Offshore oil and gas production was conducted throughout the entire 20th century, but the industry's modern importance and vibrancy did not start until the early 1970s, when the North Sea became a major producer. Since then, the expansion of the offshore oil industry has been continuous and rapid.
Pipelines, and more generally long tubular structures, are major oil and gas industry tools used in exploration, drilling, production, and transmission. Installing and operating tubular structures in deep waters places unique demands on them. Technical challenges within the field have spawned significant research and development efforts in a broad range of areas.
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Author: Martin D Liu, BE, MPhil, PhD John P Carter, BE, PhD, FIEAust, MASCE | Size: 979 KB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Department of Civil Engineering The University of Sydney | Year: 2006 | pages: 68
A theoretical study of the behaviour of structured soil is presented. A new model, which is referred to as the Structured Cam Clay model, is formulated by introducing the influence of soil structure into Modified Cam Clay. The proposed model is hierarchical, i.e., it is identical to the Modified Cam Clay soil model if a soil has no structure or if its structure is removed by loading. Three new parameters describing the effects of soil structure are introduced and the results of a parametric study are also presented. The proposed model has been used to predict the behaviour of structured soils in both compression and shearing tests. By making comparisons of predictions with experimental data and by conducting the parametric study it is demonstrated that the new model provides satisfactory qualitative and quantitative modelling of many important features of the behaviour of structured soil
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BRE Building Elements Building services Performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects
Author: H W Harrison, P M Trotman | Size: 6.82 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: IHS BRE Press | Year: 2000 | pages: 270 | ISBN: 1860814247
The fourth book in the BRE Building Elements series, this book is about the gamut of fuelled, piped, ducted, wired and mechanical facilities which extend over the whole age range of the UK’s building stock. It is the quality of heating, artificial lighting and other services, such as refuse disposal which makes an other wise bare carcass habitable - even efficient and enjoyable. 270 pages.
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Full title: Nonlinear Analysis of Offshore Structure
Author(s): Bjorn Skallerund and Jorgen Amdahl
Publisher: Research Studies Pre; 1st edition (June 15, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0863802583
ISBN-13: 978-0863802584
Amazon :
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Presents the design reliability analysis of 550MPa high-strength cold-formed thin-walled steel structures.
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1- "Behaviour and design of pin connected structures"
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Volume 2, Issue 4, pages 579–595, October/December 1970
2-"Discussion of paper by Suryanarayan Patnaik and Pasala Dayaratnam"
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 3, pages 443–444, July/September 1971
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This Part of BS 5628 gives recommendations for the structural design of unreinforced masonry units of bricks, blocks, manufactured stone, square dressed natural stone, and random rubble masonry.
NOTE The thickness of a wall determined from strength considerations may not always be sufficient to satisfy requirements for other properties of the wall such as resistance to fire, thermal insulation, sound insulation or resistance to damp penetration and reference should be made to BS 5628-3 or BS 5390, as appropriate.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this code that the design of masonry is entrusted to chartered structural or civil engineers or other appropriately qualified persons, for whose guidance it has been prepared, and that the execution of the work is carried out under the direction of appropriately qualified supervisors.
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This part of BS 5628 gives recommendations for the structural design of reinforced and prestressed
masonry constructed of brick or block masonry or masonry of manufactured stone or square dressed
natural stone.
NOTE The dimensions of a member determined from strength considerations may not always be sufficient to satisfy requirements
for other properties of the member such as resistance to fire and thermal insulation, and reference should be made to other
appropriate standards.
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This part of BS 5628 gives general recommendations for the design, construction and workmanship of
masonry, including materials and components and the main aspects of design, other than structural, which
is covered by BS 5628-1 and -2.
The recommendations in this standard are based on experience of single-leaf and cavity walls with and
without insulation within the cavity.
No specific recommendations for the use of random rubble walling are given, the methods of construction
and appearance of which will vary locally according to the type of stone available and traditional practice.
However, general principles are laid down in this standard.
This standard does not cover the use of natural stone panels as cladding to structural masonry and steel
and concrete frames.
NOTE Recommendations about the use of natural stone panels as cladding to structural masonry and steel and concrete frames are
given in BS 8298.
This standard is not necessarily appropriate to the repair and restoration of old buildings. Guidance on
cleaning and surface repair of masonry built of natural stone, cast stone and brick is given in BS 8221.
This standard does not necessarily cover the use of proprietary systems. The user is referred to the
particular recommendations of any technical approval in this case.
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Hi fellow CiviliEAns, my concern may strictly not be Engineering related, but allow me air it out.
a) I recently posted a thread in which I requested fellow forum users not to post links that contained words such as "video" or "desi" in them. This I did because we are on institutional internet and many of such links are not downloadable for they are blocked.
b) I usualy read posts of some of my fellow forum users complaining that some of the file sharing/hosting sites from which they were to download some of the useful information on this wonderful forum were blocked in their respective countries. This became a bit nagging because I faced the same problem and I did not want to perturb the upload team by continuously asking for alternative links to the downloads. I still feel so bad and seems not appreciative for me to continuously ask for alternative links and yet so much time has been spent in uploading the already existing ones.
c) Now the only way I had to communicate back home has been blocked!!!! This has been through yahoo messenger or Skype.
I have been majorly using these sites to communicate globally (through conference calls) on Engineering matters especially this time around that there is a transition from the respective codes (for the countries concerned) to the Eurocode.
For all the information I gather(relating to the advancement in technology) I try relaying it back home. And it is helping them alot!!!! As it is said Actions speak louder than words. Through a conference call, many benefit by it: it relates closely to a webinar.
Not forgetting also having a chat with my family!!!
I would like to use the services of this great forum, I believe in this site so much and I believe that a number of software gurus/experts may be reading this thread.
I weighed the possibility of owning a private internet connection but found it uneconomical:-just for Skype/yahoo messenger!!
For the File sharing sites, I may not have much to say for there may be a lot of resaons beyond my understanding.
But for Skype or yahoo messenger, I would greatly welcome ideas from concerned experts about this, say they may have or may be in position to develop small proxy softwares that can be used to bypass these two fire-walled sites. I have tried using some( not all ofcourse) proxy softwares available on the internet but they are continuously blocking them too, after a while of usage, may be they have simple codes. I belleve a better and lasting solution can can up from this forum.
Thanks and I welcome all your advice in regard to this.
@ Moderators : In any case you find this thread not befitting to the forum, may you not hesitate deleting it. I will not press charges......... joking!!!!
The recent worldwide boom in industrial construction and the corresponding billions of dollars spent every year in industrial, oil, gas, and petrochemical and power generation project, has created fierce competition for these projects. Strong management and technical competence will bring your projects in on time and on budget. An in-depth exploration of both these aspects and the resulting challenges, Construction Management and Design of Industrial Concrete and Steel Structures provides a practical guide to the design of reinforced concrete and steel structures and foundations in industrial projects. Renowned expert Mohamed A. El-Reedy covers the entire industrial construction process, from project management to design and construction to sigh off and providing a maintenance plan. Highlighting the differences between industrial construction and real estate or residential construction, he examines every phase and every role, from managerial to technical. He includes cases from industrial projects and covers the international technical practices, codes, and standards used in steel or concrete onshore or offshore projects. The book provides up-to-date methodologies in structure analysis, geotechnical studies, and international special codes and standards for industrial structures such as tanks, foundation under towers, machines, and special structures in industrial projects. It also examines the safety and economic benefits of developing a structure integrity management system. When a project has a budget that seems as huge at the structure itself, the client, engineering firm, and contractor must work together to achieve success. Discussing the interface between these three main partners, this book outlines strategies for checking the design and controlling a project in all its phases.
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