This Standard specifies requirements for design and construction of carbon and carbonmanganese
steel pipelines and associated piping and components that are used to transmit
single-phase and multi-phase hydrocarbon fluids, such as natural and manufactured gas,
liquefied petroleum gas, natural gasoline, crude oil, natural gas liquids and liquid petroleum
The principles are expressed in practical rules and guidelines for use by competent persons.
The fundamental principles and the practical rules and guidelines set out in AS 2885.1,
AS 2885.2, AS 2885.3 and AS 2885.5 are the basis on which an engineering assessment is
to be made where these Standards do not provide detailed requirements appropriate to a
specific item.
NOTE: AS 2885.4 for offshore submarine pipeline systems is a standalone document.
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This Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the operation and maintenance of
pipelines complying with AS 2885.1 and AS 2885.2.
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Author: Daniel J. Inman | Size: 19.3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2001 | pages: 625 | ISBN: 0130174483
Product Description
Serving as both text and reference manual, this text connects traditional design-oriented topics, the introduction of modal analysis, and the use of MATLAB. The author provides an unequaled combination of the study of conventional vibration with the use of vibration design, analysis and testing in various engineering applications. Special-interest windows utilized throughout the text placed at points where prior or background information summaries are required. Remind readers of essential information pertinent to the text material, preventing them from flipping to previous chapters or reference texts for formulas or other information. Examines topics that reflect some of the recent advances in vibration technology, changes in ABET criteria and the increased importance of both engineering design and modal analysis. Incorporates MATLAB Vibration Toolbox throughout allowing readers to conduct and explore vibration analysis. Toolbox offers professional quality computer analyses including basics, introduction to model analysis with actual experimental data files and finite elements. Readers are challenged with over 65 computer problems (645 problems in all) including use of manufacture's design charts, measurement analysis, and matrix eigenvalue computing for frequencies and modes. Ideal for readers with an interest in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics.
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Posted by: quatermain - 01-17-2011, 08:16 AM - Forum: Archive
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I am looking for the book:
Concrete Society of Southern Africa
Prestressed Concrete Division
Midrand, South Africa
I have only 178 pages from that book and its only 4 chapters.
TOC contains 11 chapters and appendixes.
The examples are based on Eurocode 0, Eurocode 1 and Eurocode 3, Part 1-3 [16]. Some additional detail
checks are made according to Swedish code for light-gauge metal structures, StBK-N5 [5]
The calculations in the following examples are set out in detail. In most cases, the designer can make
simplifications when he/she has learned by experience which checks are not usually critical.
The examples are worked out in the mathematics program Mathcad, version 2000i. Some of the operators and
notations used in the examples are explained below.
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Posted by: mowafi3m - 01-17-2011, 07:32 AM - Forum: Steel
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Portal frame - eaves moment connection (example )
This example presents a method for calculating the moment resistance and the shear resistance of an eaves moment connection, as well as the design of welds. For the calculation of the moment resistance a simplified conservative method is used, which makes possible to avoid the calculation of bolt row groups. The connection is a Category A: Bearing type bolted connection using non-preloaded bolts.
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Design of Steel Framed Buildings without Applied fire Protection
Author: C G Baiely & G M Newman & W I Simms | Size: 1.02 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: the steel construction institute | Year: 1999 | pages: 93 | ISBN: 1-85942-062-1
this book is protected
no print , edit , or copy
if you have ( Adobe Acrobat pro.) you can remove the file protection
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This part of PD 8010 gives recommendations for and guidance on the design, selection, specification and
use of materials, routing, land acquisition, construction, installation, testing, operation, maintenance and
abandonment of land pipeline systems constructed from steel. The principles of this part of PD 8010 apply
to new pipelines and major modifications to existing pipelines. It is not intended to replace or duplicate
hydraulic, mechanical or structural design manuals.
This part of PD 8010 is applicable to pipelines that may be used to carry oil, gas and other substances that
are hazardous by nature of being explosive, flammable, toxic, reactive, or liable to cause harm to persons
or to the environment. It covers pipelines operating at temperatures between a range of –25 °C and +120 °C
The extent of pipeline systems covered by this part of PD 8010 is shown in Figure 1.
NOTE Annex A shows the full range of onshore oil and gas pipeline systems covered by this part of PD 8010.
This part of PD 8010 does not give recommendations for subsea pipelines, which are covered in PD 8010-2.
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Roger Ohayon, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), Paris, France
Christian Soize, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherche Aerospatiales (ONERA), Chatillon, France
Structural Acoustics and Vibration presents the modeling of vibrations of complex structures coupled with acoustic fluids in the low and medium frequency ranges. It is devoted to mechanical models, variationalformulations and discretization for calculating linear vibrations in the frequency domain of complex structures. The book includes theoretical formulations which are directly applicable to develop computer codes for the numerical simulation of complex systems, and gives a general scientific strategy to solve various complex structural acoustics problems in different areas such as spacecraft, aircraft, automobiles, and naval structures. The researcher may directly apply the material of the book to practical problems such as acoustic pollution, the comfort of passengers, and acoustic loads induced by propellers.Structural Acoustics and Vibration considers the mechanical and numerical aspects of the problem, and gives original solutions to the predictability of vibrations of complex structures interacting with internal and external, liquid and gaseous fluids. It is a self-contained general synthesis with a didactic presentation and fills the gap between analytical methods applied to simple geometries and statistical methods, which are useful in high frequency structural acoustic problems.
Post-graduate and post-doctoral students, researchers, and engineers in applied, computational, and structural mechanics; vibrations, structural dynamics, and acoustics; aerospace, naval and civil engineering, and the automotive industry.
A Strategy for Structural-Acoustic Problems. Basic Notions on Variational Formulations. Linearized Vibrations of Conservative Structures and Structural Modes. Dissipative Constitutive Equation for the Master Structure. Master Structure Frequency Response Function. Calculation of the Master Structure Frequency Response function in the LF Range. Calculation of the Master Structure Frequency Response Function in the MF Range. Reduced Model in the MF Range. Response to Deterministic and Random Excitations. Linear Acoustic Equations. Internal Acoustic Fluid Formulation for the LF and MF Ranges. External Acoustic Fluid: Boundary Integral Formulation for the LF and MF Ranges. Structural-Acoustic Master System in the LF Range. Structural-Acoustic Master System in the MF Range. Fuzzy Structure Theory. Appendix: Mathematical Notations. References. Subject Index. Symbol Index.
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