail the development of a tsunami forecasting capability and upgrades in tsunami warning operations,(3) two papers on hazard assessment that describe the development of tsunami inundation maps and their use in tsunami warnings, and (4) five papers on mitigation that describe the concept of tsunami-resilient communities. Two innovations of the program are to create a tsunami forecasting capability and to introduce the concept of tsunami-resilient communities. Combined, these innovations constitute a major advance in tsunami hazard mitigation for both local and distant tsunamis.
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A one-stop guide to managing a LEED-New Construction project and mastering the tools to make the process more efficient.
LEED-New Construction Project Management guides architects, engineers, and contractors in managing high-performance commercial and institutional projects. First-time LEED users can refer to the book to cut down on time spent understanding and creating their own project management systems. LEED Project Managers will be equipped with tools to manage and implement a LEED project more efficiently and effectively. Project Team Members will get a better understanding on their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of a LEED project. Building owners and developers will get a big picture overview on the steps involved in getting a building LEED certified. There currently is no single defined methodology available for actual management of a LEED project. This GreenSource guide fills the need for a LEED project management roadmap.
LEED-New Construction Project Management features:
Practical, useful, guidance and tools that can be taken straight to the project for implementation
A focus on theory as well as practical “how-to-get things done” items
Helpful illustrations, including spreadsheets, diagrams, tables, charts, and examples that simplify understanding of the content
Step-by-step coverage of LEED-New Construction project management
The Emergence of the LEED Rating System; How to Best manage LEED Projects; Doing the Ground Work: Project Definition and Goal Setting; Integrating with Design: Design Phase Activities; Implementing During Construction: Construction Phase Activities; What Lies Ahead
Table of contents
Chapter 1. The Emergence of the LEED Rating System;
Chapter 2. How to Best manage LEED Projects;
Chapter 3. Doing the Ground Work: Project Definition and Goal Setting;
Chapter 4. Integrating with Design: Design Phase Activities;
Chapter 5. Implementing During Construction: Chapter 6. Construction Phase Activities;
Chapter 7. What Lies Ahead
Biographical note
Vijaya Yellamraju, LEED AP is Principal at Green Potential, a green building and LEED consulting firm based in Austin, Texas. She is responsible for leading the technical and operational aspects of the business, providing direction to developers, architects, contractors, and other project team members for successful integration of green strategies into the design process. Ms. Yellamraju has worked on numerous green and LEED projects, with a focus on multifamily and commercial buildings. She is a trained architect, and earned an M.S. in architecture specializing in energy and sustainable design. She has several years of experience in the architecture and construction industry and has managed many multimillion-dollar projects in the United States and India.
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Posted by: tomcat007 - 01-20-2011, 07:28 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear folks,
Can anyone share this old but useful paper
"Simplified Procedures for Estimating Dam and Embankment Earthquake Induced Deformations, Makdisi and Seed, 1978).
Author: ICE Geotechnical Engineering Group
Paperbound ISBN: 9780727703880
Publication Date: April 1987
Format: Paperbound
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Book Summary
This book and its associated notes for guidance, have been developed as an authoritative and unifying statement of good practice in ground treatment work. The material has been brought together under the guidance of an ICE appointed team of engineers with wide experience and expertise in the field supported by other experts in specific technical and contractual areas.
Although the specification and the notes for guidance are being sold as a package, they have been bound separately so that the specification itself can be included as part of a contract.
Table of Contents
Appointment of specialist contractors for ground treatment
Use of the Specification for ground treatment
Notes on clauses in specification for ground treatment
NG.1 General requirements for ground treatment work
NG.2 Ground treatment by vibrocompaction/vibroflotation
NG.3 Ground treatment by vibrated stone columns
NG.4 Ground treatment by dynamic compaction/consolidation
NG.5 Ground treatment by deep drains
NG.6 Testing ground treatment
Notes on specimen bills of quantities
Specimen bills of quantities
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
This European Standard specifies tolerances on shape dimensions and mass of structural steel I and H sections. These requirements do not apply to I and H sections rolled from stainless steel. These requirements do not apply to taper flange sections.
NOTE Until a European Standard for dimensions of I and H beams is published Euronorm19 and Euronorm53 or corresponding national standards may be used.
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Increasing Seismic safety by Combining Engineering Technologies and Seismological Data
Author: Marco Mucciarelli et al | Size: 35.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2007 | pages: 386 | ISBN: 9781402091964
Under the title “Increasing Seismic Safety by Combining Engineering Technologies and Seismological Data”, we grouped several topics to be discussed
together by engineers and seismologists:
1. Can we use ambient noise building and soil characterisation to extract useful information for engineers?
2. How we can tell apart a frequency decrease due to distributed damage, concentrated damage, time-varying building and soil behaviour?
3. Which is the role of transients in ambient noise analysis?
4. Can we quantify the influence of existing buildings on ground-motion recordings (both noise and earthquake)?
5. To which extent soil-building resonance is a cause of damage enhancement?
6. How to couple soil and building non-linear behaviour?
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Shakedown Tests of One-Third–Scale Composite Bridge
Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, February 1996, pp. 2-9
M. G. Barker et al.
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