Just recently, I was being called by an employer informing me that my qualifications fit for their job requirements. I was invited to appear for an interview on Monday next week. This company is one of the reputed company in Saudi Arabia and they are looking for Civil Design Engineers. I just wanted to ask you guys if you have some tips, some advice, the Do's and Dont's on a job interview.
Of course, I do have already my experience but I wanted to know the opinions of other great engineers in this forum.
Author: Alan Williams | Edition: Fifth | Format:PDF | Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc. | Year: October 21, 2010 | pages: 348 | ISBN: 1591263352, 978-1591263357
The Structural Engineering Reference Manual is the most comprehensive reference and study guide available for engineers preparing for the NCEES 16-hour Structural PE exam. Nearly 40 practice problems with step-by-step solutions help you sharpen your problem solving skills, while demonstrating how to arrive at solutions most efficiently. Numerous charts, tables, and figures make it possible to work most exam problems using the reference manual alone. Quickly locate the important information you need to solve problems using the comprehensive index.
Because the Structural PE exam requires a thorough familiarity with relevant codes, the Structural Engineering Reference Manual, 5th Edition, is updated to the following:
* 2004 edition of PCI
* 2005 edition of ASCE 7
* 2005 edition of NDS
* 2005 editions of ACI 318 and ACI 530/530.1
* 2005 edition of AISC, Steel Construction Manual
* 2006 edition of IBC
* 2007 edition of AASHTO
“The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete” represent a state of the art document addressed to those specifiers, designers, purchasers , producers and users who wish to enhance their expertise and use of SCC.
The Guidelines have been prepared using the wide range of the experience and knowledge available to the European Project Group. The proposed specifications and related test methods for ready-mixed and site mixed concrete, are presented in a pre-normative format, intend to facilitate standardisation at European level. This approach should encourage increased acceptance and utilisation of SCC.
“The European Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete” define SCC and many of the technical terms used to describe its properties and use. They also provide information on standards related to testing and to associated constituent materials used in the production of SCC.
Durability and other engineering properties of hardened concrete are covered to provide reassurance to designers on compliance of SCC with EN 1992-1-1 Design of concrete structures (Eurocode 2).
The Guidelines cover information that is common to SCC for the ready-mixed, site mixed and the precast concrete industry. Chapter 12 is devoted to the specific requirements of precast concrete products.
The document describes the properties of SCC in its fresh and hardened state, and gives advice to the purchaser of ready-mixed and site mixed concrete on how SCC should be specified in relation to the current European standard for structural concrete, EN 206-1. It also describes the test methods used to support this specification. The appended specification and test methods are presented in a pre-normative format that mirrors current EN concrete standards.
Advice is given to the producer on constituent materials, their control and interaction. Because there are a number of different approaches to the design of SCC mixes, no specific method is recommended, but a comprehensive list of papers describing different methods of mix design is provided.
Advice is given to the contractor/user of ready-mixed and site mixed concrete on delivery and placing. Whilst accepting that SCC is a product used by both the precast and in-situ industries, the Guidelines attempt to give specific advice related to the differing requirements of the two sectors. For example, early setting and early strength are important to precasters, whereas workability retention may be more important in in-situ applications.
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Posted by: datagap - 01-21-2011, 12:24 AM - Forum: Concrete
- No Replies
Casting of Self Compacting Concrete
Author: Edited by Å. Skarendahl and Peter Billberg | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L. | Year: 2006 | pages: 41 | ISBN: 235158001X; 2912143985
Increased productivity and improved working environment have had high priority in the development of concrete construction over the last decade. Development of a material not needing vibration for compaction - i.e. self-compacting concrete, SCC – has successfully met the challenge and is now increasingly being used in routine practice.
The key to the improvement of fresh concrete performance has been nanoscale tailoring of molecules for surface active admixtures, as well as improved understanding of particle packing and of the role of mineral surfaces in cementitious matrixes. Fundamental studies of rheological behaviour of cementitious particle suspensions were soon expanded to extensive innovation programs incorporating applied research, site experiments, instrumented full scale applications, supporting technology, standards and guides, information efforts as well as training programs.
The major impact of the introduction of self-compacting concrete is connected to the production process. The choice and handling of constituents are modified as well as mix design, batching, mixing and transporting. The productivity is drastically improved through elimination of vibration compaction and process reorganisation. The working environment is significantly enhanced through avoidance of vibration induced damages, reduced noise and improved safety. Additionally, the technology is improving performance in terms of hardened material properties like surface quality, strength and durability.
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any one have this book
tabellenbuch bautechnik by Peter Peschel
this is german book but in English Very usfull book
* Verlag: Handwerk Und Technik
* 2010
* 20., aktualis. u. verb. Aufl.
* Ausstattung/Bilder: 208 S. m. meist farb. Abb.
* Seitenzahl: 208
* Best.Nr. des Verlages: 3590
The use of fibre optic sensors in structural health monitoring has rapidly accelerated in recent years. By embedding fibre optic sensors in structures (e.g. buildings, bridges and pipelines) it is possible to obtain real time data on structural changes such as stress or strain. Engineers use monitoring data to detect deviations from a structure’s original design performance in order to optimise the operation, repair and maintenance of a structure over time.
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Dear ALL
Really , this is a very good demonstration about the Design of Water Structures
I will let you to evaluate it by yourself
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Simulated earthquake motions compatible with prescribed response spectra
Vanmarcke, Erik H.; Gasparini, Dario A.
PDF|RAR 6.57|6.27 MB
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