(02-24-2012, 09:26 AM)BennyP Wrote: [ -> ]Something wrong with the read posts mark last days.
After reading a post i press Home and comeback to the main page, The post is still marked as unread and only using Mark All Forums Read i can delete the unread mark.
I cleaned all my cookoies and temporary files but no change.
Before after reading 10 new posts sometimes one refused to change the status but now no one change.
check it now,
due to decrease load on server we decrease schedule task for doing this to every 3 hours and now we decreased it to every 5 minutes.
Dear Admin,
As eng donny told here
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
the new feature with mirror links button does not appear when replying and editing a post, see below
Same case happen to me. My solution, clear all cookie(I am using CCleaner) then restart browser.
It works for me.
or use ctrl+F5 to refresh page.
With a simple refresh page even if editing tools are open works for me now.
Regarding all the previous posts - for me not only mirror links but all editing buttons are invisible (using Go to Full Reply or New Reply too). No F5 and no Ctrl+F5 helps and no cleaned cookies.
And Editing reason is not visible. I saw old posts with editing reason showing twice (i wrote about in the past).
can you test it in another browser?
Aout what BennyP said in his post, with twice appearing of editing reason, I think that number of showing that editing reason increase everytime I press "preview the post" which is being edited and with every preview the post the editing reason written in the first time when I preview the post it dissapears. After that reentering the edit reason in the final the post will have at least 2 editing reasons.
In Firefox all works. In IE i see Quick Reply (without any editing tool) showing automatically bellow the last post. In Firefox this option of Quick reply at the end of existing posts doesn't exists and it's better.
In IE i have above the quick reply window the New Reply option and in the lower siide after Post Reply and Preview Post one button of Go to Full Reply.
Of course in the lower line of the last post after Edit and Delete one more time a button of REPLY.