^ is any other user have same problem with editor?
I would like to ask administator forum for a topic for Tekla structures where there were different answers taken directly from the extranet. I'm particularly interested in the answer for beam with variable Cross section ... i please you for answer
Try it now.
I do not understand exactly where is the bug, can you explain more?
Some time ago the board have a topic for tekla structures which were set answers to questions taken directly from extranet.I think that's called questions and answers for Tekla. They were given a detailed reply as to make the beam in Tekla with variable geometry. This topic is deleted together with the theme of Tekla exstension. I would not know more to tell ...
A deleted topic is not a bug and if you want a specific material the right place is one of the request sections and not here.
Dear Admin ,
Very nice with the new button for mirror links but few minutes ago when I edited a post and post mirror links in another post I saw that there might be a problem. Please look below:
I used mirror links button
[mirror-]<--->[-/mirror] and put 4 download links and look above what it showed at the preview post.
The links were there , see bellow:
After that I put code tags in the post
[code-]<--->[-/code] and look how was look like the new post at the preview:
I think that, the new feature mirror button) works only for a single links. It is right or maybe I am wrong?
^ it is true and we are working on it to solve it.
Now mirror code works fine:
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The problem occur due to mirror code update