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I would like to ask if anyone here had tried plotting stress contours in excel using its surface graphs. I wanted to plot stress contour of the soil bearing pressure of a rectangular footing with biaxial moment in excel. I had already found out all the necessary parameters of the footing like the location of the neutral axis & pressures of the corners. I just wanted to know how to do contour of the soil bearing pressure. 2D graphing would be fine as long as I can show the difference in pressures within the footing.
Any inputs, ideas and comments would be greatly appreciated.
This a request for ISO 2394. I had earlier requested for ISO 13822
which was responded by ir_71. ( quite favourably i might add) I'm very grateful indeed.
If anyone has I.S. 2394 on him/er, I request an upload.
This lecture notes describes the use of the flat dilatometer test (DMT) in soil investigations.The main aims of the course are :
* To give a general overview of the DMT and of its design applications
* To provide "state of good practice" guidelines for the proper execution of the DMT
* To highlight a number of significant recent findings and practical developments
Short Course in conjunction with
The International Conference on In Situ measurement of Soil Properties and Case Histories
In Situ 2001, Bali, Indonesia
* Instructors : Dr. Silvano Marcheti and Dr. Paola Monaco
* Number of pages : 78
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This is an excellent presentation from Pile Driving Contractors Association for those who wants to know more in a glance about the Driven Pile Foundation.
From a stick in the mud to a technologically proven tool, driven piles are as old as history and as new as tomorrow!
* Format : PDF
* Year : 2003
* Number of pages : 131
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Evaluation of Geotechnical Design Parameters Using the Seismic Piezocone
This report is an evaluation of the seismic piezocone for geotechnical design parameters. The seismic piezocone is a “direct-push” device that is hydraulically pushed into the ground at a constant rate of 2 cm/sec.
During penetration, the device measures the resistance at the tip and along the side. The device also measures the water pressure due to the soil penetration. Based on these measured parameters, a number of correlations have been developed to determine a vast number of soil properties that include; undrained shear strength, stress history, compressibility, and soil classification. Correlations have also extended to be used to estimate the SPT N-values (blowcounts). The device can also be used to conduct seismic testing in a similar manner to traditional downhole testing. This only requires a stop in penetration and approximately 30 seconds to create a shear wave source, measure the time for the shear wave travel, and save the data on the computer. Therefore, a device that can classify the soil, determine design parameters (such as the SPT N-value), and also be used to conduct seismic testing would be an extremely valuable tool in geotechnical engineering.
The objective of the study was to briefly introduce the NJDOT to the capabilities of the seismic piezocone (SCPTU). The testing results from a number of sites across New Jersey, and also New York, show that the device is extremely accurate at providing a soil profile and determining layers within the subsurface. However, difficulties in determining the differences between silt mixtures (clayey silt, silty clay, silty sand, sand with silt) are shown when comparing to laboratory soil classification procedures. The SCPTU N-value comparison to actually measured N-values from an SPT drill rig show good agreement, however, since the SCPTU eliminates operator error from the test, results from individual sites show better consistency than the drill rig values. It must also be noted that the SPT determined N-values must corrected to 60% applied energy. The SCPTU shear wave profile compared quite favorably to traditionally used crosshole and downhole testing, proving that the SCPTU can be utilized as a seismic testing tool. Developed correlations, based on CPT penetration data, were also evaluated and shown to be quite accurate at estimating the shear wave velocity. However, the equations are soil based, either sand or clay type soils, and therefore must be used as such.
*Publisher :
New Jersey Department of Transportation
*Authors :
Dr. Ali Maher
Mr. Thomas Bennert
Dr. Nenad Gucunski
*Year : 2002
*Number of pages : 122
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Manual on Subsurface Investigations , National Highway Institute
This manual is the reference text used for the FHWA NHI course No. 132031 on Subsurface Investigations and
reflects current practice for such. The planning, execution, and interpretation of geotechnical site explorations in natural soil and rock are presented with regard to the design and construction of transportation facilities. The role of the geotechnical engineer in subsurface investigation, exploration methods, equipment types and their suitability are discussed. Various in-situ tests are presented, including cone penetration, dilatometer, pressuremeter, vane, and standard penetration. Rotary drilling and rock coring are reviewed in terms of the proper handling, transportation, and storage of soil and rock samples for laboratory testing. Geophysical wave and electromagnetic methods are covered. Laboratory index, strength, and stiffness testing are reviewed in complement to the field testing program. Geomaterial characterization requires the interpretation and correlation of engineering properties from the acquired field and lab measurements. The results are summarized in a geotechnical report with available geological, topographical, hydrological, and geotechnical data collected towards the analysis and design of earthwork structures and foundation design.
Authors :
Paul W. Mayne, Ph.D., P.E.,
Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E. and
Jason DeJong, Ph.D.
Publisher :
Federal Highway Administration
Washington, DC
Year : 2001
Number of pages : 304
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Posted by: eng-hiep - 08-07-2010, 01:53 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
I am searching this book : "Finite Element Code for Soil and Rock Analysis. A.A. BALKEMA/ROTT/BROOKFIELD. The Netherlands" .Does anybody have it ??? Please share for me .
This small presentation describes the advantages, the behavior and some descriptions of design of this system. It is very useful for the one that does not know the same one since it describes graphically very well the system.
Slides number: 47
Rar file size: 3.00 mb
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