Author: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS | Size: 1.11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS | Year: unknown | pages: 113 | ISBN: unknown
Reinforced concrete (RC) coupled wall systems, where RC beams couple two or more RC walls in series are frequently used in medium and high-rise construction. The benefits of coupling in such systems are well recognized and understood. The coupling beams provide transfer of vertical forces between adjacent walls, which creates a frame-like coupling action that resists a portion of the total overturning moment induced by the seismic action. This coupling action has three major beneficial effects. First, it reduces the moments that must be resisted by the individual wall piers resulting in a more efficient structural system. Secondly, it provides a means by which seismic energy is dissipated over the entire height of the wall system as the coupling beams undergo inelastic deformations. A final important advantage of a coupled wall system is that it has a lateral stiffness that is significantly greater than the sum of its component wall piers permitting a reduced footprint for the lateral load resisting system.
The structural response of coupled walls is, however, complicated by the fact that the system is comprised of components that exhibit significantly different ductility demands. Figure 1 shows the idealized lateral force-deformation response of a coupled wall structure as the sum of the individual cantilever pier flexural responses and the frame-like response of the coupling action provided by the beams. In contrast to the walls, the coupling beams must undergo significant inelastic deformations in order to allow the structure to achieve its lateral yield strength, RT. As the system continues to deform laterally in a ductile manner, the wall ductility ratio, defined as the ratio of the ultimate deformation to that at yield, is significantly smaller than that of the beams. If the beams are unable to cope with the high ductility demands imposed upon them, the coupling action deteriorates leading to a drop in the lateral resistance and a dramatic change in the dynamic properties as the system eventually degenerates into two (or multiple) independent, uncoupled wall piers.
The shear force and deformation demands expected on coupling beams during a design-level seismic event, coupled with their low span-to-depth ratio and the degradation of shear resisting mechanisms attributed to concrete under load reversals, have led designers to provide special diagonal reinforcement detailing for and in the vicinity of RC coupling beams (ACI 2005). This special reinforcement complicates erection, potentially increasing both construction time and cost. Furthermore, the limited shear capacity of RC coupling beams often requires designers to provide impractically deep members (Harries et al. 2005). To mitigate these problems, some engineers have turned to structural steel coupling beams as an alternative to reinforced concrete beams. The resulting structural system is referred to as a hybrid coupled wall (HCW) system and
is the subject of this report.
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This book is an introduction to the Boundary Element Method. It offers both an elementary and advanced exposition of the Boundary Element Method. It deals with the application of the BEM to elastostatics, elastodynamics, plasticity, acoustics and heat conduction. The book contains the complete influence matrices for plate-bending problems, for membrane and plate problems and for problems in three-dimensional elasticity.
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The author's ambition for this publication was to make BEM accessible to the student as well as to the professional engineer. For this reason, his main task was to organize and present the material in such a way so that the book becomes "user-friendly" and easy to comprehend, taking into account only the mathematics and mechanics to which students have been exposed during their undergraduate studies. This effort led to an innovative, in many aspects, way of presenting BEM, including the derivation of fundamental solutions, the integral representation of the solutions and the boundary integral equations for various governing differential equations in a simple way minimizing a recourse to mathematics with which the student is not familiar. The indicial and tensorial notations, though they facilitate the author's work and allow to borrow ready to use expressions from the literature, have been avoided in the present book. Nevertheless, all the necessary preliminary mathematical concepts have been included in order to make the book complete and self-sufficient.
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Philosophic, less formalistic approach to perennially important field of analytical mechanics. Model of clear scholarly exposition at graduate level with coverage of basic concepts, calculus of variations, principle of virtual work, equations of motion, relativistic mechanics, much more. First inexpensive paperbound edition.
Look inside!
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Author: Charles King & David Brown | Size: 2.36 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: the steel construcion institute | Year: 2001 | pages: 122 | ISBN: 1-85942-126-1
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Author: Jim Hill, Glynn Rhodes, Steve Vollar & Chris Whapples | Size: 51 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Thomas Telford Publishing | Year: 2005 | pages: 232 | ISBN: 9780727734389
Product Description
The purpose of this handbook is to provide advice and guidance on those aspects of planning and design that will enable car parks to perform their function efficiently, economically and at the same time be user friendly. The authors do not see car park design as being a finite art but as a compromise, a balancing act between motorist's spatial desires and the practical need to achieve economy of construction and effective use of the site area. Stall dimensions, aisle, ramp and access-way widths, ramp slopes, headroom and circulation layouts in relation to the motorist are all looked at and discussed. "Car Park Designers' Handbook" has been written by consultants at Hill Cannon (UK) LLP with over 35 years experience in design, repair, improvement and alteration of structured and surface car parks.
1 Introduction
2 Design brief
3 Design elements
4 Dynamic considerations
5 Static considerations
6 Circulation design
7 Circulation layouts
8 Stairs and lifts
9 Disabled drivers and carers
10 Cycles and motorcycles
11 Security
12 Underground parking
13 Lighting
14 Signage
15 Drainage
16 Fire escapes, safety and fire fighting
17 Fiscal and barrier control
18 Ventilation
19 Structure
20 Appearance
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Coordinates are critical to GIS (geographic information systems), cartography, and surveying. They are their foundation. Points, lines, and polygons form the geometry. Lines define the polygons, points define the lines, and coordinates define the points. So at bottom it is the coordinates that tie the real world to its electronic image in the computer. There are more than 1,000 horizontal geodetic datums and over 3,000 Cartesian coordinate systems, sanctioned by governments around the world and currently in use, to describe our planet electronically and on paper.
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Materials Engineering, Science, Processing and Design
Author: Michael Ashby, Hugh Shercliff and David Cebon | Size: 16.23 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann | Year: 2007 | pages: 528 | ISBN: 9780750683913
Product Description
The ultimate materials engineering text and resource: world class authors; design led-approach, broader scope than other texts; to a level of detail that is appropriate for undergraduate courses; innovative visually lead presentation without any loss of academic rigor or detail; fully linked with the leading materials software package, as used in over 500 engineering departments.
It is written for students taking undergraduate level courses in engineering materials, MS&E, manufacturing and design, and related mechanical engineering courses with a materials science and processing elective or required course, including aeronautical and automotive engineering, product and industrial design. It is also perfect for use by chemical engineers and civil engineers taking introductory materials science and engineering technology courses.
* A complete introductory materials science and engineering text: full coverage of materials properties with a true design and processing emphasis as required by most courses
* Unbeatable author team: Professor Mike Ashby, the world's leading materials selection innovator and author of four other best-selling materials engineering texts; Dr David Cebon, MD of Granta Design, the leading material properties software house; and Dr Hugh Shercliff, head of materials science teaching at the University of Cambridge, UK.
* Printed in full color throughout, extensive end of chapter examples, fully worked instructor's manual, complete set of lecture slides based on the images in the book, links to materials selection software used in over 500 university departments.
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Foundations of Engineering Acoustics takes the reader on a journey from a qualitative introduction to the physical nature of sound, explained in terms of common experience, to mathematical models and analytical results which underlie the techniques applied by the engineering industry to improve the acoustic performance of their products. The book is distinguished by extensive descriptions and explanations of audio-frequency acoustic phenomena and their relevance to engineering, supported by a wealth of diagrams, and by a guide for teachers of tried and tested class demonstrations and laboratory-based experiments. Foundations of Engineering Acoustics is a textbook suitable for both senior undergraduate and postgraduate courses in mechanical, aerospace, marine, and possibly electrical and civil engineering schools at universities. It will be a valuable reference for academic teachers and researchers and will also assist Industrial Acoustic Group staff and Consultants.
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