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Interesting, but the problem still here!

I cleaned the cache/cookies/history from FF and IE and no success.
I tested under new installation of Crome and the same error message...
(04-27-2013, 09:36 PM)Dell_Brett Wrote: [ -> ]Interesting, but the problem still here!

I cleaned the cache/cookies/history from FF and IE and no success.
I tested under new installation of Crome and the same error message...

Please check if all uploaded images have same issue or some of them can not be uploaded.
Dear @Administrator

Cleaning cookies etc. did not help
I have converted the file format from png to jpg, by opening in Windows Paint program
After that it worked.
Also file size reduced from 222 (less than 300 kb) to 50-60 Kb
I found the problem!

It's the file size limits! Works for me only for file size lower than 120 kb!!
For large file size, the message is a error message, not an alert about limits exceeded.
All problems regarding to pic server are solved,
Please check them:

[Image: 79481781621349931533.jpg]
A. The forum age is still missing (see my previous PM).

B. I found many transparent links. Many users pressing mirror don't know this button doesn't introduce code for links.
I see three options:

1. Pressing it will add the code and mirror codes together. The problem is, if user apply code before will result a double code.

2. To do nothing and to hope moderators will correct (as you can see not all bad codes they saw) or to hope users will learn from this post (low chance).

3. To delete this tag. It works good in PG and in regular posts is almost in every case not true. A mirror is a mirror of an existing link not a new link named mirror.
Yes! Today Liviun give us an example. Exists a BUG in mirror link code.

Because it's a forum problem, my opinion is that the moderators must correct then, waiting for code correction or changing this alternative.

Let's read other point of view.

Liviun is LiviuM I mean meGrin?

When I first posted mirrors I copy paste the mirror image link in [ img ] tag Happy.
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
After discovering by accident the button [Image: mirror2.png] I used only that button.

So you're saying that instead of this:

Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:

I should do it like this:

Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:

And that we should check other users links if those have both mirror and code tags.
If not add the code tag? Did I got it right?
I mean all my mirror links have only the [ mirror ] tag. All those created since I found the button Happy.

And the bug is like this one?:
Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:
We recently updated forum core to latest version, new version has some major and minor changes in core, and some codes and plug-in need new update. anyway:

#1 forum age was solved and it works fine now.

other reported and nor reported items will be solved soon. please report any items that does not work as before.
Dear Liviu (i mean LiviuM) and dear Dell

Maybe the problem i found is a result of updated forum as Admin said. Because i'm still in holiday and after correcting some posts i saw your posts please see some more examples

Content of this section is hidden, You must be registered and activate your account to see this content. See this link to read how you can remove this limitation:

You can find dozens of such mirrors and i suppose something happened after because is impossible no one saw and correct (some posts have thanks from moderators too).

All above examples are from the same user but i found some of another (both users stopped by me for flooding the forum every day with too much posts in the past). Maybe this is the reason we never succedded to check and correct or a change as a result of some update.

Think one more time about the need of this code (mirror) in editor when it is in most cases a new link and not a mirror of the same file.