This book attempts to provide readers with an overall idea of various types of offshore platform geometries. It covers the various environmental loads encountered by these structures, a detailed description of the fundamentals of structural dynamics in a class-room style, estimate of damping in offshore structures and their applications in the preliminary analysis and design. Basic concepts of structural dynamics are emphasized through simple illustrative examples and exercises. Design methodologies and guidelines, which are FORM based concepts are explained through a few applied example structures. Each chapter also has tutorials and exercises for self-learning. A dedicated chapter on stochastic dynamics will help the students to extend the basic concepts of structural dynamics to this advanced domain of research. Hydrodynamic response of offshore structures with perforated members is one of the recent research applications, which is found to be one of the effective manner of retrofitting offshore structures. Results of recent research, validated by the experimental and numerical studies are presented to update of the readers. Integration of the concepts of structural dynamics with the FORM-evolved design of offshore structures is a unique approach used in this book. The book will prove useful to the practicing and consulting offshore structural engineers, as also to students and researchers working in the field.
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Article/eBook Full Name: ASCE 37-14 - Design Loads on Structures During Construction Author(s):ASCE/SEI Publish Date:2015 ISBN:9780784478691 Published By:ASCE/SEI Related Links:
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Article/eBook Full Name: ISO 4355:2013 Bases for design of structures -- Determination of snow loads on roofs
Publish Date: 2013
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I'm looking for further guidance about thermal coefficient Ct
As you may know, the thermal coefficient Ct should be used to account for the reduction of snow loads on roofs with high thermal transmittance (> 1 W/m2K), in particular for some glass covered roofs, because of melting caused by heat loss.
If you have any information please share it
Thank you.
16-Hour Structural Engineering (SE) Practice Exam for Buildings Paperback – May 15, 2014
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This book is designed to be an inclusive for the best practice approach to building maintenance management, where the processes, procedures and operational systems meet a high standard of professional and academic competence. It offers a different perspective on building maintenance management by presenting the schematic building maintenance value chain model and it’s implementation in Malaysian university buildings. The findings show an improvement to building performance, lower maintenance cost, building sustainability and increased maintenance service user satisfaction. The learning outcomes and summaries provided for each chapter and the extensive use of tables and figures add to the readability of the text. Though the book is based on data from Malaysia, it is useful for a much wider audience, and the informal writing style makes it an interesting reference source. This book is valuable for readers who are practitioners, professionals and for academic institutions that offer courses in the building field, including architecture, quantity surveying, civil engineering, building and facility management, property management, real estate. It will also be of interest to governments and others involved in the construction industry.
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This book presents state-of-the-art information on seismic ground response analysis, and is not only very valuable and useful for practitioners but also for researchers. The topics covered are related to the stages of analysis: 1. Input parameter selection, by reviewing the in-situ and laboratory tests used to determine dynamic soil properties as well as the methods to compile and model the dynamic soil properties from literature;2. Input ground motion; 3. Theoretical background on the equations of motion and methods for solving them; 4. The mechanism of damping and how this is modeled in the equations of motions; 5. Detailed analysis and discussion of results of selected case studies which provide valuable information on the problem of seismic ground response analysis from both a theoretical and practical point of view.
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This book reports on solved problems concerning vibrations and stability of complex beam systems. The complexity of a system is considered from two points of view: the complexity originating from the nature of the structure, in the case of two or more elastically connected beams; and the complexity derived from the dynamic behavior of the system, in the case of a damaged single beam, resulting from the harm done to its simple structure. Furthermore, the book describes the analytical derivation of equations of two or more elastically connected beams, using four different theories (Euler, Rayleigh, Timoshenko and Reddy-Bickford). It also reports on a new, improved p-version of the finite element method for geometrically nonlinear vibrations. The new method provides more accurate approximations of solutions, while also allowing us to analyze geometrically nonlinear vibrations. The book describes the appearance of longitudinal vibrations of damaged clamped-clamped beams as a result of discontinuity (damage). It describes the cases of stability in detail, employing all four theories, and provides the readers with practical examples of stochastic stability. Overall, the book succeeds in collecting in one place theoretical analyses, mathematical modeling and validation approaches based on various methods, thus providing the readers with a comprehensive toolkit for performing vibration analysis on complex beam systems.
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Modern Technologies for Landslide Investigation and Prediction presents eleven contributed chapters from Chinese and Italian authors, as a follow-up of a bilateral workshop held in Shanghai on September 2013. Chapters are organized in three main parts: ground-based monitoring techniques (photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning, ground-based InSAR, infrared thermography, and GNSS networks), geophysical (passive seismic sensor networks) and geotechnical methods (SPH and SLIDE), and satellite remote-sensing techniques (InSAR and optical images). Authors of these contributes are internationally-recognized experts in their respective research fields.
Marco Scaioni works in the college of Surveying and Geo-Informatics at Tongji University, Shanghai (P.R. China). His research fields are mainly Close-range Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, and other ground-based sensors for metrological and deformation monitoring applications to structural engineering and geosciences. In the period 2012-2016 he is chairman of the Working Group V/3 in the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, focusing on ‘Terrestrial 3D Imaging and Sensors’.
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