Article/eBook Full Name: Planning, Design, and Analysis of Tailings Dams
Author(s): S.G. Vick
Publish Date: 1990
ISBN: ISBN 0-921095-12-0
Published By: BITECH
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This book is devoted to bridges that are built by incremental launching methods, using prestressed composite materials. It integrates the static, aesthetic, and economic aspects of construction techniques for building these state-of-the-art structures.Bridge launching is a comprehensive handbook, offering explanations of both the theoretical and technological aspects of the construction process. Both beam bridges and arch bridges are thoroughly analysed,and special theories aimed at optimising static aspects, as well as local phenomena, are developed.
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This International Standard specifies the general properties of coatings and test methods for coatings applied by dipping fabricated iron and steel articles (including certain castings) in a zinc melt (containing not more than 2 % of other metals). It does not apply to the following:
a) sheet, wire and woven or welded mesh products that are continuously hot dip galvanized;
b) tube and pipe that are hot dip galvanized in automatic plants;
c) hot dip galvanized products (e.g. fasteners) for which specific standards exist and which might include additional requirements or requirements which are different from those of this International Standard.
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This International Standard specifies the method of using coating thickness instruments of the magnetic type for non-destructive measurements of the thickness of non-magnetic coatings (including vitreous and porcelain enamel coatings) on magnetic basis metals.
The method is applicable only for measurements on reasonably flat specimens. In the case of nickel coatings on non-magnetic substrates, the preferred method is that specified in ISO 2361.
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Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies, and Practices for Success
Author: Edward W. Merrow | Size: 2,80 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Year: 2011 | pages: 384 | ISBN: 047093882X
Avoid common pitfalls in large-scale projects using these smart strategies
Over half of large-scale engineering and construction projects—off-shore oil platforms, chemical plants, metals processing, dams, and similar projects—have miserably poor results. These include billions of dollars in overruns, long delays in design and construction, and poor operability once finally completed.
Industrial Megaprojects gives you a clear, nontechnical understanding of why these major projects get into trouble, and how your company can prevent hazardous and costly errors when undertaking such large technical and management challenges.
Clearly explains the underlying causes of over-budget, delayed, and unsafe megaprojects
Examines effects of poor project management, destructive team behaviors, weak accountability systems, short-term focus, and lack of investment in technical expertise
Author is the CEO of the leading consulting firm for evaluating billion-dollar projects
Companies worldwide are rethinking their large-scale projects. Industrial Megaprojects is your essential guide for this rethink, offering the tools and principles that are the true foundation of safe, cost-effective, successful megaprojects.
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Successful construction is often attributed to one or more aspects of the delivery process from good planning, design and clever engineering to efficient project management and quality construction.
Before any of these disciplines can begin, they all require some form of procurement to select the team or supply chain to meet a client’s or a project’s specific requirements. The concept of PSE - Purchase and Supplier Engineering - originated in the procurement of the construction and infrastructure required to stage the 30th Olympiad in London during 2012. At the time of writing PSE has successfully delivered almost ?25bn of public procurement meeting client and project requirements and without legal challenge.
The construction of the venues and infrastructure needed to stage London 2012 was such a resounding success that it boosted not only the reputation of the UK construction industry but also the confidence of the UK population in the country’s ability to organise, build and run a major international event. Its success has been lauded as something from which clients and industry could learn. The ODA has established a comprehensive and informative body of evidence as part of a Learning Legacy. While the ODA is well aware of the many elements of the procurement and supply chain management, the complete end to end concept of how the Olympic supply chain procurements were managed has until now not been captured.
For example, how does one buy the stage for an Olympic Games? How does one manage the details of thousands of contracts and the many firms of contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers and ensure that no one organization adversely affects any other to the detriment of the programme? How are a client’s requirements beyond those of the capital asset realized as part of the investment? How does one measure programme exposure, or manage performance? How does one measure capacity and the ability of firms to cope with the work and manage the risks involved?
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Xiao Lu,LiePing Ye,XinZheng Lu, MengKe Li, XiaoWei Ma, An improved ground motion intensity measure for super high-rise buildings, Science China Technological Sciences, June 2013, Volume 56, Issue 6, pp 1525-1533
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