"Intelligent Freeway Transportation Systems: Functional Design" by Robert Gordon
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 1441907327 | 2009 | PDF | 218 pages | 7 Mb
Product Description:
Intelligent Freeway Transportation Systems: Functional Design focuses on the efficient use of resources in the design of ITS. It discusses the principles of top down design starting with objectives and requirements, and provides guidance for the development and evaluation of functional design alternatives according to cost effectiveness principles. It shows how transportation planning principles such as Wardrop’s Laws and traffic diversion principles relate to functional ITS device selections and equipment locations. Methodologies for translating objectives to functional device types are provided. Application factors to identify device deployment densities (e.g. number of detectors per mile) as a function of traffic conditions are provided, as are evaluation models for evaluating the benefits of design alternatives based on traffic conditions. Design guidance and benefits evaluation include the following functions: (1) Non-recurrent congestion – Improvement of incident clearance time, (2) Non recurrent congestion – Incident information to motorists, (3) Recurrent congestion – Information to motorists, (4) Ramp metering, (5) Motorist service patrols.
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Managing Common Pool Groundwater Resources: An International Perspective
Mary Brentwood, Stephen F. Robar - Managing Common Pool Groundwater Resources: An International Perspective
Publisher: Praeger Publishers | 2004-03-30 | ISBN: 0275957373 | PDF | 360 pages | 2.42 MB
Woldwide, developed and developing countries increasingly depend on groundwater resources for domestic water supply. Since groundwater is a hidden resource and individuals cannot see how much has been used and what is left, this book attempts to make global groundwater use more visible so that policy makers can make informed decisions as to its management. Organized into six geographical regions, the authors describe the various physical, cultural and institutional challenges of groundwater policy and management faced by countries worldwide. Analysis of the challenges and responses to groundwater management at the national level hopes to generate a broader understanding for societies across the globe.
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Dynamics: SI Version: Engineering Mechanics
Addison Wesley
ISBN: 0201403412
PDF 20 Mb
576 pages
Statics and Dynamics teaches students to think like engineers by putting the emphasis on problem solving in a professional context. The two volumes impart skills they can draw upon to effectively apply the principles of mechanics to engineering problems. Throughout, the authors use a consistent methodology for problem solving - analyse, solve and discuss.
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HRW Magazine September 2009
English | 56 Pages | 8MB | PDF
Connecting to the Worldwide Hydro Community
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Canadian Architecture and Design - September/October 2009
Canadian Architecture and Design - September/October 2009
PDF | 117 pages | 32 Mb | English
Embracing the concepts of aesthetics and functionality, this bi-monthly publication explores the art, science, and evolution of the visual form which includes upscale residences and vacation homes. Articles by experienced periodical writers address how these buildings influence their surroundings, and the people who live in and frequent them. Each issue will feature a minimum of four upscale homes from across Canada, as well as articles ranging from, but not limited to, Antiques, Culture, Fine Furniture, Kitchen/Bath and Travel Destinations.
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Groundwater Hydrology of Springs: Engineering, Theory, Management and Sustainability
Groundwater Hydrology of Springs: Engineering, Theory, Management and Sustainability
Neven Kresic, Zoran Stevanovic,
ISBN: 1856175022
592 pages
PDF 62,3 MB
Groundwater Hydrology of Water Resource Series
Water is an essential environmental resource and one that needs to be properly managed. As the world places more emphasis on sustainable water supplies, the demand for expertise in hydrology and water resources continues to increase. This series is intended for professional engineers, who seek a firm foundation in hydrology and an ability to apply this knowledge to solve problems in water resource management. Future books in the series are: Groudwater Hydrology of Springs (2009), Groudwater Hydrology of River Basins (2009), Groudwater Hydrology of Aquifers (2010), and Groudwater Hydrology of Wetlands (2010).
First utilized as a primary source of drinking water in the ancient world, springs continue to supply many of the world?s cities with water. In recent years their long-term sustainability is under pressure due to an increased demand from groundwater users. Edited by two world-renowned hydrologists, Groundwater Hydrology of Springs: Theory, Management, and Sustainability will provide civil and environmental engineers with a comprehensive reference for managing and sustaining the water quality of Springs. With contributions from experts from around the world, this book cover many of the world's largest springs, providing a unique global perspective on how engineers around the world are utilizing engineering principles for coping with problems such as: mismanagement, overexploitation and their impacts both water quantity and quality. The book will be divided into two parts: part one will explain the theory and principles of hydrology as they apply to Springs while part two will provide a rare look into the engineering practices used to manage some of the most important Springs from around the world.
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Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
L.P. Dake,
Elsevier Science
ISBN: 044441830X
444 pages
PDF 4,1 MB
"This book is fast becoming the standard text in its field", wrote a reviewer in the Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology soon after the first appearance of Dake's book. This prediction quickly came true: it has become the standard text and has been reprinted many times. The author's
aim - to provide students and teachers with a coherent account of the basic physics of reservoir engineering - has been most successfully achieved. No prior knowledge of reservoir engineering is necessary. The material is dealt with in a concise, unified and applied manner, and only the simplest and most straightforward mathematical techniques are used. This low-priced paperback edition will continue to be an invaluable teaching aid for years to come
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Spreadsheet with American, British & European Structural Steel Profiles.
All are combined here in one file for quick access.
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