Roads and the Environment: A Handbook (World Bank Technical Paper)
Editor(s): Koji Tsunokawa, Christopher Hoban
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Date : November 1, 1997
Pages : 248
Format : HTML
Size : 2.68MB
Quality : Excellent
Language : English
ISBN: 082134031X,0821340318
Book Info
World Bank Technical Paper No. 376. Roads are agents of change and can be responsible for both benefits and damage to the existing balance between people and their environment. This handbook examines specific road projects ranging from minor rehabilitation and maintenance activities on existing roads to major works on new alignments. It provides a description of practical methods for designing and executing effective environmental assessments that are useful to those who are involved in various aspects of road projects, from planning to construction to maintenance.
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Environmental and Agricultural Modeling
Author(s): Floor M. Brouwer, Martin van Ittersum
Publisher: Springer
Date : 2010
Pages : 325
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 9048136180
Book Info:
Agriculture increasingly faces the challenge of balancing its multiple functions in a sustainable way. Integrated assessment and modelling (IAM) can provide insight into the potential impacts of policy changes. However, concepts to address the wide range of issues and functions typical for agriculture are still scarce. Environmental and Agricultural Modelling reviews and presents our current understanding of integrated and working tools to assess and compute, ex-ante, alternative agricultural and environmental policy options, allowing:
1. Analysis at the full range of scales (farm to European Union and global) whilst focusing on the most important issues emerging at each scale;
2. Analysis of the environmental, economic and social contributions of agricultural systems towards sustainable rural development and rural viability;
3. Analysis of a broad range of issues and agents of change, such as climate change, environmental policies, rural development options, effects of an enlarging EU, international competition, and effects on developing countries.
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GEOSTATISTICS EXPLAINED: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists
GEOSTATISTICS EXPLAINED: An Introductory Guide for Earth Scientists
Author(s): McKillup Steve, Dyar Melinda Darby
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date : 2010
Pages : 412
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0521746566
Book Info:
A reader-friendly introduction to geostatistics for students and researchers struggling with statistics. Using simple, clear explanations for introductory and advanced material, it demystifies complex concepts and makes formulas and statistical tests easy to apply. Beginning with a critical evaluation of experimental and sampling design, the book moves on to explain essential concepts of probability, statistical significance and type 1 and type 2 error. An accessible graphical explanation of analysis of variance (ANOVA) leads onto advanced ANOVA designs, correlation and regression, and non-parametric tests including chi-square. Finally, it introduces the essentials of multivariate techniques, multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis, analysis of sequences and concepts of spatial analysis. Illustrated with wide-ranging examples from topics across the Earth and environmental sciences, Geostatistics Explained can be used for undergraduate courses or for self-study and reference. Worked examples at the end of each chapter reinforce a clear understanding of the statistical tests and their applications.
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RIVERBANK FILTERATION: Improving the source water quality
RIVERBANK FILTERATION: Improving the source water quality
Author(s): Chittaranjan Ray, Gina Melin
Publisher: Kluwer academic publishers
Date : 2003
Pages : 395
Format : PDF
Size : 21.7 MB
Quality : Excellent
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 1402011334
Book Info:
In humid regions, river water naturally percolates through the ground into aquifers (which are layers of sand and gravel that contain water underground) during high-flow conditions. In arid regions, most rivers lose flow, and the percolating water passes through soil and aquifer material until it reaches the water table. During these percolation processes, potential contaminants present in river water are filtered and attenuated. If there are no other contaminants present in the aquifer or if the respective contaminants are present at lower concentrations, the quality of water in the aquifer can be of higher quality than that found in the river. In RBF, production wells —which are placed near the banks of rivers—pump large quantities ofwater. The pumping action creates a pressure “head” difference between the river and aquifer, which induces the water from the river to flow downward through the porous media into pumping wells.
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The purpose of this book is to introduce up to date knowledge of how to construct embankments on organic soil. Organic soil is a conception, which involves several types of soil from pure organic forms as peat and gyttja to transition forms towards the mineral soils, as clayey gyttja and organic clay. In the geotechnical practice, there is however not a generally accepted rule how to classify the organic soils into main groups. This book only covers questions relevant to organic soil. This means that much of the achievements reached during the last years about soft clay are not dealt with here as long as they are not relevant for design calculations associated with construction on organic soil. Embankments on organic soils are most often constructed for roads or for flood control dikes. There are dams for water retention as well as waste tailings dams founded on organic soils. In recent years temporary embankments have been utilized to preload the soft subsoil, including organic subsoil and in this way improving the bearing capacity before the structure is built. Such procedures are used not only for easily adjustable structures like e.g. coal yards but also for buildings. When an embankment is erected directly on soft organic soil layers, both stability and settlement problems will generally arise. The load increase and geotechnical properties of soft soil together with schedule of construction (available construction time) and acceptable future settlements are the important factors that govern the choice of construction method. Improvement of existing structures founded on organic soil create special problems. Formerly, the settlements of e.g. a road sometimes were of little importance and thus many roads were built as "floating" structures (on timber fascines) with a relatively low factor of safety. The textbook consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to the testing, calculation and general behaviour of organic soils under load and the second part to design and construction methods. The first part of the textbook thus presents
- Classification
- Field tests
- Laboratory testing
- Stability analysis
- Deformation analysis
- Road embankments
- Dikes e.g. for flood control
- Dams for water retention
- Preloading of foundations for structures
- Waste tailing dams on organic soils
- Widening of existing embankments
- Transition zones between settling embankments and stiff structures
- Land reclamation with soft sea beds.
The second part of this textbook is written in such a way that it shall be possible for a designer/contractor to pass over the basic chapters in part one. To improve the usefulness of the textbook, detailed examples are shown how to make evaluation and calculation.
Number of pages : 457
Year : 1996
Publisher Elsevier
Edited by
J. Hartlen and W. Wolski
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I am looking for some advice regarding strain gauging. I have not done any strain gauging in the past, so would like to purchase some basic introductory equipment so I can experiment with them and hopefully use them for jobs where we need to estimate the fatigue life of a certain location in a structure.
As I understand it, I would need:
1) Strain Gauges
2) Data logger
I am interested to hear if anyone has some suggestions on how what equipment to look at for a relatively cheap and simple setup. I am only looking at < $500 (US) as I will be buying it out of my own pocket and it is more just for learning purposes to start with so extreme accuracy isn't required, as long as it is reasonable.
I have been looking at the product below:
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Ideally I would prefer something that reads out measurements on a display in real time however I don't know if there is anything in my price range that would do this.
If I could get a few suggestions from others on what arrangements they have used that would be greatly appreciated.
The Oeresund Link between Copenhagen, Denmark and Malmö, Sweden includes presently the biggest and most heavily loaded cable-stayed bridge carrying both road and railway traffic. The near completion of this project was the occasion for an international conference on Cable-Stayed Bridges, in June 1999.
In addition to a comprehensive session devoted to the Oeresund Link, five other sessions, namely
- Design and Construction
- Composite Structures
- Cable-Stayed Bridges for Railways
- Stay Cable Technology
- Observation, Maintenance and Repair
permitted the presentation of some 70 further contributions. The
sessions were introduced by keynote lectures:
* History of Cable-Stayed Bridges
Niels J. Gimsing, Denmark
* Retrospect and Prospect of Cable-Stayed Bridges in China
Haifan Xiang, China
* Bridges with Multiple Cable-Stayed Spans
Michel Virlogeux, France
* Cable-Stayed Bridges with Special Features
Jörg Schlaich,Germany
* Stay Cable Technology Overview
Manabu Ito, Japan
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Design of Ship Hull Structures: A Practical Guide for Engineers
Design of Ship Hull Structures: A Practical Guide for Engineers
2009 | 578 pages | ISBN:3540884440 | PDF | 18 Mb
The authors have in particular introduced their experiences with the rapid increase of ship sizes as well as the introduction of ship types with a high degree of specialization. The associated early failures of these "new" structures have been analyzed to provide the readers with illustrations why structural design needs to be carried out on several levels in order to ensure that correct loading is applied and that local structural behaviour in properly understood.
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