Bridge Management : Inspection, Maintenance, Assessment and Repair
By G.A.R Parke
* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 810
* Publication Date: 1999-04
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0419160507
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780419160502
* Binding: Hardcover
Product Description:
This volume consists of papers presented at the First International Conference on Bridge Management, held at The University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, from 28-30 March 1990.
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Theory of Thermomechanical Processes in Welding
Springer; 1 edition | July 30, 2005 | ISBN: 140202990X | 174 pages | PDF | 1.1 Mb
This book presents a modern viewpoint of welding thermomechanics and provides a unified and systematic continuum approach for engineers and applied physicists working on the modelling of welding processes. The theory presented includes developments in the areas of welding thermodynamics, thermoplasticity and numerical methods. The book describes the calculation of thermal stresses in welding structures, the theory of heat conduction in welding, and the basic equations of thermoplasticity, then applies the concepts to solutions of thermoplasticity problems and to thermal stresses in arc welding, laser welding, spot welding, electroslag welding and friction welding.
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A complete revision of the definitive work on the subject of stress concentration. This new edition updates all of the graphics with computer-generated art which incorporates both a visual representation of the product/structure under consideration along with the graph of the stress concentration factors. Contains extensive material on how to perform computer analyses for stress concentrations and how to design to reduce them. A "quick-finder" feature has been provided for locating frequently used charts.
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Every day countless kilometres of steel pipelines are installed worldwide for the most varied civil and industrial uses. They form real networks comparable to a system of road networks, which, although not so obvious, are definitely much more intricate and carry fluids that have become essential for us. To comply with technical specifications and fulfil the necessary safety requisites, special materials and welding processes which have evolved with the sector have been developed in recent years. The main welding process used to install the pipelines is manual welding with coated electrode, which, thanks to its ease and versatility, is still the one most used.
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Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods 7th Ed.
Mcgraw-Hill Series in Civil Engineering
The Seventh Edition of Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods, follows in the footsteps of the previous editions by providing the reader with the fundamentals of machine utilization and production estimating in a logical, simple, and concise format. Our text features expanded coverage of building in today's global environment. Hundreds of photos and illustrations have been added to the seventh edition to make this dynamic text even more accessible to both students and professionals. In addition, since technology is constantly evolving, this text provides an understanding of machine capabilities and how to properly apply those capabilities to construction challenges.
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Structural Design - Structural Details in Concrete
Blackwell Science Inc | August 1992 | ISBN: 063202853X | 272 pages | PDF | 7.4 Mb
The reader is given examples of some reinforced, composite and prestressed concrete bridges with simplified structural details. A number of books have been published on various aspects of concrete design and detailing, but this is believed to be the first comprehensive detailing manual, and covers details in reinforced, prestressed, precast and composite concrete.
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This book describes the latest methods for assessing and repairing concrete bridges, and provides information on developments in materials and design methods for future bridges. Bridge decks, joints and substructures are all considered. Each invited chapter is written by an eminent international authority. In compiling and editing the text, the writer came to appreciate that so vast is the range of technologies now used by bridge engineers, that there are likely to be only a limited number of single-authored technical texts on bridge engineering in the future. The information provided is distilled for practising bridge engineers, researchers and postgraduate students from both long-running research programmes and the experiences of very senior engineers. The text provides a state-of-the-art report on major aspects of developments in design and materials and in methods for assessment and repair of concrete bridge structures.
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The in situ rehabilitation or upgrading of reinforced concrete members using bonded steel plates is an effective, convenient and economic method of improving structural performance. However, disadvantages inherent in the use of steel have stimulated research into the possibility of using fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) materials in its place, providing a non-corrosive, more versatile strengthening system.
This book presents a detailed study of the flexural strengthening of reinforced and prestressed concrete members using fibre reinforces polymer composite plates. It is based to a large extent on material developed or provided by the consortium which studied the technology of plate bonding to upgrade structural units using carbon fibre / polymer composite materials. The research and trial tests were undertaken as part of the ROBUST project, one of several ventures in the UK Government's DTI-LINK Structural Composites Programme.
The book has been designed for practicing structural and civil engineers seeking to understand the principles and design technology of plate bonding, and for final year undergraduate and postgraduate engineers studying the principles of highway and bridge engineering and structural engineering.
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