STAAD PRO V8i (SS1) Ver 2007-06-35 English Latest Release
This is the latest release of STAAD Pro (June Release) Supposed to work on all Windows enveronments such as Windows7,XP,VISTA 32 and 64 bit versions
Hope old mdicine will work
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BS 8110-1:1997 Structural use of concrete. Code of practice for design and construction
Standard Number BS 8110-1:1997
Title Structural use of concrete. Code of practice for design and construction
Status Superseded, Withdrawn
Publication Date 15 March 1997
Withdrawn Date 16 April 2010
Replaced By BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
Replaces BS 8110:Part 1:1985
Amended By AMD13468 (TO BS8110-1 : 1997) AMD9882 AMD 16016 November 2005. AMD 17307 August 2007.
Supersedes Draft 00/108426 DC05/30135242 DC95/105430 DC
Descriptors Concretes, Construction materials, Buildings, Structures, Structural design, Loading, Reinforced concrete, Strength of materials, Framed structures, Beams, Slabs, Structural members, Shear stress, Columns, Walls, Stability, Stairs, Foundations, Reinforcement, Prestressed concrete, Precast concrete, Composite construction, Composition, Durability, Concrete mixes, Curing (concrete), Formwork, Finishes, Movement joints, Grouting
Note: This is the final BS8110 issued inlcuding all four admendments. Would think this is worth for collection even for non british based structural concrete designers. This standard has been around for 25 years and served many nations beyond UK in their developments.
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Robert Simpson, "Lighting Control: Technology and Applications"
Focal Press | 2003 | ISBN: 0240515668 | 576 pages | PDF | 32,3 MB
Robert Simpson's comprehensive volume covers all aspects of lighting control systems. It starts with two foundation chapters outlining the basics of electricity, light and electronics as they apply to lighting control. It then reviews all current artificial lightsources, and comments on their suitability for control. A section on lighting control components covers electronic and electromagnetic dimmers, ballasts and transformers. The next section reviews lighting control systems, including those for stage and entertainment, architectural applications, energy management and building control; and includes a chapter on control signals protocols. The final part is an extensive applications review, fully illustrated, covering everything from hotels and cruise ships to homes and churches; and taking in offices, factories, simulators, trains and planes on the way.
Lighting Control: technology and applications brings together information not otherwise available from a single source. It is intended as a training resource within the lighting industry, both for those completely new to the subject, and for those coming to it from another technical field. It will also be useful for lighting designers, consulting engineers and electrical contractors as a reference book covering current and emerging lighting control techniques - with special emphasis on new light sources and new digital control standards. Information, case histories and illustrations for the book have been provided by many leading lighting companies and organizations in North America and Europe.
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Philip A. Thompson, "Compressible Fluid Dynamics"
McGraw-Hill Education | 1972 | ISBN: 0070644055 | 640 pages | PDF | 20,6 MB
Philip Thompson died on March 23, 2001 at the age of 72 after a decade of being progressively debilitated by Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Philip was the author of Compressible Fluid Dynamics, a unique text that emphasized the general
nature of compressible flow. Phil was on the faculty at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute from 1960 until his retirement in 1993. Philip had a special interest in thermodynamics and compressible flow which he explored with his students and collaborators in research at RPI and the Max-Planck-Institut f?r Str?mungsforschung at G?ttingen in the 1970s and 1980s. The emphasis in these studies was the importance of thermodynamic state and real fluid properties on compressible flow phenomena such as nozzle flows, shock and expansion waves. He was among the first to realize the significance of the fundamental gasdynamic derivative to the existence of expansion shocks in real fluids and also the importance of retrograde behavior in fluids with large specific heats. Philip's major scientific achievement is arguably the demonstration of the richness of compressible flow with phase changes, exemplified by his discovery of partial and complete liquefaction shocks.
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Streamflow Characteristics (Developments in Water Science)
Streamflow Characteristics (Developments in Water Science)
Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | ISBN: 0444424806 | edition 1985 | PDF | 263 pages | 10,9 mb
Reliable estimates of streamflow characteristics are needed for planning, design, and operation of works for providing water supplies and for protection from flooding. This book brings together some of the most useful estimation methods - those that are simple, practical, and require only commonly available or readily obtainable data, and which give results comparable in accuracy with those derived from more sophisticated methods. The author describes how streamflow data are collected, how the characteristics are computed, how they are changed by man's activities, and how they are used in planning and design. Chapters describing statistical principles and techniques, and the effects of various climatic and physiographic factors on streamflow are included. The analytical methods are described in sufficient detail that the reader can apply them to his data. Further applications and other techniques are referred to in bibliographies.
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Limestone in the Built Environment: Present-Day Challenges for the Preservation of the Past
Limestone in the Built Environment: Present-Day Challenges for the Preservation of the Past (Geological Society Special Publication 331)
Publisher: Geological Society Of London | ISBN: 1862392943 | edition 2010 | PDF | 335 pages | 7,2 mb
Limestone is a highly successful and widely used building material, found in many important historic buildings and new monuments around the world. Whilst its success reflects its durability under a wide range of environmental conditions, there are still important questions surrounding the selection, use and conservation ofbuilding limestones. In order to make best use of new limestone today, and to conserve old limestone most effectively, we need to bring modern research methods to bear on understanding the characteristics of different limestones, what mortars to use, and how key limestones have responded to polluted atmospheres. This volume brings together recent inter-disciplinary research on these issues, illustrating the diversity of innovative techniques that are now being applied to furthering our understanding ofbuilding limestones.
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The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise by Gene Moriarty
Gene Moriarty, "The Engineering Project: Its Nature, Ethics, and Promise"
Pennsylvania State University Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0271032545 | 280 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB
We all live our daily lives surrounded by the products of technology that make what we do simpler, faster, and more efficient. These are benefits we often just take for granted. But at the same time, as these products disburden us of unwanted tasks that consumed much time and effort in earlier eras, many of them also leave us more disengaged from our natural and even human surroundings. It is the task of what Gene Moriarty calls focal engineering to create products that will achieve a balance between disburdenment and engagement: "How much disburdenment will be appropriate while still permitting an engagement that enriches one's life, elevates the spirit, and calls forth a good life in a convivial society?"
One of his examples of a focally engineered structure is the Golden Gate Bridge, which "draws people to it, enlivens and elevates the human spirit, and resonates with the world of its congenial setting. Humans, bridge, and world are in tune." These values of engagement, enlivenment, and resonance are key to the normative approach Moriarty brings to the profession of engineering, which traditionally has focused mainly on technical measures of evaluation such as efficiency, productivity, objectivity, and precision. These measures, while important, look at the engineered product in a local and limited sense. But "from a broader perspective, what is locally benign may present serious moral problems," undermining "social justice, environmental sustainability, and health and safety of affected parties." It is this broader perspective that is championed by focal engineering, the subject of Part III of the book, which Moriarty contrasts with "modern" engineering in Part I and "pre-modern" engineering in Part II.
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MathMagic Pro Edition For Ad0be InDesign v6.95 | 11 MB
MathMagic Pro Edition for Adobe InDesign is an equation editor mainly for use with Adobe InDesign software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features.
* Changed: The default height of Left or right Superscript and Subscript templates changed when there is no base character
* Fixed: Drag&drop or Pasting of MathML expression did not work when there were leading space characters.
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I've been training in a company called "Consolidated Consultants" for nearly a month now, and every single day I hear more about earthquake engineering .
started to read in the topic but I'm totally lost now,and every one that I ask says that its hard for a bachelor degree student to study earthquake engineering alone, but no way I'll take that for an answer .
Dear members who have studied earthquake engineering please give some advice about how to gradually start studying the topic,what are the best references to consider.
P.S. I took a look at what is in the forum concerning earthquake engineering but honestly I don't know where to start.