Why Vibration in Continuous Media ? Three aspects are developed in this book: modeling, a description of the phenomena and computation methods. A particular effort has been made to provide a clear understanding of the limits associated with each modeling approach. Examples of applications are used throughout the book to provide a better understanding of the material presented .to download Vibration in Continuous Media
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Bridge and
Highway Structure Rehabilitation & Repair
This authoritative volume offers up-to-date guidance on the latest design techniques, repair methods, specialized software, materials, and advanced maintenance procedures for bridges and highway structures. Focusing on both traditional and nontraditional design issues, Bridge and Highway Structure Rehabilitation and Repair clarifies the most recent AASHTO bridge design codes and discusses new analytical and design methodologies, such as the application of load and resistance factor design (LRFD). A wealth of concise explanations, solved examples, and in-depth case studies are included in this comprehensive resource.
* Diagnostic design and selective reconstruction
* Bridge failure studies and safety engineering
* Analytical approach to fracture and failure
* Load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) and redesign
* Application of LRFD and LRFR methods
* Inspection and structural health monitoring
* Bridge widening and replacement strategies
* Conventional repair methods
* Advanced repair methods
* Concrete repair methods
* Extreme events of flood scour and countermeasures design
* Guidelines for seismic design and retrofit methods
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i am looking for a book of title:
The manual of bridge engineering
By M. J. Ryall, G. A. R. Parke, J. E. Harding .
it's existed on google books store but i need download link
Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Structures
This manual, which is comprised of two parts, represents the most current state-of-practice in assessing the vulnerability of highway structures to the effects of earthquakes, and implementing retrofit measures to improve performance.
Part 1 – Bridges: FHWA-HRT-06-032
Part 1 of this manual focuses on highway bridges, and is a replacement for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) publication "Seismic Retrofitting Manual for Highway Bridges" which was published in 1995 as report FHWA-RD-94-052. Revisions have been made to include current advances in earthquake engineering, field experience with retrofitting highway bridges, and the performance of bridges in recent earthquakes. It is the result of several years of research with contributions from a multidisciplinary team of researchers and practitioners. In particular, a performance-based retrofit philosophy is introduced similar to that used for the performance-based design of new buildings and bridges. Performance criteria are given for two earthquake ground motions with different return periods, 100 and 1000 years. A higher level of performance is required for the event with the shorter return period (the lower level earthquake ground motion) than for the longer return period (the upper level earthquake ground motion). Criteria are recommended according to bridge importance and anticipated service life, with more rigorous performance being required for important, relatively new bridges, and a lesser level for standard bridges nearing the end of their useful life. Minimum recommendations are made for screening, evaluation and retrofitting according to an assigned Seismic Retrofit Category. Bridges in Category A need not be retrofitted whereas those in Categories B, C and D require successively more rigorous consideration and retrofitting as required. Various retrofit strategies are described and a range of related retrofit measures explained in detail, including restrainers, seat extensions, column jackets, footing overlays, and soil remediation.
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Part 2 – Structures, Slopes, Tunnels, Culverts, and Roadways: FHWA-HRT-05-067
Part 2 of this manual includes new procedures for determining the seismic vulnerability of other important highway system structures such as retaining structures, slopes, tunnels, culverts, and roadways. Guidance is provided for various systems.
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Bayesian methods are a powerful tool in many areas of science and engineering, especially statistical physics, medical sciences, electrical engineering, and information sciences. They are also ideal for civil engineering applications, given the numerous types of modeling and parametric uncertainty in civil engineering problems. For example, earthquake ground motion cannot be predetermined at the structural design stage. Complete wind pressure profiles are difficult to measure under operating conditions. Material properties can be difficult to determine to a very precise level - especially concrete, rock, and soil. For air quality prediction, it is difficult to measure the hourly/daily pollutants generated by cars and factories within the area of concern. It is also difficult to obtain the updated air quality information of the surrounding cities. Furthermore, the meteorological conditions of the day for prediction are also uncertain. These are just some of the civil engineering examples to which Bayesian probabilistic methods are applicable.
* Familiarizes readers with the latest developments in the field
* Includes identification problems for both dynamic and static systems
* Addresses challenging civil engineering problems such as modal/model updating
* Presents methods applicable to mechanical and aerospace engineering
* Gives engineers and engineering students a concrete sense of implementation
* Covers real-world case studies in civil engineering and beyond, such as:
o structural health monitoring
o seismic attenuation
o finite-element model updating
o hydraulic jump
o artificial neural network
o air quality prediction
* Includes other insightful daily-life examples
* Companion website with MATLAB code downloads for independent practice
* Written by a leading expert in the use of Bayesian methods for civil engineering problems
This book is ideal for researchers and graduate students in civil and mechanical engineering or applied probability and statistics. Practicing engineers interested in the application of statistical methods to solve engineering problems will also find this to be a valuable text.
MATLAB code and lecture materials for instructors available at wiley.com/go/yuen (edited by author)
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Taylor & Francis | 2005 | ISBN: 0415372127 | 246 pages | PDF | 12,7 MB
The Sand Compaction Pile or (SCP) method is used frequently in construction to form compacted sand piles by vibration, dynamic impact or static excitation in soft ground. Originally developed in Japan to improve stability or compressibility and to prevent liquefaction failure in loose sand, the SCP method is now often applied to soft clay ground to ensure stability and reduce ground settlement. This book presents detailed descriptions of design, execution, quality control, equipment and assurance aspects of the SCP method, illustrating the theory with case studies from around Japan and also including a thorough overview of the existing literature on research and development carried out since the 1950s. Two final chapters cover vital aspects of design procedures for clay and sandy ground to enable practitioners to frame an appropriate set of parameters for durable and cost-efficient design.
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The 3 first pages are not showing (Preface and part of the index). All others be Ok!
Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining
Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining
Roger Marjoribanks
# Print Length: 128 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (July 31, 1997)
# Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
# Language: English
This practical step-by-step guide describes the key geological field techniques needed by today's exploration geologists involved in the search for metallic mineral deposits. The techniques described are fundamental to the collection, storage and presentation of geological data and their use to locate ore. This book explains the various tasks which an exploration geologist is asked to perform in the sequence in which they might be employed in an actual exploration project. Hints and tips are given and the steps are illustrated with numerous examples drawn from real programmes on which the author has worked. Traditional skills are emphasised to show how they can be combined effectively with modern high-technology approaches.
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This text/CD package combines the fundamentals of geotechnical engineering with an interactive multimedia CD to enhance learning and retention. Readers will learn to understand the physical and mechanical properties of soils; determine parameters from soil testing to characterize soil properties, soil strength, and soil deformations; and to apply the principles of Soil Mechanics to analyze and design simple geotechnical systems. Critical state soil mechanics is included. The CD contains multimedia interactive animations of the essential concepts of soil mechanics and foundations, interactive visualization of mathematical models (e.g. consolidation, critical state models, etc.), virtual laboratories (students can conduct soil tests, interpret the results and apply the results to practical situations using 3-D simulated apparatus; these labs are independent of time and location, the students conduct all the procedures as if he/she were in a real laboratory, and can explore "what-if" situations), digital videos, a glossary, notation, quizzes, notepads, interactive problem solving, spreadsheet links and computer program utilities.
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Handbook of Soil Analysis
Mineralogical, Organic and Inorganic Methods
by: Pansu, Marc, Gautheyrou, Jacques
2006, XIX,
993 p.
183 illus.,
ISBN: 9783540312109
About this book:
This handbook is a reference guide for selecting and carrying out numerous methods of soil analysis. It is written in accordance with analytical standards and quality control approaches.It covers a large body of technical information including protocols, tables, formulae, spectrum models, chromatograms and additional analytical diagrams. The approaches are diverse, from the simplest tests to the most sophisticated determination methods in the physical chemistry of mineralogical and organic structures, available and total elements, soil exchange complex, pesticides and contaminants, trace elements and isotopes.As a basic reference, it will be particularly useful to scientists, engineers, technicians, professors and students, in the areas of soil science, agronomy, earth and environmental sciences as well as in related fields such as analytical chemistry, geology, hydrology, ecology, climatology, civil engineering and industrial activities associated with soil.
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