(07-09-2015, 09:15 AM)PinkPant Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, it's private message section.
While i was replying BennyPs message there was 2 quotes and while i press the preview button i cannot see complete view of replied message. I tried it again. It seems it's not working by me.
Try with 1 quote, there is limitation in reply with multi quote,
(07-08-2015, 09:19 PM)rigid_joint Wrote: [ -> ]I want to send an answer in this thread:
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
and forum returns that I can't. It says (Error label: 'no_permission')
Why is this happening?
Please check it now and if there is problem, post here and put screen shot,
(07-09-2015, 08:58 AM)f_slikken Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Admins,
Same as rigid_joint, I do have problems in sending queries or replies.
When I click on "FAQs, Q&A, comments ", it shows me an error so I can not ask question. Then when I post my question some where else, it gets deleted and I receive negative points?!?!? (dose not seem fair!!)
Can you please let me know how it works? If I do not have access to Q&A section, how can I ask questions without any consequences?
I think there is a bug in points plug in, try now and tell me the report,
Given Thanks: 'number' not correct.
It is the number of the posts in the Received Thanks:.
(07-13-2015, 01:41 AM)concreteok Wrote: [ -> ]Given Thanks: 'number' not correct.
It is the number of the posts in the Received Thanks:.
thanks for your report, it solved now.
(07-10-2015, 01:28 PM)Administrator Wrote: [ -> ]Please check it now and if there is problem, post here and put screen shot,
For all the threads in [PROBLEM] section on every attempt on replying, forum returns this message :
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
I am using postgen button to post in ebook section. When I click the postgen it takes me to v2.3.1. After filling all the details and pressing generate button i am copying the code and pasting it in respective new thread. when i preview the same using preview post button i am seeing everything ok except the last line where it shows postgen 2.2.0. However when i post it i am seeing many problems like bad size title and last line stating This post has been made by CivilEA Post-Generator v2.2.0[url=http://postgen.civilea.com/index.html][/url] etc. Kindly rectify if any thing is wrong in my procedure. I cleared all cookies and using firefox browser. An example of my post can be seen in "http://forum.civilea.com/Thread-stresses-in-beams-plates-and-shells"
(07-20-2015, 03:52 PM)cace-01 Wrote: [ -> ]I am using postgen button to post in ebook section. When I click the postgen it takes me to v2.3.1. After filling all the details and pressing generate button i am copying the code and pasting it in respective new thread. when i preview the same using preview post button i am seeing everything ok except the last line where it shows postgen 2.2.0. However when i post it i am seeing many problems like bad size title and last line stating This post has been made by CivilEA Post-Generator v2.2.0[url=http://postgen.civilea.com/index.html][/url] etc. Kindly rectify if any thing is wrong in my procedure. I cleared all cookies and using firefox browser. An example of my post can be seen in "http://forum.civilea.com/Thread-stresses-in-beams-plates-and-shells"
Thanks for your report, we will review PG codes and fix it.
(07-20-2015, 03:52 PM)cace-01 Wrote: [ -> ]I am using postgen button to post in ebook section. When I click the postgen it takes me to v2.3.1. After filling all the details and pressing generate button i am copying the code and pasting it in respective new thread. when i preview the same using preview post button i am seeing everything ok except the last line where it shows postgen 2.2.0. However when i post it i am seeing many problems like bad size title and last line stating This post has been made by CivilEA Post-Generator v2.2.0[url=http://postgen.civilea.com/index.html][/url] etc. Kindly rectify if any thing is wrong in my procedure. I cleared all cookies and using firefox browser. An example of my post can be seen in "http://forum.civilea.com/Thread-stresses-in-beams-plates-and-shells"
I checked it, for me it works fine, specially footer is V2.3.1, due to CDN use please refresh PostGenerator Page by Ctrl+F5 and try again and tell me the report please.