Building Failures: Diagnosis and Avoidance, 2nd Edition
Building Failures: Diagnosis and Avoidance, 2nd Edition
Information :
Author : W.H. Ransom | Published by Spon Press | Publication date : December 1987 | ISBN : 0419142703 | PDF Format, 199 pages | English | Original File Size : 6772 KB | Compressed File Size : 6489 KB
Overview :
In recent years building failures and the resulting lawsuits and awards for damages have frequently been in the news. The biggest headlines may have been reserved for structural failures and complete collapses. But we should not forget the less newsworthy failures such as leaky roofs, damp walls, dropped foundations and rotted timber.
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Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Concrete Buildings
Volume 1
General Description:
In 1994, as part of the Proposition 122 Seismic Retrofit Practices Improvement Program, the Commission awarded the Applied Technology Council (ATC) a contract to develop a recommended methodology and commentary for the seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing concrete buildings (product 1.2). In 1995·the Commission awarded a second, related contract to ATC to expand the Product 1.2 effort to include effects of foundations on the seismic performance of existing concrete buildings (Product 1.3). The results of the two projects have been combined and are presented in this ATC-40 Report (also known as SSC-96-01). TV/o other reports recently published by the California Seismic Safety Commission, the Provisional Commentary for Seismic Retrofit (1994) and the Review ofSeismic Research Results on Existing Buildings (1994), are Products 1.1 and 3.1 of the Proposition 122 Program, respectively. These two previous reports provide the primary basis for the development of the recommended methodology and commentary contained in this document. . This document is organized into two volumes. Volume One contains the main body of the evaluation and retrofit methodology, presented in 13 chapters, with a glossary and a list of ref-erences, J1d~ volume contains all ofthe parts of the document required for the' evaluation and retrofit of btrildings. Volume Two consists of Appendices containing supporting materials related to the methodology: four example building case study reports, a cost effectiveness study related to the four building studies, and a review
of research on the effects of foundation conditions on the seismic performance of concrete
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Book Description:
Featuring in-depth discussions on tensile and comive properties, shear properties, strength, hardness, environmental effects, and creep crack growth, Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials considers computation of principal stresses and strains, mechanical testing, plasticity in ceramics, metals, intermetallics, and polymers, materials selection for thermal shock resistance, the analysis of failure mechanisms such as fatigue, fracture, and creep, and fatigue life prediction. It is a top-shelf reference for professionals and students in materials, chemical, mechanical, corrosion, industrial, civil, and maintenance engineering; and surface .
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Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics)
Milos Kojic, Klaus-Jürgen Bathe, “Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures”
Springer | 2004-12-15 | ISBN: 3540227938 | 414 pages | PDF | 9,8 MB
Inelastic Analysis of Solids and Structures presents in a unified manner the physical and theoretical background of inelastic material models and computational methods, and illustrates the behavior of the models in typical engineering conditions. It is based on experimental observations and principles of mechanics, thus describing computational algorithms for stress calculation and presenting solved examples. The theoretical background is given to an extent necessary to describe the commonly employed material models in metal isotropic and orthotropic plasticity, thermoplasticity and viscoplasticity, and the plasticity of geological materials . The computational algorithms are developed in a unified manner with some detailed derivations of the algorithmic relations . The solved examples are designed to give insight into the material behavior in various engineering conditions, and to demonstrate the application of the computational algorithms.
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John P Wolf, Andrew J. Deeks, “Foundation Vibration Analysis: A Strength of Materials Approach”
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2004-03-23 | ISBN: 075066164X | 240 pages | PDF | 3,6 MB
Structural analysis is usually carried out by a strength-of-materials approach that allows complex 3-D structures to be modelled adequately for design needs in a single dimension. However, this approach is not extensively used in geotechnical engineering, partly because 3-D media (soil, rock) are present, but more importantly because until recently the methods necessary to carry out this form of analysis did not exist.
In the last ten years efforts at modelling practical problems in foundation analysis using a strength-of-materials approach have developed the concept of the conical bar or beam as a tool. Such cone models can be used to model a foundation in a dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis with a variation of the properties with depth.
This book develops this new approach from scratch in a readable and accessible manner. A systematic evaluation for a wide range of actual sites demonstrates sufficient engineering accuracy. A short computer program written in MATLAB and a user-friendly executable program are provided, while practical examples ensure a clear understanding of the topic.
*Simplifies complex 3-D analysis of soil-structure interaction.
*Applies strength-of-materials approach to geotechnical engineering.
*Illustrated with practical examples.
*Executable program and MATLAB program for foundation vibration analysis.
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Alan Williams, "Structural Analysis: In Theory and Practice"
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2008-12-26 | ISBN: 1856175502 | 624 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB
Structural Analysis Rules of Thumb provides a comprehensive review of the classical methods of structural analysis and also the recent advances in computer applications. The prefect guide for the Professional Engineer's exam, Williams covers principles of structural analysis to advanced concepts. Methods of analysis are presented in a concise and direct manner and the different methods of approach to a problem are illustrated by specific examples. In addition, the book include the clear and concise approach to the subject and the focus on the most direct solution to a problem. Numerous worked examples are provided to consolidate the readers? understanding of the topics.
Structural Analysis Rules of Thumb is perfect for anyone who wishes to have handy reference filled with equations, calculations and modeling instructions as well as candidates studying for professional engineering registration examinations. It will also serve as a refresher course and reference manual for practicing engineers. Registered professional engineers and registered structural
Numerous worked examples are provided to consolidate the readers? understanding of the topics
Comprehensive coverage of the whole field of structural analysis
Supplementary problems are given at the end of each chapter with answers provided at the end of the book
Realistic situations encountered in practice and test the reader's ability to apply the concepts presented in the chapter
Classical methods of structural analysis and also the recent advances in computer applications
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Product Description:
Reinforced concrete has been developed and applied extensively in the 20th century .It combines the good compressive strength of concrete with the high tensile strength of steel and has proven to be successful in terms of structural performance and durability. However, there are instances of premature failure of reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete components due to corrosion of the reinforcing steel with very high economic implications of such damage. This book focuses on the chloride and carbonation induced corrosion of steel in concrete, presenting transport mechanisms and electrochemical concepts. Other types of corrosion of steel and degradation of concrete are also treated. The main emphasis lies on design and execution aspects related to durability of new and existing structures. New methods and materials for preventative measures, condition assessment and repair techniques are discussed. This makes this book an invaluable reference for any engineer and materials scientist involved in research and practice of corrosion protection, rehabilitation and maintenance of reinforced concrete structures and components. Owners, designers and contractors will profit by this updated state of the art.
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Analytical and comprehensive, this state-of-the-art book, examines the mechanics and engineering of unsaturated soils, as well as explaining the laboratory and field testing and research that are the logical basis of this modern approach to safe construction in these hazardous geomaterials; putting them into a logical framework for civil engineering and design.
The book:
* illustrates the importance of state-dependent soil-water characteristic curves
* highlights modern soil testing of unsaturated soil behaviour, including accurate measurement of total volume changes and the measurement of anisotropic soil stiffness at very small strains
* introduces an advanced state-dependent elasto-plastic constitutive model for both saturated and unsaturated soil
* demonstrates the power of numerical analysis which is at the heart of modern soil mechanics
* studies and simulates the behaviour of loose fills from unsaturated to saturated states; explains the difference between strain-softening and static liquefaction, and describes real applications in unsaturated soil slope engineering
* includes purpose-designed field trials to capture the effects of two independent stress variables, and reports comprehensive measurements of soil suction, water contents, stress changes and ground deformations in both bare and grassed slopes
* introduces a new conjunctive surface and subsurface transient flow model for realistically analysing rainfall infiltration in unsaturated soil slopes, and illustrates the importance of the flow model in slope engineering.
Including constitutive and numerical modelling, this volume will interest students and professionals studying or working in the areas of geotechnical engineering and the built environment.
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High-Performance Construction Materials edited by Caijun Shi, Y. L. Mo
This book describes a number of high-performance construction materials, including concrete, steel, fiber-reinforced cement, fiber-reinforced plastics, polymeric materials, geosynthetics, masonry materials and coatings. It discusses the scientific bases for the manufacture and use of these high-performance materials. Testing and application examples are also included, in particular the application of relatively new high-performance construction materials to design practice.
More details
High-Performance Construction Materials: Science and Applications
edited by Caijun Shi, Y. L. Mo
Edition: illustrated
Published by World Scientific, 2008
ISBN 9812797351, 9789812797353
431 pages,PDF, 23 Mb
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