"User Comments" Problem
When I write on others user's profile, why appear name "bubieng" not "budis"
It's occur twice : once yesterday & once today.
I want to know what is the relation of me ( budis ) & bubieng ?
And what happen is this ?
Hi Admin,
yes it is true because mine was also became an ADMIN's comment in Budis and Bubieng profiles, just now.
Hope you won't mad at me :blush:
Dear Admin
The "edit" button not appear when I post new reply in my thread :
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
Please help me.
The yellow highlighted column of the main forum page (as shown in the attach pic) has all left aligned cells except these two red highlighted right aligned cells.
I find no reason in keeping only these two cells aligned on right side (and one in civil engineering discussion section aligned centers in the same column)
If its just an overlook then it probably need attention to be fixed.
this is old bug, there is no simple to fixed it.
we are trying to find a way to solve this
Dear Admin
Today in "Problem Forum" in thread "Correct response spectrum analysis in Sap2000 acc. to EC8" I can not use "edit" button after I use it twice.
I have more answer but I can not add it anymore, is it a bug or there limitation of use "edit" button just twice ?
Dear budis,
As I can recall you can edit your post in 30min after you've pressed the Post Reply button - after this only Admin or Protector or Moderator involved in corresponding section can edit your post(s).
If you have something more to add to your post, then make a new one just below the post you've created earlier.
With regards,
But it seems we can edit our posts only by adding something in 30 min.
It is not possible to delete the post or to correct any mistakes, e.g. spelling errors, is it?
Dear datagap,
You can edit your post only (in those 30min), but I believe you can't delete it. You can delete your post only if you see the RED X on the left side of the THANKS button - but I believe you can't see the RED X.
Here is the look of your post as I see it:
(I hope it is OK I used your post as an example)
If you've posted something you don't want to be seen, or you posted something accidentally - you are always free to press the Report button and someone of the fourm staff will delete the your post.
With regards,