This British Standard specifies requirements for weldable steel bars for reinforcement of concrete. It covers plain round steel bars in grade 250, and deformed (type 1 and type 2) high yield steel bars in grade 460, the latter in two ductility categories, 460A and 460B. The weldability requirements for both grades of steel are specified in terms of the carbon equivalent value. A testing facility for material covered by a third party product certification scheme, and a testing facility for material not covered by such a scheme, are provided. Steel bars for use as lifting hooks are not included in this British Standard. Steel bars produced by re-rolling finished products, or by rolling material of which the metallurgical history is not fully documented or not known, are not covered by this British Standard.
NOTE 1 Flash welds in lengths of bar are permissible. However, for some purposes, purchasers may specifically require bars without flash welds. For this reason, the manufacturer should enquire whether flash welds are acceptable for the purposes of the purchaser at the time of enquiry and/or order (see Annex A).
NOTE 2 All steels conforming to this British Standard are of weldable quality. Appropriate welding procedures and consumables, to each particular grade and quality, should be used (see BS 7123).
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Author: Karl F Graff | Size: 6.5 MB | Format:DjVu | Publisher: Ohio State University Press | Year: 1975 | pages: 649 | ISBN: 0814202322
Comprehensive textbook for students and research workers offers self-contained coverage of a variety of topics ranging from the elementary theory of waves and vibrations in strings to the three-dimensional theory of waves in thick plates. Emphasis is on analytical and experimental results, in addition to theoretical development. Appendices contain introductory material on elasticity, transforms and experimental techniques. Over 100 problems.
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Parking structures have become important elements in today’s urban and suburban environments. Owners have realized that parking services represent the first and last impression a visitor receives of the facility, and that can be a pivotal factor when consumers decide where to do business. Even more, owners and designers both are acknowledging that parking structures must be designed specifically for the types of visitors that structure will serve, based on the facilities they support and the flow of daily traffic.
The need to create a parking structure that precisely fits the needs of the users cannot be stressed enough. Unless the facility is user-friendly, projecting a safe, secure, and easy to use environment, parkers will find other options. These needs have become too vital to their peace of mind to be left unmet by the owner and designer. As a result, creating the best parking structure for the site, users, and budget requires a careful balance of all elements and a logical plan from start to finish. From the initial conception basics are decided until the parking structure opens, a host of choices must be made that will affect the final design and cost of the project—which ultimately will impact its value to the customer.
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Sustainability is often defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.1 Worldwide, people are currently using 20% more
resources than can be regenerated. In particular, the U.S. population consumes more resources on a per capita
basis than any other nation.
The environmental impact of constructing and operating buildings in most countries is significant. Consider that
buildings consume 74% of the electricity generated in the U.S. and more than 39% of the primary energy (such
as natural gas); produce 30% of the national output of greenhouse gas emissions; use 12% of the potable water
in the U.S.; and employ 40% of raw materials (3 billion tons annually) for construction and operation worldwide.2
Building materials can have a significant effect on the environmental impact of the construction and operation
of a building. Some materials may have to be used in special configurations, or employ different combinations,
to achieve sustainability; the inherent properties of precast concrete, however, make it a natural choice
for achieving sustainability in buildings. Precast concrete contributes to sustainable practices by incorporating
integrated design; using materials efficiently; and reducing construction waste, site disturbance, and noise.
Although most consumers are concerned with the present and future health of the natural environment, few
are willing to pay more for a building, product, process, or innovation that minimizes environmental burdens.
The concept of sustainability, however, balances sustainable design with cost-effectiveness. Using integrated
design (also called the holistic or whole-building approach), a building’s materials, systems, and design are
examined from the perspective of all project team members and tenants. Energy efficiency, cost, durability (or
service life), space flexibility, environmental impact, and quality of life are all considered when decisions are
made regarding the selection of a building design.
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The volume presents a collaboration between internationally recognized experts on anti-optimization and structural optimization, and summarizes various novel ideas, methodologies and results studied over 20 years. The book vividly demonstrates how the concept of uncertainty should be incorporated in a rigorous manner during the process of designing real-world structures. The necessity of anti-optimization approach is first demonstrated, then the anti-optimization techniques are applied to static, dynamic and buckling problems, thus covering the broadest possible set of applications. Finally, anti-optimization is fully utilized by a combination of structural optimization to produce the optimal design considering the worst-case scenario. This is currently the only book that covers the combination of optimization and anti-optimization. It shows how various optimization techniques are used in the novel anti-optimization technique, and how the structural optimization can be exponentially enhanced by incorporating the concept of worst-case scenario, thereby increasing the safety of the structures designed in various fields of engineering.
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Well-written introduction covers the elements of the theory of probability from two or more random variables, the reliability of such multivariable structures, the theory of random function, Monte Carlo methods of treating problems incapable of exact solution, and more. No previous knowledge of the subject necessary. Numerous examples, illustrative figures.
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This text addresses in great detail the requirements for designing, implementing, and managing programs and procedures for the maintenance of major building elements from the foundation to the roof, including interior and exterior support systems and sitework elements. Topics include facilities as assets, major renovations, preventative maintenance, special maintenance considerations, and designing for building maintenance.
Table of contents:
Facilities as Assets
Programmed Maintenance as Asset Management
Maintenance Planning and Budgeting
Staffing the Maintenance Department
Computerized Maintenance Management Systems
Planned Replacement or Major Renovation
Building Component Life
Funded Depreciation and Budgeting for Replacement/ Renovation
Life-Cycle Cost Analysis at Replacement/Renovation Time
Consequences of Deferred Replacement/Renovation
Preventative Maintenance
Basic Requirements for General Construction Maintenance
Basic Requirements for Service Systems Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance Methods
Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Procedures
Special Maintenance Considerations
Sustainable Maintenance v. Sustainable Buildings
Indoor Air Quality
Moisture Intrusion and Mold Infestation
Dealing with Failing Masonry Walls
Designing for Building Maintainability
General Construction
Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning
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Wave Propagation in Elastic Solids (North-Holland Series in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics)
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Product Description:
Bridging the gap between introductory textbooks and advanced monographs, this book provides the necessary mathematical tools to tackle seismological problems and demonstrates how to apply them. Including student exercises, for which solutions are available on a dedicated website, it appeals to advanced undergraduate and graduate students. It is also a useful reference volume for researchers wishing to "brush up" on fundamentals before they study more advanced topics in seismology.
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Product Description:
This textbook for upper division undergraduates and graduate students provides the ideal introduction to seismology. A student-friendly text fully details the fundamental concepts and includes a step-by-step development of the relevant mathematics. Beginning with clear examples of introductory topics such as one-dimensional problems and liquid media, the book goes on to cover most of the fundamental concepts in seismology. The author describes the application of seismology to the knowledge of the structure of the earth's interior and the origin and nature of earthquakes. Coverage includes seismic wave propagation, normal mode theory, ray theory approximation, body and surface waves, source mechanisms and kinematic and dynamic models. The book also contains appendices on useful mathematical tools and includes extensive problems that help students to understand the basic concepts in this area.
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