Concrete in the Service of Mankind: Appropriate concrete technology (Vol 3)
Concrete is ubiquitous and unique, found in every developed and developing country. Indeed, there are no alternatives to concrete as a volume construction material for infrastructure. This raises important questions of how concrete should be designed and constructed for cost effective use in the the short and long term, and to encourage further radical development. Equally, it must be environmentally friendly during manufacture, in an aesthetic presentation in structures and in the containment of harmful materials. The central theme of the Congress is "Concrete in the Service of Mankind", under which five self-contained Conferences, each dealing with a particular aspect, are planned. The Congress offers opportunity to discuss how to improve and extend this service to mankind using responsible exploitation, underwritten by sound technical understanding and research base. It brings together the shared skills and experience of the various disciplines involved in the construction process world wide. This major publication continues the tradition established by Dundee University of organizing major international conferences every three years dealing with some aspect of concrete and also the link between Spon and Dundee University for publication of the proceedings. This book should be of interest to concrete technologists; contractors; civil engineers; consultants; government agencies; research organizations.
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Recommendations on Excavations By Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Geotechnik e.V.
Publisher Ernst,Wilhelm & Sohn | ISBN: 3433017123 | edition 2003 | PDF | 228 pages | 4,54 mb
The aim of these recommendations is to harmonize and further develop the methods, according to which excavations are prepared, calculated and carried out. Since 1980, these have been drawn up by the working group for excavations at the German Society for Geotechnics (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Geotechnik) under the name EAB and are similar to a set of standards. All the main software programs in Germany are based on these recommendations. The recommendations help in designing and calculating excavation constructions, unifying approaches to loads and methods of calculation. Since they are based on an approved global safety concept, following these recommendations ensures the stability and usability of excavations and their individual components. Furthermore, they help to improve the profitability of excavation constructions. The result is a work of major importance for all experts concerned with the planning and calculation of excavations.
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Rock Slope Engineering: Civil and Mining
Taylor & Francis; 4 edition | October 28, 2004 | ISBN: 0415280001 | 480 pages | PDF | 8 Mb
The stability of rock slopes is an important issue in both civil and mining engineering. On civil projects, rock cuts must be safe from rock falls and large-scale slope instability during both construction and operation. In open pit mining, where slope heights can be many hundreds of meters, the economics of the operation are closely related to the steepest stable slope angle that can be mined.
This extensively updated version of the classic text, Rock Slope Engineering by Hoek and Bray, deals comprehensively with the investigation, design and operation of rock slopes. Investigation methods include the collection and interpretation of geological and groundwater data, and determination of rock strength properties, including the Hoek Brown rock mass strength criterion. Slope design methods include the theoretical basis for the design of plane, wedge, circular and toppling failures, and design charts are provided to enable rapid checks of stability to be carried out. New material contained in this book includes the latest developments in earthquake engineering related to slope stability, probabilistic analysis, numerical analysis, blasting, slope movement monitoring and stabilization methods. The types of stabilization include rock anchors, shotcrete, drainage and scaling, as well as rock fall protecting methods involving barriers, ditches, nets and sheds.
Rock Slopes: Civil and Mining Engineering contains both worked examples illustrating data interpretation and design methods, and chapters on civil and mining case studies. The case studies demonstrate the application of design methods to the construction of stable slopes in a wide variety of geological conditions. The book provides over 300 carefully selected references for those who wish to study the subject in greater detail. It also includes an introduction by Dr. Evert Hoek.
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Demolition and Reuse of Concrete and Masonry
Taylor & Francis; 1 edition | January 3, 1994 | ISBN: 0419184007 | 552 pages | PDF | 13 Mb
This book forms the Proceedings of the Third International RILEM Symposium in Odense, Demark in October 1993. It includes reviews and reports of recent developments in the fields of demolition techniques and reuse of waste building materials, and focusses on the integration of demolition and recycling operations in the construction and housing industry.
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'A timely and fascinating book on the crucial issue of energy use in buildings which accounts for half of our total energy use.'
Stephen Tindale, Executive Director, Greenpeace, UK
'We are at the crossroads of the most significant crisis of modern times. Two profound, life changing events are converging to create this crisis - the warming of the earth's atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, and the rapid depletion of global petroleum and natural gas reserves. As these events intensify over the coming years, they will dramatically change how we live and how we relate to the natural world. These changes can cause the human race great pain and suffering or they can inspire a historic transition to a kinder and gentler world.
Sue Roaf, David Crichton and Fergus Nicol in their new book Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change, dissect these events and rightly conclude that at the center of this crisis stands the architecture and building community. They clearly illustrate that this community, unknowingly, is chiefly responsible for precipitating this crisis and argue for nothing less than a building design revolution to address the problem.
What makes this book so important is that it not only outlines the issues and science behind climate change, but details the steps necessary to alleviate future large scale dislocations and hardship. Ms. Roaf identifies the key players in this struggle, their roles, and the actions needed to spark this revolution. She makes it crystal clear that there is no technological fix looming on the horizon, and that if the architecture and building community do not step forward and lead, there is little hope for meaningful change to take place. This book contains the framework for beginning the critical dialogue necessary to confront humanity's greatest challenge.'
SBSE journal
Book Description:
Provides an insight into the real changes that are necessary to give our modern day built environment both 'sustainability' and 'survivability'
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Connecting the math and theory of fluid mechanics to practical applications can be a difficult process. Engineering Fluid Mechanics builds on the success of previous editions to help engineers learn how to apply concepts by keeping them engaged and active throughout the book. Simple and effective examples show how key equations are utilized in practice, and step-by-step descriptions provide details into the processes that engineers follow. Each chapter also outlines the three most important things they will be able to accomplish once the concepts are learned. With its physical/visual approach, engineers will quickly gain an intuitive understanding of the principles.
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Worked Examples For The Design of Concrete Buildings
as per BS code
Design of building components (beam,slab,column,shear wall, foundations,etc.) for different types of buildings
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An analytical macromodel based on an equivalent strut approach integrated with a smooth hysteretic model is proposed for representing masonry infill panels in nonlinear analysis of frame structures. The hysteresis model uses degrading control parameters for stiffness and strength degradation and slip "pinching" that can be implemented to replicate a wide range of hysteretic force-displacement behavior resulting from different design and geometry. The paper presents the development of the hysteretic model and the definitions of the control parameters, which can be determined using any suitable theoretical model for masonry infills. An available theoretical model for simplified engineering evaluation of masonry infilled frames was explored for estimating the control parameters of the proposed macromodel. The macromodel was incorporated in a nonlinear structural analysis program, IDARC2D Version 4.0, for quasi-static cyclic and dynamic analysis of masonry infilled frames. Simulations of experimental force-deformation behavior of prototype infill frame subassemblies are performed to validate the proposed model. A lightly reinforced concrete frame structure is analyzed for strong ground motions to evaluate the influence of masonry infill panels on the dynamic response.
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This book will lead you to the vast number of genealogy websites, where family history research that used to take months can now produce exciting results in a weekend.
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