Articles in this book examine various materials and how to determine directly the limit state of a structure, in the sense of limit analysis and shakedown analysis. Apart from classical applications in mechanical and civil engineering contexts, the book reports on the emerging field of material design beyond the elastic limit, which has further industrial design and technological applications. Readers will discover that “Direct Methods” and the techniques presented here can in fact be used to numerically estimate the strength of structured materials such as composites or nano-materials, which represent fruitful fields of future applications.
Leading researchers outline the latest computational tools and optimization techniques and explore the possibility of obtaining information on the limit state of a structure whose post-elastic loading path and constitutive behavior are not well defined or well known. Readers will discover how Direct Methods allow rapid and direct access to requested information in mathematically constructive manners without cumbersome step-by-step computation.
Both researchers already interested or involved in the field and practical engineers who want to have a panorama of modern methods for structural safety assessment will find this book valuable. It provides the reader with the latest developments and a significant amount of references on the topic.
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This unique book explains how to fashion useful regression models from commonly available data to erect models essential for evidence-based road safety management and research. Composed from techniques and best practices presented over many years of lectures and workshops, The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety illustrates that fruitful modeling cannot be done without substantive knowledge about the modeled phenomenon. Class-tested in courses and workshops across North America, the book is ideal for professionals, researchers, university professors, and graduate students with an interest in, or responsibilities related to, road safety.
This book also:
· Presents for the first time a powerful analytical tool for road safety researchers and practitioners
· Includes problems and solutions in each chapter as well as data and spreadsheets for running models and PowerPoint presentation slides
· Features pedagogy well-suited for graduate courses and workshops including problems, solutions, and PowerPoint presentations
· Equips readers to perform all analyses on a spreadsheet without requiring mastery of complex and costly software
· Emphasizes understanding without esoteric mathematics
· Makes assumptions visible and explains their role and consequences
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In the last decade reliability-based design methodologies have been adopted or are close to adoption by design codes in USA, Europe, and Japan. This third edition makes these methodologies more accessible to practitioners and researchers by presenting soil statistics which are necessary inputs. It presents all the "need to know" information for a non-specialist to calculate and interpret the reliability index and risk of geotechnical structures in a realistic and robust way
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I'd appreciate much if someone could direct me to good books and/or manuals that deals with analysis and design of wind power plants.
I already found some books here on forum, but I'd like to hear recommendations and some word of advice from experience ones in this field - how to make numerical model, how to calculate loads, what code-based procedures to use, etc.
XV Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
Author: Heinz Brandl Dietmar Adam | Size: 180 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, ÖIAV Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein | Year: 2014 | pages: 1287 | ISBN: ISBN 978‐3‐902593‐01‐6
The Austrian Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ASSMGE) has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in the XV Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering to be held in Vienna, Austria, on September 9 - 11, 2014. The Conference is held under the auspices of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and other Associations.
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This book introduces the key concepts of nonlinear finite element analysis procedures. The book explains the fundamental theories of the field and provides instructions on how to apply the concepts to solving practical engineering problems. Instead of covering many nonlinear problems, the book focuses on three representative problems: nonlinear elasticity, elastoplasticity, and contact problems. The book is written independent of any particular software, but tutorials and examples using four commercial programs are included as appendices: ANSYS, NASTRAN, ABAQUS, and MATLAB. In particular, the MATLAB program includes all source codes so that students can develop their own material models, or different algorithms.
This book also:
· Presents clear explanations of nonlinear finite element analysis for elasticity, elastoplasticity, and contact problems
· Includes many informative examples of nonlinear analyses so that students can clearly understand the nonlinear theory
· Offers practical applications of FEM to engineering analysis, providing a balance between theory and practice
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The perfect guide for veteran structural engineers or for engineers just entering the field of offshore design and construction, Marine Structural Design Calculations offers structural and geotechnical engineers a multitude of worked-out marine structural construction and design calculations. Each calculation is discussed in a concise, easy-to-understand manner that provides an authoritative guide for selecting the right formula and solving even the most difficult design calculation.
Calculation methods for all areas of marine structural design and construction are presented and practical solutions are provided. Theories, principles, and practices are summarized. The concentration focuses on formula selection and problem solving. A "quick look up guide”, Marine Structural Design Calculations includes both fps and SI units and is divided into categories such as Project Management for Marine Structures; Marine Structures Loads and Strength; Marine Structure Platform Design; and Geotechnical Data and Pile Design. The calculations are based on industry code and standards like American Society of Civil Engineers and American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as well as institutions like the American Petroleum Institute and the US Coast Guard. Case studies and worked examples are included throughout the book.
Calculations are based on industry code and standards such as American Society of Civil Engineers and American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Complete chapter on modeling using SACS software and PDMS software
Includes over 300 marine structural construction and design calculations
Worked-out examples and case studies are provided throughout the book
Includes a number of checklists, design schematics and data tables
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Written by an author with more than 25 years of field and academic experience, Soil Improvement and Ground Modification Methods explains ground improvement technologies for converting marginal soil into soil that will support all types of structures. Soil improvement is the alteration of any property of a soil to improve its engineering performance. Some sort of soil improvement must happen on every construction site. This combined with rapid urbanization and the industrial growth presents a huge dilemma to providing a solid structure at a competitive price.
The perfect guide for new or practicing engineers, this reference covers projects involving soil stabilization and soil admixtures, including utilization of industrial waste and by-products, commercially available soil admixtures, conventional soil improvement techniques, and state-of-the-art testing methods.
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ISO/DIS 22477-5 : 2009
Geotechnical Investigation and Testing
Testing of Geotechnical Structures
Part 5: Testing of Anchorages
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