please can any one upload all the manual series of asphalt institute or can any one upload the software of aasshtowares darwin 3.1 please i will be much greatfull....
Author: Robert de Levie | Size: 31,5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA | Year: January 15, 2004 | pages: 638 | ISBN: 0195152751
Excel is the leading spreadsheet both in its widespread distribution and in its computational features. In scientific research, spreadsheets are often used to organize and plot experimental results for reports and papers. Spreadsheets are also much-used tools in teaching some of the more quantitative aspects of science. This guidebook is different from the majority of existing Excel books in that it emphasizes the design of solutions to unique problems rather than simply the mechanics of spreadsheet use. Its focus is on the use of Excel to analyze numerical experimental data usually encountered in the physical sciences. The core of the book discusses the two primary approaches to scientific data analysis, least squares and Fourier transformation. Other cases in which experiments must be compared with the results of numerical simulations are also briefly discussed. Macros are presented as examples that readers can modify for their own purposes. The text is illustrated throughout with practical examples.
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Now it's easier than ever for woodworkers to get a perfect finish on every project! This book dispels the myths about wood finishing and explains exactly how and why every finish behaves the way it does.
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The art of finishing is best learned with complete, visual step-by-step instructions - and that is exactly what Taunton's Complete Illustrated Guide to Finishing offers you. Detailed process photography demystifies the process of finishing -- and you'll get the finish you want for all your projects.
Jeff Jewitt, a world-renowned wood finisher, provides an in-depth coverage of tools and materials and covers all of the key processes. You'll learn about everything from surface preparation to color matching. Especially valuable is the coverage of advanced and special techniques, not usually covered in general finishing books, including detailed information on adjusting color, disguising defects, toning, glazing, spray finishing and rubbing out a finish. This comprehensive finishing reference is the most complete and detailed book on the subject - and you will find it incredibly valuable no matter what your skill level.
Covers all the modern and traditional techniques for coloring and finishing wood.
Organized for quick access, makes it easy to find each technique.
Features over 850 photos and drawings illustrate the methods
Covers sanding and surface preparation, staining and applying topcoats, and final polishing.
How to Use This Book
SECTION 1. The Finishing Environment
A Space to Finish
Temperature and Humidity
Heating and Ventilation
Spraying Finishes
Spray Booths
Storing and Dispensing Finishing Products
Holding and Moving Work
Fire and Disposal Safety
SECTION 2. Tools for Surface Preparation
SECTION 13. Choosing a Finish
Evaluating a Finish
Brushing Basics
Special Situations
SECTION 14. Reactive Finishes
Oils and Varnish
Conversion Finishes
SECTION 15. Evaporative Finishes
SECTION 16. Water-Based Finishes
Hand Application
Spray Applicatioin
SECTION 17. Rubbing Out Finishes
Rubbing Out by Hand
Rubbing with Power
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Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) have been proposed for use instead of steel prestressing tendons in concrete structures. The promise of FRP materials lies in their high-strength, lightweight, noncorrosive, nonconducting, and nonmagnetic properties. This document offers general information on the history and use of FRP for prestressing applications and a description of the material properties of FRP. The document focuses on the current state of design, development, and research needed to characterize and ensure the performance of FRP as prestressing reinforcement in concrete structures. The proposed guidelines are based on the knowledge gained from worldwide experimental research, analytical work, and field applications of FRPs used as prestressed reinforcement. The current development includes a basic understanding of flexure and axial prestressed members, FRP shear reinforcement, bond of FRP tendons, and unbonded or external FRP tendons for prestressing applications. The document concludes with a description of research needs.
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Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials have emerged as a practical material for producing reinforcing bars and laminates for concrete structures. FRP reinforcing bars and laminates offer advantages over steel reinforcement in that FRP is noncorrosive and nonconductive. FRP reinforcing bars, grids, and tendons are being used for nonprestressed and prestressed concrete structures. FRP laminates are being used as external reinforcement for strengthening of existing concrete and masonry structures. Due to differences in the physical and mechanical behavior of FRP materials compared to steel, unique test methods for FRP bars and laminates are required. This document provides model test methods for the short-term and longterm mechanical, thermo- mechanical, and durability testing of FRP bars and laminates. It is anticipated that these model test methods may be considered, modified, and adopted, either in whole or in part, by a U.S. national standards-writing agency such as ASTM International or AASHTO. The publication of these test methods by ACI Committee 440 is an effort to aid in this adoption. The recommended test methods are based on the knowledge gained from research results and literature worldwide. Many of the proposed test methods for reinforcing rods are based on those found in "Recommendation for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures using Continuous Fiber Reinforcing Materials" published in 1997 by the Japan Society for Civil Engineers (JSCE). The JSCE test methods have been modified extensively to add details and to adapt the test methods to U.S. practice.
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and installation of FRP systems for externally strengthening concrete structures. Information on material properties, design, installation, quality control, and maintenance of FRP systems used as external reinforcement is presented. This information can be used to select an FRP system for increasing the strength and stiffness of reinforced concrete beams or the ductility of columns and other applications.
A significant body of research serves as the basis for this document. This research, conducted over the past 25 years, includes analytical studies, experimental work, and monitored field applications of FRP strengthening systems. Based on the available research, the design procedures outlined in this document are considered to be conservative. It is important to specifically point out the areas of the document that still require research.
The durability and long-term performance of FRP materials has been the subject of much research; however, this research remains ongoing. The design guidelines in this document do account for environmental degradation and long-term durability by suggesting reduction factors for various environments. Long-term fatigue and creep are also addressed by stress limitations indicated in this document.
These factors and limitations are considered conservative. As more research becomes available, however, these factors will
be modified, and the specific environmental conditions and loading conditions to which they should apply will be better defined. Additionally, the coupling effect of environmental conditions and loading conditions still requires further study.
Caution is advised in applications where the FRP system is subjected simultaneously to extreme environmental and stress conditions. The factors associated with the long-term durability of the FRP system may also affect the tensile modulus of elasticity of the material used for design.
Many issues regarding bond of the FRP system to the substrate remain the focus of a great deal of research. For both flexural and shear strengthening, there are many different varieties of debonding failure that can govern the strength of an FRP-strengthened member. While most of the debonding modes have been identified by researchers, more accurate methods of predicting debonding are still needed.
Throughout the design procedures, significant limitations on the strain level achieved in the FRP material (and thus, the stress level achieved) are imposed to conservatively account for debonding failure modes. Future development of these design procedures should include more thorough methods of predicting debonding.
The document gives guidance on proper detailing and installation of FRP systems to prevent many types of debonding failure modes. Steps related to the surface preparation and proper termination of the FRP system are vital in achieving the levels of strength predicted by the procedures in this document. Some research has been conducted on various methods of anchoring FRP strengthening systems (by mechanical or other means). It is important to recognize, however, that methods of anchoring these systems are highly problematic due to the brittle, anisotropic nature of composite materials. Any proposed method of anchorage
should be heavily scrutinized before field implementation.
The design equations given in this document are the result of research primarily conducted on moderately sized and proportioned members. Caution should be given to applications involving strengthening of very large members or strengthening in disturbed regions (D-regions) of structural members such as deep beams, corbels, and dapped beam ends. When warranted, specific limitations on the size of members and the state of stress are given in this document.
This document applies only to FRP strengthening systems used as additional tensile reinforcement. It is not recommended to use these systems as compressive reinforcement. While FRP materials can support compressive stresses, there are numerous issues surrounding the use of FRP for compression.
Microbuckling of fibers can occur if any resin voids are present in the laminate; laminates themselves can buckle if not properly adhered or anchored to the substrate, and highly unreliable compressive strengths result from misaligning fibers in the field. This document does not address the construction, quality control, and maintenance issues that would be involved with the use of the material for this purpose, nor does it address the design concerns surrounding such applications. The use of the types of FRP strengthening systems described in this document to resist compressive forces is strongly discouraged.
This document does not specifically address masonry (concrete masonry units, brick, or clay tile) construction, including masonry walls. Research completed to date, however, has shown that FRP systems can be used to strengthen masonry walls, and many of the guidelines contained in this document may be applicable (Triantafillou 1998b; Ehsani et al. 1997; Marshall et al. 1999).
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This document provides recommendations for the design and construction of FRP-reinforced concrete structures. The document only addresses nonprestressed FRP reinforcement (concrete structures prestressed with FRP tendons are covered in ACI 440.4R). The basis for this document is the knowledge gained from worldwide experimental research, analytical research work, and field applications of FRP reinforcement. The recommendations in this document are intended to be conservative.
Design recommendations are based on the current knowledge and intended to supplement existing codes and guidelines for conventionally reinforced concrete structures and to provide engineers and building officials with assistance in the specification, design, and construction of structural concrete reinforced with FRP bars.
ACI 440.3R provides a comprehensive list of test methods and material specifications to support design and construction guidelines.
The use of FRP reinforcement in combination with steel reinforcement for structural concrete is not addressed in this document.
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